Lady GaGa

Born: March 20,1986
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Lady GaGa news


Michele Bachmann doesnt really know that much about Lady Gaga (Daily Caller)

Yahoo! News - 7 days ago

Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann and singer Lady GaGa both appeared on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Thursday, the congresswoman wearing white and the Grammy Award winning artist in a Condom outfit. Though Lady GaGa an…


Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Member of the Obama Wasnt Born in the US Party?

Michelle Malkin - 7 days ago

**Written by Doug Powers NBC’s David Gregory hit John Boehner with it over the weekend, and now grilling Conservatives about their beliefs concerning President Obama’s birthplace and faith seems to be an all-out media fad. I wouldn&#…


Speaking of the stimulus, taxes, and the economy, do you believe Obamas a Christian?

Hot Air - 7 days ago

Welcome to Non-Sequitur Central, otherwise known as ABC’s Good Morning America. George Stephanopoulos interrupts Michele Bachmann’s argument on Tax Reform and The Economy to ask a pressing question — whether Bachmann believes B…


Political Circus: Bachmann clueless about Lady Gaga

CNN Political Ticker - 7 days ago

Washington (CNN) - Politics is serious business, but not all the time. GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann, who may be eyeing a 2012 presidential run, told ABC's "Good Morning America" that she's pretty clueless about flamboyant music sensation Lady GaGa....…


Schwarzenegger critiques statue headed to Austria

The Daily Caller - 7 days ago

LEWISTON, Idaho (AP) — A 9-foot-tall statue depicting Arnold Schwarzenegger at the height of his bodybuilding career has received a final critique by the former Mr. Universe before it’s sent for bronzing. The former California Governor…


Christiane Amanpour On Middle East Protests: Freedom Fever Is Not Going To Stop

Mediaite - 7 days ago

It was a busy morning on Good Morning America as not only did Controversial lightning rods Lady GaGa and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann stop by, but ABC ’s own Christiane Amanpour snuck in to discuss the increasing unrest across the Middle E…


US-2012 President: 47% Obama (D), 44% Huckabee (R) (PPP 2/11-14)

The Huffington Post - 8 days ago

News4Jax N4J Video: Addressing The New Budget Plan: President Obama adresses the nation on the 2012 budget plan. CNNLive President #Obama talks about the newly introduced 2012 #budget at the White House. Live: https://on.CNN.c…


Yolanda Adams--She's Just Like Whitney! So Says Us Weekly in Getty Foul-Up

The New York Observer - 14th Feb 2011

An eagle-eyed Twitter user caught Us Weekly in an embarrassing mix-up last night—a story about Lady GaGa's Acceptance Speech shout-out to Whitney Houston was illustrated with a photo of last night's performer Yolanda Adams. The trouble may…