Obama Administration: Good Morning Conflucians!! Big news this week is the FCC ruling on Net Neutrality or in this case, the lack of net neutrality.
PHOTOS: Netflix in pictures
Yet another case of Obama handing over what is the people’s to the few rich and powerful.
VIDEOS: Netflix in videos
But before we get to that, another cowardly Obama move deserves notice. Namely how the administration is preparing for their own indefinite dentition order for “Terrorists”: The Obama Administration is preparing an Executive Order that would formalize indefinite ...
Weds. morning links
Have Feminists Gotten It All Wrong? Can a woman deviate from the fixed feminist-approved life path and still be a woman in full?
Obama's mystery proposal to regulate the Internet
Also, at WaPo: Hands off tomorrow's Internet:
Discouragingly, the FCC is intervening to regulate the Internet because it wants to, not because it needs to. Preserving the openness and freedom of the Internet is non-negotiable; it is a bedrock principle shared by all in ...
White House prepares executive order for indefinite detention
The Unitary Executive lives on in an Executive Order the administration has drafted for the indefinte detention of Guanatanmo Bay Detainees.
The White House is preparing an Executive Order on Indefinite Detention that will provide periodic reviews of evidence against dozens of Prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay, according to several administration officials.
The draft order, a version of which was first considered nearly 18 months ago, is expected to be signed by President Obama early in the New ...
They're Calling It Net Neutrality, But It Isn't
It's no exaggeration to say that this decision marks the beginning of the end for the Internet as we know it.
Senator Al Franken laid out what's at stake with this ruling, saying:
"The FCC's action today is simply inadequate to protect consumers or preserve the free and open Internet. I am particularly disappointed to learn that the order will not specifically ban paid prioritization, allowing big companies to pay for a fast lane on the Internet and abandoning the foundation of net neutralit...
White House mulling indefinite detention review order
The Obama Administration is actively reviewing an Executive Order that would set up a regular review process for Guantanamo Detainees who are neither released nor sent to trial, a White House official confirmed Tuesday evening. "A draft order is in process that would set up periodic review of the detention status of those Detainees who cannot be tried in Article III [courts] or Military commissions," said the White House official, who asked not to be named. The Washington Post reported...
Obamas Shattered Dream to Kill Gitmo
While the public eye was focused on the signing of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” Repeal bill, and while the media was regaled at the White House by a special presidential briefing, the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act, which included a ban on the transfer of Guantanamo Bay Detainees to the U.S. The ban may be a death knell for the administration’s goal to shutter the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, as well as its push for detainee civi...
White House reportedly will order indefinite detention for some at Gitmo
WASHINGTON — The Obama Administration is preparing an Executive Order that would formalize Indefinite Detention without trial for some Detainees at the U.S. Military Prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but allow those Detainees and their lawyers to challenge the basis for continued Incarceration, U.S. officials said. The administration has long signaled that the use of prolonged detention, preferably at a facility in the United States, was one element of its plan to close Guantanamo. An inter-...
FCC Net Neutrality Ruling: What Does It Mean For You?
Are some versions of the Internet more equal than others? The Federal Communications Commission passed its first-ever Regulation of the Internet today, in a Net Neutrality Compromise that saw its 3-2 vote split sharply along party lines. The full text of the new regulations will not be published until later this week, but the broad strokes of the deal are now known. There will be two sets of regulations governing the way an Internet service provider is allowed to control your access, depending o...
Al Franken: The Internet as We Know it Is Still at Risk
In today's Net Neutrality action by the Federal Communications Commission there's good news and bad news. The good news is that, thanks to Commissioners Copps and Clyburn -- not to mention a nationwide network of Net Neutrality Activists -- the proposal approved today is better than the original circulated by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski. For instance, the FCC has now stated that it does not condone discriminatory behavior by wireless companies like Verizon and AT&T; -- an important piece th...
FCC adopts net neutrality rules
Federal Regulators have issued new rules that ultimately will affect how Americans access videos over the Internet and how carriers charge for content.
The 3-2 vote by the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday strikes a balance between Silicon Valley content creators, who use digital networks to deliver their virtual wares, and the cable and telephone companies that want to sell their own content and services to customers in addition to hooking them up to the World Wide Web.
The new rul...
Malkin Op-Ed: 'Net Neutrality' - Obamacare for the Web
When Bureaucrats talk about increas ing our "access" to x, y or z, what they're really talking about is in creasing exponentially their control over our lives. As with the government Health Care takeover, so with the newly approved government plan to "increase" Internet "access." Call it Webcare. By a vote of 3-2, the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday adopted a Controversial scheme to ensure "Net Neutrality" by turning unaccountable Democratic appointees into meddling online traffic c...
FCC adopts net neutrality rules
Federal Regulators have issued new rules that ultimately will affect how Americans access videos over the Internet and how carriers charge for content.
The 3-2 vote by the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday strikes a balance between Silicon Valley content creators, who use digital networks to deliver their virtual wares, and the cable and telephone companies that want to sell their own content and services to customers in addition to hooking them up to the World Wide Web.
The new rul...
They're Calling It Net Neutrality, But It Isn't
It's no exaggeration to say that this decision marks the beginning of the end for the Internet as we know it.
Senator Al Franken laid out what's at stake with this ruling, saying:
"The FCC's action today is simply inadequate to protect consumers or preserve the free and open Internet. I am particularly disappointed to learn that the order will not specifically ban paid prioritization, allowing big companies to pay for a fast lane on the Internet and abandoning the foundation of net neutralit...
