Chris Matthews: Chris Matthews is just sure that if he yells loud enough, his fantasies will come true.
PHOTOS: Chris Matthews in pictures
While ridiculing others for lack of historical, geographical or scientific knowledge, Chris reveals himself to be nearly illiterate on all 3 counts.
VIDEOS: Chris Matthews in videos
He has: Wondered why “frogmen” like “in Captain Nemo” didn’t plug the BP Oil Spill at twice the depth that would crush a Nuclear Submarine, Insisted that Redcoats were tried in an American civil court for the Boston Massacre when M...
Mark Levin to liberal media: Blame me for the shooting and get sued
Irresponsible media types began blaming Conservatives for the Tucson shooting almost moments after it happened. But one conservative talker is not going to sit still and take the abuse. Newsbusters' Noel Sheppard reports Friday that conservative Talk Show host and attorney Mark Levin issued a stern warning to liberal media personalities. Anyone who tries to tie him to the shooting will get sued. Now I’m going to tell you something. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I will....
The madness of cross hairs, shots in the foot and the civility of blame
Does Sarah Palin have blood on her hands? Does she? Answer the question! Or the Tea Party for that matter? Care to blame someone not already mentioned? If, God forbid, Sarah Palin is ever put in the cross hairs of some perverted assassin’s weapon will the Left accept her blood on their own hands? Will you accept the responsibility of your own complicity in that act by virtue of the incontinent words with which you have chosen to condemn her? You were all so quick to assign the blame for th...
MSNBC Exonerates Jared Loughner
Jared Loughner almost certainly had never heard of Sarah Palin back in 2007 when he first developed the psychotic fixation on Gabrielle Giffords that climaxed in mass Murder. He did not follow the news, and there is no evidence whatsoever that he was motivated in any way by any conservative. But that's not going to stop MSNBC from exploiting the tragedy. Spinning the news is behind this astonishingly vile network. Now they invent it out of whole cloth. Check out the graphic they've been running ...
Calmer voices speak out after Palin Facebook video flap
It is interesting the way the left pores over every word and phrase used by Conservatives while allowing liberals to get away with saying just about anything as they are in agreement with the liberal thought. The latest case in point is the huge hypocritical outcry over Sarah Palin's use of the phrase "blood Libel" in her Facebook video responding to those who placed blame for Saturday's shooting tragedy in Arizona squarely at her feet. The aftermath of that shooting finds Congresswoman Gabriell...
Murder Mac and Cheese. Your Neighbor is Suspect
Monday? This leftist blood Libel started on Saturday. Meghan Daum, LA Times visits the op-ed page of the Chicago Tribune:
If only we could go back to Monday. Discussions about Saturday's shootings in Tucson, Ariz., which killed six and wounded 13, including Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, were so much simpler then: inflamed, righteous and deliciously partisan in a comfort-food kind of way.
The fallout from the tragedy took a neat and predicta...
In Wake of Arizona Shooting, Media Needs to Find the Forgotten Majority
"There is a need for some reflection here: What is too far now? What was too far when Oklahoma City happened is accepted now. There's been a desensitizing. These town halls and cable TV and Talk Radio, everybody's trying to outdo each other."
Those were the words of an unnamed Republican senator after America's latest shooting rampage, this one a political Assassination attempt in Tucson, Ariz. How sad-and telling-that the lawmaker refused to attach his or her name to such an important truism...
David Brock Explains to Chris Matthews That Beck Has Been Responsible for Three Thwarted Assassination Attempts
Apparently Chris Matthews doesn't follow any of Media Matters reporting or what David Neiwert and others have been documenting here at Crooks and Liars for some time now since he appeared to be completely unaware that there have been numerous Assassination attempts where the perpetrators were fans of Glenn Beck. Heaven forbid that might entail some time... you know... reading and researching a bit instead of talking over his guests or repeating the latest Villager common wisdom talking points o...
Nancy Pelosi Doesnt Believe Ronald Reagan and Tip ONeill Were Friends
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi phoned in to talk to Chris Matthews. It sounds like they were talking about today’s nasty political atmosphere. Chris Matthews pointed out that at the end of the day, Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill were friends. Pelosi sniffed that she doesn’t really believe they were good friends, but she’d take Tingles’ word for it. So much for the new tone.
Via Breitbart
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The Right Word: Rush to judgment | Sadhbh Walshe
Conservative radio hosts, still reeling from the criticism of their incendiary style, took a stab at a more conciliatory approach. "This is mellow Mike Savage, a whole new approach in light of the Arizona problem. We don't want to upset any of the ninnies in Congress, so we're going to do Mellow Mike on the Savage Nation. We don't want the Prozac congressmen to go get a double dose." [Listen to clip.] But his mellow mood could not long withstand news that Republican Congressman Peter King is pla...
Arizona Shooting Sparks Internet Death Threats Against Sarah Palin
Friday, January 14, 2011
By Matt Cover
Sarah Palin signs copies of her book, "America By Heart," in Little Rock, Ark., on Nov. 30, 2010. (AP File Photo/Brian Chilson)
( - The Jan. 8 attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and subsequent media focus on campaign metaphors used by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) sparked calls for the prominent Republican’s Assassination on the Social Networking site Twitter.
Approximately 50 of the threats were compiled in ...
Mark Levin Challenges Chris Matthews, Threatens To Sue (Audio)
Levin: “I challenge Chris Matthews, I’ll put $100,000 on the table, to find any example where Sarah Palin has promoted the Murder of anybody.” And the same offer exists if Matthews can find an example where Levin himself advocated for the Murder of a politician or of anyone who disagrees with him politically.
