Tuition hikes could be in the offing for CUNY and SUNY Carl Paladino, who you may recall once talked about taking a Baseball Bat to Albany, says the Tea Party is not to blame for Jared Loughner, whom he called an anti-war, anti-Christian, anti-C…
Read more >>Senate Democratic Conference Leader John Sampson, who has been measured in his reaction to the recent defection of four senators, changed his approach during an “Inside City Hall” interview last night and went on the attack against his…
Read more >>Sen. Neil Breslin just spoke to Susan Arbetter on The Capitol Pressroom, and blamed overspending on staff and supplies by Democrats these last two years — Republicans estimate the amount at around $10 million — was due to a “fo…
Read more >>As Governor Andrew Cuomo is about to find out, it takes guts to break the mold in Albany. That's why a recent move by four Democratic state senators deserves admiration and congratulations. Last week state senators Jeffrey D. Klein of The Bronx…
Read more >>Corruption in the in Brooklyn Democratic party is a central problem for progressive groups in the borough, but the emergence of a new Caucus in the state Senate may provide a unique opportunity for reform. Infighting and self interests have paraly…
Read more >>ALBANY -- Sen. Neil Breslin has been tapped as deputy leader of the 26-member Democratic Conference, a post that requires him to coordinate the legislative flow on the chamber floor and serve as the second-in-command to Minority Leader John Sampso…
Read more >>Sen. Jeff Klein’s breakaway klatch of Independent Democratic senators announced proposals for saving money in government — which stemmed from the work of a Task Force Klein was involved in while still a member of the regular Democrat…
Read more >>Sen. Tom Libous this morning lamented the idea that the Assembly Democrats might try to tie a Property Tax cap to rent control, saying that might not be “healthy” and noting that such linkages have caused late Budgets in the past. …