Obama and FCC approve net neutrality rules that mirror those in China and Iran
WASHINGTON - Yesterday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gave Internet providers AT&T, Comcast and Verizon an early holiday present. In a 3-2 vote, President Obama’s FCC signed a “Compromise” that ended the Internet’s Democracy and openness by selling it out to corporations, which will eventually result in a gated U.S. Internet system that rivals those in China or Iran. However, these new rules are already being spun by the Obama administr...
FCC Votes Itself Judge Dredd of the Internet
In a Speech delivered on January 19, 2010, Julius Genachowski, the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, declared that transparency “is particularly important for Consumer Protection and Empowerment.” He praised “access to information” as “essential to properly functioning markets” and stated that “policies around information disclosure...can be enormously helpful in ensuring that markets are working.”
Does Genachowski believe it’s less imp
Former Googler leaving White House (Politico)
Andrew McLaughlin, who for the past year has handled Internet policy issues in the White House, is resigning to launch two start-ups. McLaughlin was Google’s head of global Public Policy before assuming the role of Deputy Chief Technology Officer in the White House, working on a number of high-level Internet issues, such as Net Neutrality, cybersecurity, online Privacy and the nation’s Broadband strategy. Before joining the White House, he worked on Obama’s transition team. M...
Internet Access is Not a Civil Right
Michelle Malkin, CNSNews.com
When Bureaucrats talk about increasing our “access” to x, y or z, what they’re really talking about is increasing exponentially their control over our lives. As it is with the government Health Care takeover, so it is with the newly approved government plan to “increase” Internet “access.” Call it Webcare.
By a vote of 3-2, the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday adopted a Controversial scheme to ensure “net ...
Obamas FCC: Move aside, peasants, were in charge [Darleen Click]
John Fund points out this is just the beginning
The Net Neutrality vision for government Regulation of the Internet began with the work of Robert McChesney, a University of Illinois communications Professor who founded the liberal lobby Free Press in 2002. Mr. McChesney’s agenda? “At the moment, the battle over network neutrality is not to completely eliminate the telephone and cable companies,” he told the website SocialistProject in 2009. “But the ultimate goal is to ...
No constituency for Network Neutrality compromise
As much as I support it, I freely admit that Net Neutrality is never going to be an issue that will rank highly in the minds of voters. It just won’t. People certainly care about access to the Internet, but Internet specific regulartory practices will never appear on any list of top national priorities. Ever.
The only people who will care about Net Neutrality to the point of translating their beliefs into electoral Activism are highly engaged consumer Activists and corporate interest grou...
White House reportedly will order indefinite detention for some at Gitmo
WASHINGTON — The Obama Administration is preparing an Executive Order that would formalize Indefinite Detention without trial for some Detainees at the U.S. Military Prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but allow those Detainees and their lawyers to challenge the basis for continued Incarceration, U.S. officials said. The administration has long signaled that the use of prolonged detention, preferably at a facility in the United States, was one element of its plan to close Guantanamo. An inter-...
Should Terrorists Be Set Free? Eric Holder Will Decide
Jim Emerson, CoachIsRight.com
On Dec 7, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) released an unclassified a summary of a Congressional directed intelligence report assessing the Recidivism of Detainees formerly held at Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo). The reports indicate that approximately 25% of released Prisoners had returned to committing Terrorist and insurgent activities against the United States and allies.
According to the DNI, as of 1 October 2010, of the 598 terrorists released from GITMO ...
Obama May Order Indefinite Detention for Some Gitmo Prisoners
With Legislation pending in Congress that would preclude the transfer of terror-law Detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the United States for trial or Incarceration, the White House reportedly has prepared an Executive Order that would authorize Indefinite Detention for dozens of the Prisoners there who have been deemed too dangerous to release and too risky to try in federal civilian court or by Military commission. At the same time, the draft order -- the existence of which was first repor...
Guantanamo: U.S. seeks indefinite detention
(12-22) 04:00 PST Washington - --
The Obama Administration is preparing an Executive Order that would formalize Indefinite Detention without trial for some Detainees at the U.S. Military Prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but allow those Detainees and their lawyers to challenge the basis for continued Incarceration, U.S. officials said.
The administration has long signaled that the use of prolonged detention, preferably at a site in the United States, was one element of its plan to close Guantan...
Indefinite detention possible for suspects at Guantanamo Bay
The Obama Administration is preparing an Executive Order that would formalize Indefinite Detention without trial for some Detainees at the U.S. Military Prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but allow those Detainees and their lawyers to challenge the basis for continued Incarceration, U.S. officials said.
The administration has long signaled that the use of what the administration calls prolonged detention, preferably at a facility in the United States, was one element of its plan to close Guantan...
Guantanamo Conundrum
The Guantanamo Prison is a problem with no solution. On the one hand, Congress has stripped all funds to relocate Detainees to U.S. prisons. On the other, diplomatic efforts to relocate them to other countries has been an abysmal failure. Despite the administration's best efforts to find an answer to an increasingly frustrating situation, there doesn't appear to be one. Therefore, we can expect a new Executive Order allowing Indefinite Detention of Prisoners with periodic reviews. A solution th...
WH to issue EO continuing indefinite detention at Gitmo
After the flop in the Ahmed Ghailani trial and the Bipartisan hostility towards moving Guantanamo Bay Detainees to New York City for trials in Federal Court, the Obama Administration has two choices. One, they could reverse their earlier decision to bypass the Military commission system that Congress has authorized on multiple occasions in order to finally adjudicate the cases of those captured abroad by Military and/or intelligence assets for Terrorism, including the 9/11 plotters. Altern...
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