Tom Coburn: Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) warned Sunday of "apocalyptic pain" if the government does not change course on its spending patterns. "I told you the other evening, if we didn't take some pain now, we're going to experience apocalyptic pain.
PHOTOS: Tom Coburn in pictures
And it's going to be out of control.
VIDEOS: Tom Coburn in videos
The idea should be we should control it," Coburn told Chris Wallace of "Fox News Sunday." "We're not taking seriously the very real and urgent threat that will undermine the standard of liv...
Sen. Coburn: Apocalyptic Pain Coming If Government Spending Not Controlled Now
Senator Tom Coburn appeared on Fox News Sunday and sounded the alarm bills for out of control Government Spending and how the nation’s Debt very well could be the end of the American way of life as we know it. Coburn’s rare bluntness might be related to the fact that he also announced he will strictly adhere to a self-imposed limit and not run for re-election in 2016 after he completes his Second Term as Senator. Therefore, since he never needs to face the voters again, he doesnR...
No More Mister Nice Blog
So, on one hand we have Sen. Tom "I block 9/11 First Responders from getting Health Care" Coburn predicting doom unless spending is cut immediately.
Coburn, who said throughout the interview he was not trying to "scare" Americans with his Rhetoric on the Deficit, was then asked to give his worst-case scenario outlook for the American Economy.
"I think you'll see 15 to 18 percent Unemployment Rate. I think you'll see a 8 to 9 percent decline in GDP. I think you'll...
Coburn: Control Government Spending or Face 'Apocalyptic Pain' (Faux)
Source: Fox News
"Apocalyptic pain" from an out-of-control Debt could cause 18 percent Unemployment and a massive contraction in The Economy that would destroy the Middle Class, a leading Republican Deficit hawk said in an interview that aired Sunday.
Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., who recently issued a report on government waste, warned that the U.S. only has about three or four years to get its fiscal house in order or it could find itself facing Austerity measures seen in Greece, Ireland, Spain, P...
Sen. Coburn: Cut spending or face apocalyptic pain
Stumble This! Congress needs to cut spending now or face fiscal Armageddon later, one senator warned Sunday. Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) predicted "apocalyptic pain" if Congress does not enact major Spending Cuts. "If we don't fix the problems in front of us everybody's going to pay a significant price," Coburn told host Chris Wallace. The senator predicted that the US could face an economic crisis like the ones in Greece and Spain if changes aren't made soon. "I think ...
Zadroga bill: I'm fine being bad guy if it saves U.S., Sen. Coburn says
WASHINGTON - The Oklahoma senator who tried to scuttle the 9/11 health bill insists he wanted to wring out unnecessary costs, not deny benefits to seriously ill First Responders.
Republican Tom Coburn, the Senate's most relentless foe of excessive federal spending, told "Fox News Sunday" legislators must be willing to make politically unpopular decisions to avoid fiscal disaster for the country - like 15%-18% Unemployment.
"Just like on the 9/11 bill this last week," Coburn said. "I took all t...
Coburn: There Will Be 'Apocalyptic Pain' If We Don't Cut Spending (VIDEO)
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) amped up his Rhetoric on the dangers of Government Spending and Debt yesterday, telling host Chris Wallace, "I told you the other evening, if we didn't take some pain now, we're going to experience apocalyptic pain."
Coburn was on Fox News Sunday, and Wallace described him as something of an "alarmist" when it comes to the Debt and federal spending. Coburn agreed: "I think within 3-4 years, if we have not done the critical changes that we have to make, I think the confid...
Apocalyptic Pain and Picasso: Sunday with Tom Coburn
Apocalyptic Pain and Picasso
by digby
Tom Coburn put on quite a show today with Chris Wallace and everyone should pay attention:
Senate Republicans' "Dr. No" spending hawk warned Sunday that America would experience "apocalyptic pain" with 15-18 percent Unemployment and the "Middle Class destroyed" if it didn't get its fiscal house in order.
"If we don't fix the problems in front of us everybody's going to pay a significant price," Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said on "Fox News Sunday."
Coburn ...
