Watchdogs want 'oathgate' investigation of GOP lawmaker who missed swearing-in

House Republican: Two government watchdogs are calling for an ethics investigation into the reception a House Republican held in the Capitol while the 112th Congress was being sworn in on Wednesday.

PHOTOS: Pete Sessions in pictures

The Campaign Legal Center and the Sunlight Foundation said Friday that the Office of Congressional Ethics should look into whether Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) violated House rules by soliciting Campaign Contributions for his swearing-in ceremony.

VIDEOS: Pete Sessions in videos

Fitzpatrick and Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Tex.), the House GO...

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Joshua Neyhart posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Mike Fitzpatrick was at a fundraiser and missed the House swearing in ceremony. That's awful. This is the republican party.

Walt Huston posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

2 House Republican not sworn in. Pete Sessions and Mike Fitzpatrick , missed it while at FUNDRAISER atCapitol Visitors Center. GREAT PRIORITY

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