"Anybody who accuses me of inciting mass Murder in Tucson Arizona is gonna be sued, period"..."You think I'm kidding, try me"
Radio Host Mark Levin Challenges Chris Matthews, Threatens To Sue Any MSNBC Host
Conservative radio host Mark Levin is tired of baseless accusations being hurled at himself and at Sarah Palin, and is now putting some money up in a challenge specifically to MSNBC host Chris Matthews.
Levin said on his Radio Show, “I challenge Chris Matthews, I’ll put $100,000 on the table, to find any example where Sarah Palin has promoted the Murder of anybody.” And the same offer exists if Matthews can find an example where Levin himself advocated for the Murder of a poli...
Chris Matthews: Hey, Let's Profile Bald Whiteys
Watch out Kevin. Video from last night's Hardball where Matthews wonders why cops didn't search Loughner's car when they pulled . . . Go Sen. Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) endorsed Reince Priebus this morning via a letter to RNC members: Dear RNC Members, It's difficult . . . Go Republican Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas has proposed some reductions in federal outlays -- hoorah! -- that amount to . . . . Go That's one of the key questions Rich Vedder poses in this op-ed, wh...
Video: Maybe Loughner watched Chris Matthews
Could this have been Jared Lee Loughner’s call? Probably not, but if Chris Matthews continues to go down this blood Libel road, he and his guest should be held accountable as well for even discussing the notion of another massacre of Americans for President Obama to use to regain a connectedness to the American People. An easier way, with no bloodshed, would be for Obama to govern from the center and according to the will of the consent of the governed, ins...
Video: Chris Matthews Sarah Palin is Going to be Erased
Video: Chris Matthews ‘Sarah Palin is Going to be Erased’
More violent Rhetoric from tingles Chris Matthews and encouraging violence from MSNBC. Tingles had his libtard pals Cynthia Tucker and Richard Wolffe on “Hardball” tonight and said:
“If she doesn’t get off of this and stop trying to have somebody else skate her off of it like Glenn Beck or this person Mansour, she is going to be erased”
“as a potential Candidate”
Imus Rips 'Angry,' 'Vile,' 'Psycho,' 'Spittle-spewing' Chris Matthews for Attacking Mark Levin
As NewsBusters previously reported, Chris Matthews on Tuesday blamed conservative Talk Radio hosts Mark Levin and Michael Savage for supposedly creating the climate of hate that led to Saturday's shootings in Tucson, Arizona....
Imus Rips 'Angry,' 'Vile,' 'Psycho,' 'Spittle-spewing' Chris Matthews
As NewsBusters previously reported, Chris Matthews on Tuesday blamed conservative Talk Radio hosts Mark Levin and Michael Savage for supposedly creating the climate of hate that led to Saturday's shootings in Tucson, Arizona. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values ...
Imus Rips 'Angry,' 'Vile,' 'Psycho,' 'Spittle-spewing' Chris Matthews for Attacking Mark Levin
As NewsBusters previously reported, Chris Matthews on Tuesday blamed conservative Talk Radio hosts Mark Levin and Michael Savage for supposedly creating the climate of hate that led to Saturday's shootings in Tucson, Arizona....
Daily Commentary Thursday, January 13th, 2011 Chris Matthews Blames Right-Wing Talk Radio
Seems like everyone has someone, or something, besides the gunman himself to blame for the shootings.
Daily Commentary - Thursday, January 13th, 2011 - Chris Matthews Blames Right-Wing Talk Radio: | Download
"Why Do You Keep Repeating It?" Pat Buchanan Ask Chris Matthews Why He Keeps Repeating What Sharron Angle Said About 'Second A
Pat Buchanan scolds Matthews: "Are you inflaming or informing?"...Pat says that people on the right see guys like you as on the fringe as 'birthers'....Buchanan says 'you keep repeating it, you keep repeating it'
Mark Levin Offers Chris Matthews $100,000 If He Can Prove Sarah Palin Promoted Murder
“I challenge Chris Matthews, I’ll put $100,000 on the table, to find any example where Sarah Palin has promoted the Murder of anybody,” says Levin....
Civility returns
The president received praised from all corners for his call on Wednesday to be more civil in political discourse.
Some people refuse to listen.
From Alex Beam of the Boston Globe, today: “Threats from the un-silent armies who take their marching orders from Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Fox News make for good bulletin board material at fund-raising time. There is, however, another current of thought within Public Broadcasting, being kept strictly on the down low: Public broadcasters — ...
Sarah Palins next speaking engagement is at Safari Club International
- Jennifer of Cubachi
The MSM is already calling it a gun convention, because that is how they want to drive the false narrative about Conservatives and guns.
However, Sarah Palin is set to attend a hunters convention in late January for a Speaking Engagement.
Sarah Palins next speaking engagement is at Safari Club International
Posted by Jennifer Caballero on Jan 14 2011 Filed under News & Opinion, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
The MSM is already calling it a gun convention, because that is how they want to drive the false narrative about Conservatives and guns.
However, Sarah Palin is set to attend a hunters convention in late January for a Speaking Engagement.
Union Boss: Yeah We’ll Talk, But Go Our Way or You’re a ‘Human Rights Violator’
As President Obama clucks his tongue at America for "pointing fingers" and "assigning blame" in our political debate, and as his friends on the Far Left ignore him and point their fingers and assign blame to the Republicans, Tea Partiers, and Sarah Palin, at least one union chief in Detroit is doing his part to add to the political vitriol by charging anyone that disagrees with him with being a "Human Rights violator." Oh, he's all about sitting down at the table and talking, he claims. Yet, Uni...
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U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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