Charles Krauthammer: As usual, he's right on point: Related is this from The Hill via memeorandum : Obama ‘amused’ by Tea Party rallies .
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
Come November, I think his feelings on that will change. President Barack Obama struck a hyperpartisan note Thursday, telling Democrats that he was "amused" by the Tax Day Tea Party rallies Obama, addressing a Democratic National Committee (DNC) fundraiser in Miami, did little to endear himself to the Tea Party groups protesting around the country,...
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
Chris Weigant: A Big VAT Lie
As an observer of politics, I sometimes have to admire the Republicans for their ability to coordinate the rollout of a talking point. Even if I don't agree with it, or think it is laughably in the realm of fantasy. Because Republicans are very, very good at this sort of thing, and they can sweep public opinion in their wake, at times, behind fears of things which do not exist and are not likely to exist in the near future (see: "death panels"). As I said, they're good at this sort of thing....
The Year Of Teabagging Dangerously
by Sinfonian
It hardly seems possible, but the Tea Party “movement” sprang into the national consciousness just a year ago last week, on Tax Day (April 15), 2009.
1st Vice Chairman of the Paulding County GOP and conservative Andy Bush says: Repeal the bill
April 19, 2010/Dallas, GA – Statement from Micah Gravley, 1st Vice Chairman, Paulding County Republican Party and President & Co-Founder, PPSA Foundation and Andy Bush, Deputy Dir. for conservative Congressman Lynn Westmoreland.
“This past Thursday was "Tax Day" across our nation. As millions of patriots gather together in the spirit of those valiant patriots of 1776, let not forget that on March 23, 2010, Barack Obama fired a shot across the...
Obama, Congress ignore their pledge of fiscal discipline
Washington — President Barack Obama and Congressional Leaders vowed tough Budget discipline in February when they approved a "pay as you go" requirement, but they've already avoided paying for major programs twice.
They've also let the annual April 15 deadline for producing a Budget outline pass without even a vote.
So much for getting tough with the Deficit-riddled federal Budget in an Election Year.
"Sometimes, particularly in tough times like these, you have to...
Edison Research Poll: Tea partiers in two camps, you're with Sarah Palin or Ron Paul
Tea partiers are a hearty, caring group, but they are divided. They Party in two camps and reflect a new-found Party that is developing great division. But two things are clear: if you're sipping the Party Kool-aid, you're either tippin' it with Sarah Palin or drinking in the ever-steady Ron Paul. But the fact is the division is stark.
That's the conclusion according to a new POLITICO/TargetPoint Poll : one that warns that it is libertarian-minded...
Marco Ceglie Laying a Highway of Astroturf Lies With the Other 95% of the Nation
by the
Left Coast
Since the so-called Coffee Party quickly fizzled into watered-down
Folgers crystals
the leftwing is now looking desperately for the Tea Party alternative to counter and spread a 'progressive' agenda message.
Enter " The Other 95% "
The group donned it's name to connote the perceived radical, extreme, fringe Right Wing element of the Tea Party movement, hence the 'mainstream' 95% or "
." So Right on the get-go "The Other 95%" mocks and maligns the Tea Party...
Marco Ceglie: Who Are the Other 95 Percent?
On April 15th, alongside the Tea Party's Tax Day protest in DC, members of "The Other 95%," a new group we recently formed on Facebook, were on the Mall holding two huge signs reading "The Other 95% Say Thanks For Our Tax Cuts, Obama!"
Our members were initially motivated by a CBS News report showing that 95 percent of working Americans received a Tax Cut from Obama, but only 12 percent knew it . "I didn't know it," said Andrew Boyd, a writer, Small Business owner and one of our group's...
Limbaugh: Tea Party Protesters Want Obama To Fail Too (AUDIO)
Just in case you were wondering, Rush Limbaugh remains excited by his whole "I want Obama to fail" comedy routine, and he points out that the Tax Day Tea Parties are full of people who agree. "Of course they want [Obama] to fail," Limbaugh said Wednesday. Notably, he is agreeing with Think Progress' Faiz Shakir here. Honestly, he'll be using that one line, forever and ever, until Michael Steele comes up with some hip-hop beats that are more exciting, which will be never.