Coburn: Fix the Economy or the Middle Class will be Destroyed
A rare bird serves this country in the United States Senate. Republican Tom Coburn (R-OK) has no designs on making a career out of politics and has flatly stated that this, his Second Term in office, will be his last. He’s a fiscal conservative and draws the ire of free-spending Democrats on a daily basis. They call him “Dr. No” because he refuses to spend the people’s money as if it grows on trees. He’s also wise enough to consider the ramif...
Coburn: Get Ready for 'Apocalyptic Pain'
Sen. Tom Coburn warned Sunday of "apocalyptic pain" if the government does not change course on its spending patterns. "I told you the other evening, if we didn't take some pain now, we're going to experience apocalyptic pain. And it's going to be out of control. The idea should be we should control it," Coburn told Chris Wallace of "Fox News Sunday." He added, "We're not taking seriously the very real and urgent threat that will undermine the standard of living in this country." You must login ...
Tom Coburn Preaches Austerity For Thee, But Not For He: Cut spending or face 'apocalyptic pain'
It's the growing meme throughout the traditional media and newly "fiscally responsible" Republican Party: we must prepare for Austerity. In fact, Sen. Tom Coburn is so sure that we must make deep, painful cuts (to the middle and lower classes, naturally) to protect the next generation that he warns of "apocalyptic pain" if we don't. I told you the other evening that if we didn't take some pain now, we're going to experience apocalyptic pain, and it's going to be out of our control. The idea shou...
Coburn predicts apocalyptic pain if spending isnt reined in now
Senate Republicans’ “Dr. No” spending hawk warned Sunday that America would experience “apocalyptic pain” with 15-18 percent Unemployment and the “Middle Class destroyed” if it didn’t get its fiscal house in order. “If we don’t fix the problems in front of us everybody’s going to pay a significant price,” Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said on “Fox News Sunday.”...
Coburn: If spending is not under control, we'll face 'apocalyptic pain'
- Jennifer of Cubachi
Senator Tom Coburn was on Fox News Sunday, and had a dire warning for the incoming Congress.
If they don't put their fiscal house in order, we can see 'apocalyptic pain' in the likes of Greece in a few years.
Senator Coburn (R-OK) warns of 'apocalyptic pain' without spending cuts (Video)
One of the leading Republican Senators sounded some serious alarm bells over the Christmas weekend concerning the dangers of the federal Deficit. In his interview on Fox News Sunday Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) made a number of ominous predictions for the American Economy if spending is not cut to reduce the Deficit. "I think you'll see a 15 to 18 percent Unemployment Rate. I think you will see an 8 to 9 percent decline in GDP. I think you'll see the Middle Class just destroyed if we don't do...
Coburn predicts 'apocalyptic pain' if spending isn't reined in now
Senate Republicans' "Dr. No" spending hawk warned Sunday that America would experience "apocalyptic pain" with 15-18 percent Unemployment and the "Middle Class destroyed" if it didn't get its fiscal house in order.
"If we don't fix the problems in front of us everybody's going to pay a significant price," Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said on "Fox News Sunday."
Coburn warned of the United States ending up like Greece or Ireland if proper Austerity measures aren't taken, or like Spain, Italy or Jap...
Tom Coburn: 'Apocalyptic Pain' Could Result If Spending Isn't Controlled
The Hill:
Senate Republicans' "Dr. No" spending hawk warned Sunday that America would experience "apocalyptic pain" with 15-18 percent Unemployment and the "Middle Class destroyed" if it didn't get its fiscal house in order.
Read the whole story: The Hill
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Coburn: 'Apocalyptic pain' if debt is not brought under control
My friend Larry Jackson of Political Realities posted this video of U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Muskogee) on Fox News Sunday, discussing the danger that our National Debt poses to America's fiscal future. I recommend watching the interview. Side note: I think Dr. Coburn's new beard is growing on me... ...
Video: Tom Coburn predicts 18% unemployment rate, destruction of middle class
Tom Coburn predicts 18% Unemployment Rate, total destruction of Middle Class. On an appearance on Fox News Sunday, one of the Senate’s strongest voices against wasteful spending and Earmarks, Senator Tom Coburn, again warned against massive and continuous Government Spending under the Obama Administration. Prompted by host Chris Wallace, who said that Coburn scares him quite often, to give specific predictions about where the US would be if Government Spending isn’t meaningfully curt...
