John Stossel

Born: March 06,1947
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John Stossel news


BC-Standard & Poor's,0086

Washington Examiner - 8th Dec 2010

HighLowCloseChg.500Stocks1228.931219.501228.28+4.53100Stocks551.73547.41551.56+2.78MidCap400892.38884.32886.67—1.02SmallCap600408.40405.72405.77—0.73CloseChg.Yr.AgoValue LineGeometric363.08+0.44296.85Arithmetic2787.41+3.982165.07Russel…


Chasing Rainbows and missing them

Washington Examiner - 8th Dec 2010

Worstall has written quite an amusing book on the subject of how Green policies tend to backfire and make things worse. It’s a rather short book, that rather reflects his role as one of the world’s leading econobloggers. Tim, also an A…


BC-Index fut.

Washington Examiner - 8th Dec 2010

Standard & Poors Index and Nikkei 225 Index futures trade on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. NYSE Index futures trade on the IntercontinentalExchange. U.S. Dollar Index futures trade on the IntercontinentalExchange. Open High Low Settle Chg.S…


How the major stock indexes fared Wednesday

Washington Examiner - 8th Dec 2010

Stock indexes wobbled for most of the day Wednesday before turning positive in the afternoon. Traders expect the Tax Cut Compromise reached by President Barack Obama and Republican leaders to encourage growth in the U.S. economy. The Standard &…


Estate tax history

Washington Examiner - 8th Dec 2010

— The modern Estate Tax was enacted in 1916, imposing a 10 percent tax on the portion of estates above $50,000. — The rate peaked at 77 percent from 1941 to 1976. From 1942 to 1976 it was imposed on estates larger than $60,000. —…


Ethanol lobby wins in Obama-GOP tax deal

Washington Examiner - 8th Dec 2010

Income Tax Rates, Unemployment extension, Payroll Tax holiday, blah blah blah. For someone like me, looking for the hand of Special Interests in all political deals, the headliners in the Obama-GOP tax deal were yawners. But dig deepers, and there…


Rush's Thanksgiving

Andrew Sullivan - 25th Nov 2010

Stephen Budiansky passes along the latest nonsense from the loony right: According to the ever-reliable Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and various Tea Party websites, the original English settlers practiced a kind of collectivism is which all worked…


Intellect and Influence in NYC

National Review Online - 17th Nov 2010

Today, City Journal celebrated its 20th anniversary at a University Club luncheon. It was a gathering of New York right-world elites — reconstructed ex-leftists like Sol Stern, apostate academics like Professor Robert P. George, Judy Miller …