[Would you...
Won't someone think of the children?
Bill Clinton once said: "When people think, Democrats win." That statement likely has some validity: after all, if Voters were to actually examine the statistics behind which major Political Party has done the most to improve the living standards of Middle-class Americans and ensure equal opportunities for everyone, Democrats would come out ahead every time.
Unfortunately, however, emotional narratives often trump hard reality. The fact that the Tea Party movement--an acronym for "Taxed Enough...
Stop the spending! Obama pushes the national debt too far
With the massive amount of spending by the Federal Government it is clear that we are on an unsustainable path. The Obama Administration has been spending money like a freshman with their first Credit Card; unbeknownst to them that they will have to pay it back in the very near future with interest. There is a price for bloated Government programs with no accountability. Health Care, the Stimulus plan, the Nationalization of college loans, Bailouts, cap-and-trade, and other...
Understanding the VAT
It gets difficult to imagine better days. For the first time in America's history Americans do not predict better days of greater opportunities for the next geeration. The people have watched historic Government Spending establish its place as the only true partisan practice of the two most recent Administrations, and finally, the robbing Paul is desprately seeking ways to repay the robbed Peter!
Most likely pay back will come in the form of the Value Added Tax (VAT), or National...
Obama laughs at Tea Parties: Cincinnati not laughing
Many cities across the nation, including Cincinnati, rallied on Tax Day by protesting government growth and interference under Obama. Tea Parties gathered in a plethora of cities including Cincinnati to let government know that the people are fed up with politics as usual in Washington D.C.
It's interesting to note that while these Protests and rallys were going on Obama himself was in Miami, Florida making a rather curious...
WSJ: Obama's Tax Cut for 95% of Americans Is an Illusion
One of Barack Obama's most potent campaign claims is that he'll Cut taxes for no less than 95% of "Working Families." He's even promising to Cut taxes enough that the government's Tax share of GDP will be no more than 18.2% -- which is lower than it is today. It's a clever pitch, because it lets him pose as a Middle-class Tax cutter while disguising that he's also proposing one of the largest Tax Increases ever on the other 5%. But how does he conjure this miracle, especially since...
Obama vs. Tea Partiers: Another round in California?
One thing to look for tonight when President Obama speaks at three California fundraisers: Will he re-engage the Tea Party movement?
He took on the Tea Partiers last week at a fundraiser in Miami, citing a series of Tax Cuts he has signed into law.
"So I've been a little amused over the last couple of Days where people have been having these rallies about taxes," Obama said. "You would think they would be saying, 'thank you.' That's what you'd think."
The comment drew some attention in the...
The Lone Star Tea Party 2010 Tax Day Rally, Pt. 2 (with video)
Contrary to stereotypes perpetrated by many in the Media, members of the Tea Party are not limited to angry white rednecks. The 2010 Lone Star Tea Party, which was held April 15 at QuikTrip Park in Grand Prairie, was supported by nearly 18,000 attendees. In this video posted to YouTube by a user named "tarzantripes2," a number of the attendees at the event where Minorities, and they were not happy with those who contend the movement is racist.
"It's a very different deal than...
(Poli-Tea) Florida: Tea Party and Whig Party Challenge Democrat-Republican Rule in the Sunshine State
Posted at by d. eris:
Given this week’s Tax Day Tea Party Protests, it is worth reiterating that any movement intent on fostering constitutional representative Government is doomed to failure if it works within the confines established by the Democratic-Republican two-party state and ruling political class. Like untold numbers of Anti-War activists during the Bush Administration, many in the Tea...
