The New York Times is having an utter hissy fit over the decision by leaders of the House of Representatives to recite aloud the Constitution to formally convene the 112th Congress. The left-leaning paper has run two editorials, the first condem…
Read more >>The New York Times is having an utter hissy fit over the decision by leaders of the House of Representatives to recite aloud the Constitution to formally convene the 112th Congress. The left-leaning paper has run two editorials, the first condemni…
Read more >>Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle will spend Thursday morning in a rare exercise: reading the U.S. Constitution on the House floor. After holding a 10 a.m. quorum call, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) will direct the time on the floor to al…
Read more >>Even before the new Congress opened for business, Democrats and Republicans on Tuesday began refighting the epic battle over Health Care reform and the House Republican plan to Repeal the new law next week. Incoming Majority Leader Eric Cantor (…
Read more >>Even before the new Congress opened for business, Democrats and Republicans on Tuesday began refighting the epic battle over Health Care reform and the House Republican plan to Repeal the new law next week. Incoming Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-…
Read more >>Democrats are preparing a spirited defense of the healthcare law in the face of Republican efforts to dismantle it. Statements from lawmakers, advocates and the administration reveal a multi-pronged strategy as Democrats prepare to deal wi…
Read more >>Here's a more political Health Care report, put together by the office of Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA). This one's more of a playbook for Democrats, who in 2011 and 2012 will be batting back GOP efforts to Repeal the Health Care reform law. For months…
Read more >>This week, the president and the GOP announced a $900 billion Deficit-financed package that includes, among other measures, an extension of Tax Cuts for Millionaires and Billionaires. After the past decade, we knew that Republicans were never se…