Internet Traffic news


Isakson condemns FCC over decision to implement Net Neutrality - 21st Dec 2010

Paulding County, Georgia - In Paulding County, there are a few media reporting entities of various types including the Paulding County Republican Examiner, The Paulding Sentinel, and a few blogs and the FCC’s decision today may have a …


Divided FCC adopts rules to protect Web traffic

Breitbart - 21st Dec 2010

WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal Regulators adopted new rules Tuesday to keep the companies that control the Internet's pipelines from restricting what their customers do online or blocking competing services, including online calling applications and We…


FCC Gives Government Power to Regulate Web...

Drudge Report - 21st Dec 2010

Please register to gain free access to WSJ tools. An account already exists for the Email Address entered. Forgot your username or Password? This service is temporary unavailable due to system maintenance. Please try again later. another account. …


Larry Magid: FCC Network Neutrality Rules Neither Socialism nor Sell-out

The Huffington Post - 21st Dec 2010

Despite what some politicians and pundits are saying, the FCC's vote on Net Neutrality is neither a government takeover of the Internet nor a complete sell-out to the telecommunications industry. Like President Obama who appointed him, FCC Chair…


Divided FCC adopts rules to protect Web traffic

Yahoo! News - 21st Dec 2010

WASHINGTON – A divided Federal Communications Commission has approved new rules meant to prohibit Broadband companies from interfering with Internet Traffic flowing to their customers. The 3-2 vote Tuesday marks a major victory for FCC Cha…


FCC adopts net neutrality rules

UPI - 21st Dec 2010

Published: Dec. 21, 2010 at 3:51 PM WASHINGTON, Dec. 21 (UPI) -- The U.S. Federal Communications Communication in a split vote approved rules that would bar Broadband providers from being gatekeepers of Internet Traffic. FCC commissioners voted 3-…


Dictator Obama Seizes Control of Internet

Atlas Shrugs - 21st Dec 2010

Mad with power. This power-mad president continues to power grab. And the subdued state-run enemedia couldn't be happier. The net has been the only outlet (along with Talk Radio) that actually reports the news. That does the job and tells th…


FCC lays down net neutrality rules but exempts wireless providers from some

VentureBeat - 21st Dec 2010

The Federal Communications Commission voted today to lay down a number of basic rules that ban Internet service providers from blocking specific content and help keep the web open. The new rules keep ISPs from blocking specific websites and other …