The ginormous Tax Increase forced upon the people of Illinois this week made national headlines. Most people didn't realize it, except Governor Quinn, but the record-breaking tax hike was demanded by financiers from the far corners of the globe. I…
Read more >>I live in the city of Homer Glen in the Great taxing State of Illinois. I have said over and over we need to disconnect from the State of Illinois all counties except Cook forming the States of Illinois which will be just Cook County and South Ill…
Read more >>The people on the Titantic did not vot to hit the iceberg. People in Homer Glen did not vote for this, nor did the people of Will County. The takers in Illinois voted for this garbage. There are more people in Illinois taking from the Ta…
Read more >>Rahm Emanuel certainly has his share of powerful friends in Washington. But a Sun-Times report today suggests that he might have one pretty prominent enemy here in Chicago. Carol Marin's column yesterday described some of the characters in Emanu…
Read more >>Chicago Tea Party will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 5 at 7:00 p.m. at Blackie’s, 755 S. Clark, Chicago the feature speaker will be Cedra Crenshaw, the Mom vs. The Machine and former Republican Candidate for State Senate 4…
Read more >>CHICAGO (AP) — Illinois Congressmen Jesse Jackson Jr. says he’s a “public servant” not a “perfect servant.” The Democrat tells The Associated Press that even as he’s been dogged by links to disgraced forme…
Read more >>The Village of Homer Glen, is a 10 year old town with a conservative Mayor and a liberal board. This keeps the Mayor on his toes. Despite the board wanting to spend because they can, the Village is still in the black thanks to Conservative Mayor J…
Read more >>It's clear as I write this on Saturday afternoon that the junior Senator from Illinois, Roland Burris, isn't going anywhere. Like Rod Blagojevich, the man who appointed him, Burris has no shame. What he does have is an unwavering eye on the wor…