"Larry King Live" draws 2.2 million for last show

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Larry King, Sean Hannity
CNN, Hollywood Reporter
Los Angeles
Cable News

Larry King: Los Angeles (Hollywood Reporter) - Larry King went out with a (Ratings) bang.

PHOTOS: Larry King in pictures

More than 2.2 million tuned in to watch King's final CNN show on Thursday night.

VIDEOS: Larry King in videos

That may not sound like a huge number, but it was up more than 100% compared to the previous night. King even beat Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity, the perennial 9 p.m. Cable News, for total tune-in. Hannity was watched by 2.1 million. But Hannity did beat King among news' target demographic of 25-54 year olds (543,000 vs. 530,000). (Edit...

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Mauricio Donoso posted 16th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Hasta siempre Larry King . Gran voz de la Cable News Network

Cineme posted 17th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Veteran US broadcaster Larry King presents the final edition of his long-running CNN talk show after 25 years with the cable news channel.

Francis Media UK posted 17th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Veteran US broadcaster Larry King presents the final edition of his long-running CNN talk show after 25 years with the cable news channel

Kiran Kumar Karlapu posted 17th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Veteran US broadcaster Larry King has presented the final edition of his long-running CNN talk show after 25 yrs with the cable news channel

Andrew Borowick posted 17th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Larry king and wolf blitzer. Can cable news find any two more odd looking humans to be the face of their broadcasting?

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