Net neutrality is the policy under which Internet service providers can't speed up, slow down or block web content based on source, ownership or destination. It has created a level playing field on the Internet, with an open platform that ha…
Read more >>Stop! Factor Time! In a discussion over Al Sharpton ’s attempts to have the FCC regulate “standards in regard to race and gender on publicly regulated TV and radio,” Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly told Megyn Kelly how…
Read more >>WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal Regulators adopted new rules Tuesday to keep the companies that control the Internet's pipelines from restricting what their customers do online or blocking competing services, including online calling applications and We…
Read more >>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A divided Federal Communications Commission banned Internet service providers like Comcast Corp from blocking traffic on their networks, provoking warnings the rules would be rejected in the courts and threats from Republic…
Read more >>FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski presiding over an open Internet meeting in March 2010. Photo Credit: Greg Elin In a closely watched vote, the FCC approved Compromise Net Neutrality rules Tuesday that would forbid the nation’s largest cable a…
Read more >>Please register to gain free access to WSJ tools. An account already exists for the Email Address entered. Forgot your username or Password? This service is temporary unavailable due to system maintenance. Please try again later. another account. …
Read more >>Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), a longtime advocate of Internet freedom, said she’s undaunted by the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to adopt Net Neutrality rules today. Instead, she thinks the FCC’s action will be a c…
Read more >>Mad with power. This power-mad president continues to power grab. And the subdued state-run enemedia couldn't be happier. The net has been the only outlet (along with Talk Radio) that actually reports the news. That does the job and tells th…