Neil Breslin: ALBANY -- Sen. Neil Breslin has been tapped as deputy leader of the 26-member Democratic Conference, a post that requires him to coordinate the legislative flow on the chamber floor and serve as the second-in-command to Minority Leader John Sampson, D-Brooklyn. "I think it brings honor to the County of Albany that I have been selected as deputy minority leader, but it also means that I will have a great deal of work to do to make sure that we get out of the $10 billion Deficit while at the same ...
PHOTOS: Neil Breslin in pictures
VIDEOS: Neil Breslin in videos
Sources: Breslin on tap to be deputy leader
Two Senate sources told the Times Union that Sen. Neil Breslin, D-Bethlehem, is on tap to be named deputy Minority Leader. An announcement is expected later today or Tuesday.
The post was previously held by Sen. Jeff Klein, D-Bronx, but he resigned last year before leading a breakaway foursome to create an Independent Democratic Conference. Sen. Liz Krueger, D-Manhattan, had been in the mix for the post, many sources said, but apparently fell short. Elizabeth wrote last week that Sampson had &...
Sampson Consolidates Power Through Committees
Senate Minority Leader John Sampson released the full list of his ranking committee and leadership assignments today, revealing he is moving to shore up his support with three key constituencies within the conference: Hispanics, women and upstaters. As has been reported (H/T CapCon), Sen. Neil Breslin is Sampson’s new No. 2, replacing Sen. Jeff Klein, who stepped down from the post and then promptly bolted the conference, taking three fellow Caucasian Conservatives with him. So, that tak...
Here And Now
President Obama, who was supposed to be in Schenectady today, is headed to Tuscon, Az. tomorrow to attend a memorial service for the Saturday Shooting Victims. House members are considering adopting an enhanced security system that would make it easier for them to receive protection at home in their districts. “I believe Gun Ownership is an individual fundamental right,” Rep. Tom Reed said. “And regardless of the Regulation and prohibition you put on it, weapons are a fact of...
A.M. Roundup: How much do Cuomos aides make?
Good morning! One day of session down, six more months to go. Including today. Expect more negotiations between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders, or at least among their Staffers. And expect lawmakers to leave town tonight ahead of a coming Snow Storm. Here are the day’s headlines…
Larry Schwartz is paid more than everyone in Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s inner circle — including the Governor himself. (TU)
The legislative session began “with a whimper,” Rick writ...
Political Courage in Albany
As Governor Andrew Cuomo is about to find out, it takes guts to break the mold in Albany. That's why a recent move by four Democratic state senators deserves admiration and congratulations.
Last week state senators Jeffrey D. Klein of The Bronx, Diane Savino of Staten Island, David Carlucci of Rockland County and David Valesky of upstate Oneida County announced the formation of their own mini-caucus in the Legislature's upper house. That means they have seceded from the Democratic Senate conf...
Sampson, In Minority, Calls For Ethics Reform
Senate Minority Leader John Sampson, D-Brooklyn, called on the Senate to pass a variety of Reform Bills today, including measures that would ban those with business before the state to donate to political campaigns, have an independent commission draw the lines of legislative districts and have require lawmakers who are also lawyers reveal their clients.
Sampson, who is leading a minority conference of 28 Democrats (four Democrats are conferencing in an independent conference), pointed to the ...
To The State Senate Renegade Go The (Bigger Office) Spoils, At Least For Now
In what appears to be the most public perk of telling Senate Minority Leader John Sampson to take his leadership and shove it, Dissident Sen. Jeff Klein has some new official digs: The office space formerly occupied by Sen. Tom Libous when he was deputy minority leader. The head of the new four-person Independent Democratic Caucus, who was formerly Sampson's deputy Majority Leader, has moved into 413 Cap, as LoHud noted today. "It's clear that independence for Jeff Klein comes with...
Libous On Horse-Trading (Bad), Millionaires Tax (Maybe)
Sen. Tom Libous this morning lamented the idea that the Assembly Democrats might try to tie a Property Tax cap to rent control, saying that might not be “healthy” and noting that such linkages have caused late Budgets in the past. “That’s, I think, one of the things that has kept this place from moving forward in the past is that everything got tied into othe budget, everything got tied into one negotiation,” Libous said. “Everything got tied into one negota...