Now That Tax Cuts For The Rich Are Extended, Coburn Calls On The Rich To Sacrifice To A Greater Extent
Earlier this month, after President Obama made a deal with congressional Republicans, Congress passed a bill to extend the Bush-era Tax Cuts for two years, in exchange for a 13-month Unemployment Insurance extension. Obama and most Democrats begrudged giving the rich more Tax Breaks, but Republicans rejoiced. Before the deal, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) fiercely advocated for extending the cuts for the rich. Despite the more than $800 billion cost to extend them, Coburn argued that Tax Cuts donR...
Record spike in EMU default risk on Portugal downgrade and Greek restructuring scare
The disputed claim came as Fitch Ratings downgraded both Portugal and Hungary and placed five Greek banks on negative review.
© Bloomberg News
Protesters shout slogans during a public workers strike in Athens
Fitch cut Portugal's rating one notch to A+, warning that The Economy is caught in a low-growth trap.
Plans to cut the structural Budget Deficit by 4pc of GDP next year "will be extremely challenging especially if, as Fitch expects, The Economy falls into Recession next year".
The ...
Spanish auto sector sector wraps up bleak year
Sales of new cars in the country plunged 25.5 percent in November over the same period last year to 64,515 units, the fifth monthly decline in a row, according to figures from manufacturers' association Anfac. While total sales in the first 11 months of the year are up 5.9 percent to 913,073 units, this is due to strong sales during the beginning of the year before the government pulled the plug on the subsidies programme in June. Under the trade-in scheme introduced in May 2009, the governmen...
Sen. Coburn Says Debt Is Dire If Not Cut
(NewsCore) - The US could face 15 percent to 18 percent Unemployment and a decline in economic output of up to 9 percent if political leaders in the coming years don’t make cuts to spending and slash the National Debt, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said Sunday. Coburn said international confidence in the US economy and currency would be undermined if the nation doesn’t start down a road to Austerity within three to four years. The senator was a member of the White House Debt-reduction pa...
Sen. Coburn rallies U.S. for spending cuts
WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 (UPI) -- Cutting the U.S. Budget Deficit can be accomplished in part through eliminating duplicate government programs, Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., said Sunday. Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Coburn said there were plenty of instances in which multiple agencies and bureaucracies ran programs that were essentially the same and could be whittled down without significant pain. Coburn recently released a book called "Waste Book 2010" listing a number of Earmarks and spending programs...
Obama Destined to Be a Footnote in Presidential History
Barack Obama has set a course that will leave his legacy as no more than a footnote in American presidential history. For all of the bluster and glory, for all of the pomp and circumstance, and yes, for all of the anticipated hope and the promised change, the whirlwind of hype and expectation surrounding the president a mere two years earlier has virtually dissolved.
He was the man destined to save this country from his predecessor's failures. He was the man who would end the war in Iraq, finish...
Coburn Sees Dire Scenario If Debt Isnt Cut
By WSJ Staff
The U.S. could face 15% to 18% Unemployment and a decline in economic output of up to 9% if political leaders in the coming years don’t make cuts to spending and slash the National Debt, according to Sen. Tom Coburn (R., Okla.).
“I think you’ll see the Middle Class just destroyed if we don’t do this,” Mr. Coburn said on “Fox News Sunday.”
Mr. Coburn said international confidence in the U.S. economy and currency would be undermined if the na...
Republican senator offers dire view of economy
Republican Sen. Tom Coburn says confidence in the country's economy and currency will be "undermined significantly" in the next several years if the government doesn't find a way to cut federal spending. Coburn says the U.S. must begin to chip away at the country's huge Debt and slash hundreds of billions from the Budget in wasteful spending or face the kind of severe fiscal crisis that has plagued Ireland and Greece. Coburn says all Americans must make sacrifices to secure the country's fiscal ...
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Fox News Chris Wallace accused Senate Republican Tom Coburn of being a debt alarmist on Fox News Sunday - Highlights on the news today
On the air: Sen. Tom Coburn discusses federal budget, hyperinflation, debt crisis, with Chris Wallace - Fox News Sunday