Over the last six months, Media Matters has narrowed its focus to almost a single point: Glenn Beck’s Rhetoric, they argue, incites violence. CEO David Brock leads with this argument in his highly critical response to Sarah Palin’s v…
Read more >>Sheriff Dupnik’s comments immediately after the horrific weekend shootings wherelaid the blame on conservative Talk Radio have caused the American left and right even further apart. Though there is no proof that the suspect Jared Loughner ev…
Read more >>As I reported on the main site today, conservative media figures’ fears that the left will use Tucson to clamp down on them are not entirely unfounded. Rep. Jim Clyburn wants to bring back the Fairness Doctrine – a move aimed direct…
Read more >>The view from our front porch at daybreak this morning: Deck cranes of the container ship "West Bay" out of Hong Kong catch the sun's early rays dockside at Eastern Minerals across the street. "It looks like the vitriol spinne…
Read more >>David Brock (r) and friends. (Hey, is that Bawney Fwank I see?) Oh please. Now David Brock has his panties in a bunch because Beck used vampire imagery and compared him to a “smelly kid in third grade.” (Media Matters) — Today, i…
Read more >>In a letter delivered to News Corp.CEO Rupert Murdoch Monday afternoon, and obtained by TPM, Media Matters founder David Brock says the time has come for Fox News to take responsibility for its programming. Specifically, Brock is calling on Murd…
Read more >>CNN has gotten a lot of flak from liberal quarters for its decision to team up with the Tea Party Express for its Republican presidential primary debate. On Tuesday, Media Matters founder and CEO David Brock sent a letter to CNN/U.S. chief Ken J…
Read more >>It takes only an instant for a visitor to Media Matters for America's headquarters in downtown Washington to sense its mission, if not its methods. A few steps into its modern offices, which resemble a newspaper newsroom, a pair of prominently d…