Soviet Union news


Again and Again

National Review Online - 4 days ago

One of the depressing things about hanging out in journalism for a long time, or simply reading the Newspapers for a long time, is that nothing changes. Stories repeat themselves. I have made that point before. So even that is a repetition, and de…


Sarah Palin: Obama 'hell bent' on weakening America - 7 days ago

While appearing as a guest on the Laura Ingraham radio program Friday, Sarah Palin openly said what many believe: President Obama is purposefully weaking the United States. “What I believe that Obama is doing right now — he is hell-ben…


Howard Dean says Ronald Reagan had no accomplishments 'for the ages'

Christian Science Monitor - 9 days ago

Former Vermont Governor, Presidential Candidate, and DNC Chairman Howard Dean at the St. Regis Hotel in Washington, DC, Jan. 5. Fans of Ronald Reagan are preparing a variety of festive occasions to mark the 100th anniversary of the 40th president…



RealClearWorld - 3rd Jan 2011

So far, at least, the pessimists are proving correct. After a nearly two-year trial, Khodorkovsky, first arrested in 2003 and convicted of Tax Evasion in 2005, has been not only found Guilty (with former business partner Platon Lebedev) on theft a…


What the world needs is another action hero like... - 30th Dec 2010

He’s not Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he’s for sure not Jack Slater, but it’s hard to say if calling him the “ Last Action Hero ” is dissing Jack and Arnie, or dissing Vladimir.  That’s Vladmir Putin, the cur…


In Cuba, holiday cheer from Uncle Sam

Breitbart - 28th Dec 2010

Havana (Reuters) - Cubans who receive money from the United States are getting a cash Bonus this Holiday Season from an Obama Administration decision that should also cut the flow of underground cash between the two countries. The U.S. Treasury D…


In Cuba, holiday cheer from Uncle Sam (Reuters)

Yahoo! News - 28th Dec 2010

Havana (Reuters) – Cubans who receive money from the United States are getting a cash Bonus this Holiday Season from an Obama Administration decision that should also cut the flow of underground cash between the two countries. The U.S. Tre…


When Liberals in a Hurry Reach the Endzone

Ed Driscoll - 28th Dec 2010

No, this is isn’t a post about the president’s strange, sudden praise for Michael Vick — though I wonder if Bo is looking a bit worried these days. Back in the 1930s, American liberals excused the Communists of the Soviet Union…