Blueprint to Defeat Obama in 2012: Obama Broke His Promise That No Family Making Under $250,000 a Year Will See Any Taxes Increase One Single Dime! Flashback 1992 George H.W. Bush Defeated Because He Broke “No New Taxes!” Pledge. Check th
Intro to the Presidency 101: When Poll Numbers Are Down, You Go Play War e.g. US Hates ObamaCare so Obama goes to Afghanistan and plays Toy Soldier → Blueprint to Defeat Obama in 2012: Obama Broke His Promise That No Family Making Under $250,000 a Year Will See Any Taxes Increase One Single Dime! Flashback 1992 George H.W. Bush Defeated Because He Broke “No New Taxes!” Pledge. Check the 2010 Obama-Care Healthcare Reform Bill, Tax Increase on families earning $66,000 a year,...
Being Mitt Romney
Michael and I have both written before about Mitt Romney's Health Care quandary. He was the architect of the Massachusetts Reform plan that closely resembles the new National plan that just became law. Yet, he's also a presumed candidate for president in 2012 and would be vying for the nomination of a Party that has staked its reputation on opposing President's Obama Health Reform plan.
Newsweek's Andrew Romano is the latest reporter to try figure out exactly what Romney's position is on...
A Mad Tea Party
The Republicans successfully tricked the Democrats into passing a Republican Health Care plan that primarily benefitted the Health Care, pharmaceutical and Insurance industries, over the clever "opposition" of the Republicans. The losers were the American people who suffer from the worst Health Care provided by any Industrialized Nation, while paying the greatest cost.
The next targets are Social Security and all other Social welfare programs, including Unemployment Insurance, and free public...
Tax Hikes Wrong Route to Take for Deficit Reduction Commission
Earlier this year, after Congress passed an Increase in the Debt ceiling, was deliberating over a trillion plus Health Care package, and the President's Budget promised new record Deficits, the American people started to see a worrisome trend that pushed Fiscal Responsibility to the forefront of the public's priorities.
Obama's Lunar Lunacy: Camelot Would Be Appalled!
By John W. LillpopWhen Barack Obama gazes into the mirror each morning, the image staring back at this arrogant poser is a very well tanned John F. Kennedy.Indeed, Obama fashions himself as the fourth Kennedy brother and heir apparent to Camelot and the rich Kennedy legacy.However, were he still around, JFK would be insulted by the very notion that the policies of this upstart from Kenya are a continuation of Camelot.To begin with, JFK was the catalyst behind America's mission to The Moon and...
McCollum losing support over health care lawsuit plans
Tallahassee -- The race for Governor has narrowed slightly, with Republican Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum ahead of Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, the Democrats' nominee, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll.
The poll showed McCollum with 40 percent of support and Sink with 36 percent.
McCollum has been the front runner in the race to replace Gov. Charlie Crist since August but, according to the poll of likely voters conducted April 8-13, he's not getting much traction...
Hmmm: Rangel Paid $26K Fine to NYC For ... Well, He's Not Saying
You've got to love all this transparency washing over America, enveloping us with the kind of good government and openness we've all been clamoring for. Makes you wonder what those crazy Tea Partiers are all upset about. I mean, it's not as if some high-ranking Democrat secretly pays a fine three months ago and we only find out about it now. And he refuses to say what the fine was for .
In the latest mess involving Rep. Charlie Rangel's (D) Finances, the former Ways and Means chairman's...
Krauthammer on Obama's nuclear summit
Charles Krauthammer rips President Obama's
farcical Nuclear Summit
that took place in Washington this past week.
All this during a week when top U.S. Military officials told Congress that Iran is about a year away from acquiring the fissile material to make a Nuclear Bomb. Then, only a very few years until weaponization.
At which point the world changes irrevocably: The regional Arab states go Nuclear, the Non-Proliferation Treaty dies, the threat of Nuclear transfer to terror groups grows...
Dr. Charles Krauthammer At The Center for the American Experiment
It 's better to be paralyzed from the neck down, than to be paralyzed from the neck up
Charles Krauthammer Speech/Comments on the 'New Economy' & Barack Obama. Just think Charles did this in June of 2009, he had Obama pegged then just as he does today.
Dr. Charles Krauthammer is on Fox News. He is an M.D. and a lawyer and is paralyzed from the neck down. A friend went to hear Charles Krauthammer. He listened with 25 others in a closed room. What he says here, is NOT 2nd-hand but...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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