Citibank news


Twenty years of boredom

Balloon Juice - 17th Dec 2010

I haven’t finished beating the Peter Orszag Citibank thing into the ground yet, so here’s some more. Ezra Klein thinks the money wasn’t so important to Orszag, that Orszag would be bored by academic research, Think Tank work, w…


An Unfortunate Decision by Peter Orszag

The Atlantic - 10th Dec 2010

Last night, on the "Virtually Speaking" discussion about the media with Jay Rosen of NYU, we talked about the phenomenon of things that everyone in the press corp "knows" but that don't make their way into news stories or broadcasts. One such cat…


Conservative radio hosts claimed HUD said 5 million illegal immigrants were given subprime mortgages, despite HUD's reported denials

Media Matters - 13th Jul 2010

On October 10, Radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Lee Rodgers repeated a variation of the claim that on October 9, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reported, in Limbaugh's words, "that 5 million Illegal Aliens were given" Sub…


Another D.C. fundraiser for Rossi

Seattle Times - 7th Jul 2010

Dino Rossi will get another big D.C. campaign Fundraiser later this month, hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Political-action Committee. The business PAC is hosting a breakfast Fundraiser for Rossi July 27. The suggested donation is at le…


Wachovia Chooses Wells Fargo, Spurns Citi

The Wall Street Journal - 6th Jul 2010

By DAVID ENRICH and DAN FITZPATRICK Citigroup Inc.'s takeover of Wachovia Corp. was torpedoed on Friday when San Francisco-based Wells Fargo & Co. agreed to pay $15.4 Billion to buy Wachovia. Wells Fargo's offer upended the Government'…


Michele Bachmann: 'I'm Not Here to Shill for BP' But 'We Don't Want These Payouts to Become Political'

Crooks and Liars - 17th Jun 2010

You can view this video right here by getting the latest version of Flash Player! DOWNLOADS: (125) PLAYS: (364) Michele Bachmann appeared on John King USA and backtracked slightly from the statements she made at the Heritage Foundation lun…


Why Mr. President? Why Support Wall Street?

Booman Tribune - 17th Jun 2010

No this is not a post to bash President Obama. This is a blog post which raises an honest question about the Financial Reform Bill. That Legislation will do nothing to prevent another Financial Derivatives bubble like the one that cratered our …


3 candidates fail to file disclosures

The Commercial Appeal - 17th Jun 2010

WASHINGTON -- Three Candidates seeking House seats representing the Greater Memphis area failed to file required Financial Disclosure statements with the clerk of the House of Representatives, according to records released Wednesday. Former mayor…