The Weekend That Was
A troubled 22-year-old College Student, Jared Lee Loughner, has been charged with trying to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, during a shootout that left 20 people wounded, six of them fatally. Here’s the Criminal Complaint against Loughner, who acted alone. Giffords lived through the attack and remains in critical condition. Giffords’ Chief of Staff is a Saratoga Springs native and was not hurt in the shootout. The House called a halt to all work in Washington. Being in the ...
Convicted NY State Senator Loses 1 Leader Post
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - New York state Sen. Kevin Parker, who was convicted of a Misdemeanor in a confrontation with a press photographer, has lost one of his leadership posts but keeps another one worth $9,000. The Brooklyn Democrat was acquitted of Felony Assault in the 2009 scuffle in which prosecutors said a New York Post photographer’s finger was broken after Parker grabbed his camera. Parker at the time was facing Foreclosure of his home. The photographer’s car was also damag...
Klavinuccilesky still waiting for TPPP
Sen. Jeff Klein’s breakaway klatch of Independent Democratic senators announced proposals for saving money in government — which stemmed from the work of a Task Force Klein was involved in while still a member of the regular Democratic conference — and insisted that governing was their focus, not a larger staff allocation or other perks.
“At this point, we announced the formation of the Independent Democratic Conference last week, and we were very clear: it’s about govern...
Document Drop: Senate Dems Committee Assignments
In the interest of equal time, we bring you Senate Minority Leader John Sampson's list of committee assignments after having reported earlier today on the picks of Majority Leader Dean Skelos, who as of yet, hasn't given any of those IDC renegades a lulu. Grab a ringside seat for the blazing battles stirring up City Hall, Albany and Washington. Throw your hat in the ring – get involved and send me your tips! Subscribe to the The Daily Politics's feed. For more fee...
New Senate caucus could become a force for reform
Corruption in the in Brooklyn Democratic party is a central problem for progressive groups in the borough, but the emergence of a new Caucus in the state Senate may provide a unique opportunity for reform. Infighting and self interests have paralyzed Democratic initiatives since the party took the senate majority two years ago. Republicans took back the majority last week. In response Senator Jeffery Klein has lead a defection followed by three other Senators, Diane Savino, David Valesky, and Da...
Assembly does ethics training too
I noted earlier that Senate Republican Majority Leader Dean Skelos has mandated ethics training for the Senate including elected officials and Staffers. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has also ordered such training for his staff.
But the Assembly, it seems, has done ethics training for members since 1984, noted Assembly Democratic spokeswoman Sisa Moyo.
“The first ethics training was in 1984,” said Moyo, who added that when Sheldon Silver became Majority Speaker in 1994 he made it mandatory for...
Gabrielle Giffords staffers, volunteers carry on in face of tragedy
As the House reconvened for the first time since Saturday's rampage in Tucson, Staffers and volunteers in Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' (D-Ariz.) Washington office did what they have done since the Mass Shooting -- persevere in the face of tragedy. Of the 20 or so Staffers in the office, eight have remained in Washington; the others returned to Arizona following the attack. Those currently in Washington are expected to travel to Tucson for Wednesday's memorial service and may stay in Arizona through ...
What the health reform repeal effort says about the 112th Congress
Members of the House of Representatives will vote next week on a bill to Repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, the health reform law that aims to cover the Uninsured through state Health Insurance exchanges, an individual coverage mandate, and an expansion of the Medicaid program, among other provisions. While the measure will probably pass the House, it is unlikely to be approved by the Democrat-controlled Senate, and even if it were to pass both chambers, the President has threatened t...
Why a Vote to Repeal Healthcare?
Although Congress has suspended its business due to the heinous killings of a mad man in Arizona, at some point it will reconvene and it will be business as usual. On the docket will be the Repeal of the Health Care Law, which was scheduled for Wednesday, January 12. Since the 112th Congress is now Republican-controlled, it is clear that there would be enough votes to pass a repeal. But in the Senate, Harry Reid and the Democrats are still in control, where he promised tha...
The biggest increase goes to
…Richard Bamberger, who has served as director of communications for Andrew Cuomo. According to state Payroll records, Bamberger was paid $140,000 in the office of Attorney General, and is now up to $169,100 working for the Governor’s office, after a 5 percent Pay Cut from the previous director of communications, Peter Kauffmann, who was paid $175,000. (People who held that post after Kauffmann’s Resignation never took the fully Salary budgeted for it. That includes Morgan Ho...
Larry Schwartz Makes More Than The Governor
The Times Union this morning reported on how even though Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top staff is taking a 5 percent Pay Cut along with the Governor, they are still largely making more than they did when they all worked in Cuomo’s Attorney General’s office.
But the paper reported there’s at least one exception to the 5 percent pay cut: Larry Schwartz, the former deputy Westchester County executive and secretary to former Gov. David Paterson. Schwartz has been retained, at least...
Pay shrinks under Sandoval
CARSON CITY -- Gov. Brian Sandoval's staff members will be paid less than their counterparts were paid under Nevada's last cost-cutting Governor. Sandoval on Monday released the annual salaries of his office staff. The Personnel Department, in response to a request, released the pay of Cabinet members. The information shows his Chief of Staff, former Assembly Minority Leader Heidi Gansert, R-Reno, will be paid $124,988 a year, which is less than the $133,340 that Gov. Jim Gibbons paid his Chief ...
How to Convince a Manger to Hire You
Tim Tyrell-Smith
Hiring managers are in a tough spot. With smaller budgets and fewer hiring opportunities, every job offer counts. And the pressure builds when several people have their hands in a hiring decision and department executives focus heavily on significant ROI for new hires. A poor hiring decision is felt for months or even years.
That means hiring managers are cautious. And if they cross the line to indecisive, the interview and offer process can drag out for you, the job Candidate...
Reid ignores reality on Social Security
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says the Social Security program is "fine." How discouraging that someone who'll ignore an impending catastrophe for political reasons retains such a lofty position.
Interviewed Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," Reid said he's bothered that people "run to Social Security" when "we start talking about the Debt." "Social Security is a program that works and it's going to be, it's fully funded for the next 40 years. (So) st...
Obama's congressional companions
President Barack Obama is taking a full crew of House lawmakers with him to Tucson, Ariz., Wednesday.
In addition to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Republican Reps. Paul Gosar, Trent Franks, Ben Quayle, Dave Schweikert and Jeff Flake will travel aboard Air Force One to Tucson with the president for the ceremony to honor Victims of the massacre last week.
Gosar and Schweikert are two Arizona Republicans who beat Democrats in 2010.
Sea Change Questioned
Doug Grow’s post is insulting to thinking Minnesotans. This is what jumped off the page at me:
Neither of these bills, it should be noted, does anything to deal immediately with the big problem most believe this Legislature is dealing with: a $6.2 billion Budget Deficit.
If Grow means that neither bill had a list of specific Budget cuts, then I’ll agree with Grow. If he means that King’s bill won’t have a major impact on setting Budget priorities by making state departme...
Congresswoman Wants to Kill the Phrase Job Killing
Despite the complete and thorough debunking of the media’s attempt to link common political discourse with the actions of a deranged lunatic in Tucson, one Congresswoman is taking politically correct Rhetoric to ridiculous lows (h/t Michelle Malkin). Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) took to the Huffington Post to voice her opinion on the Gabrielle Giffords Assassination attempt. She starts harmlessly enough admitting that, “We don’t know what prompted the shooter … to kill i...
Pentagon Seeks Largest Budget Ever
Massive Fire on Washington State Reservation Destroys 20 Homes
Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll Second Time
U.S., Israel Welcome Egyptian Army's Commitment to Democracy
Ukrainian-Born Man Involved in Stabbing Rampage
Illegal Immigrant Accused of Killing 3 in Virginia
Abramoff Business Partner Jailed for 20 months
CPAC Meets in Washington
Robert Gibbs Departs As White House Press Secretary
Egypt Rejoices as Mubarak Steps Down
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