ABC News: Band of Brothers hero Dick Winters, R.I.P. - An American war hero was buried yesterday.
PHOTOS: ABC News in pictures
We will never forget: Via Larry Alexander at Standing by the grave of Major Richard D.
VIDEOS: ABC News in videos
Wint... Afghanistan: Sex, Pedaphilia, and Security - A disturbing report in the Asia Times about Afghanistan. It speaks to the severe challenges we face in attempting to reform Afghanistan, an Islamist socie... On the Tucson shooting - This is going to come out like a disjointed rant. I don't ...
Letters to the Editor: Jan, 12, 2011
Re: "BCS, Electoral College make no sense," Jan. 10 Mr. Chapman could not be more wrong. The Electoral College was designed to prevent the election of the president based on popularity, with the most populated states dominating the election. This process was specifically designed to keep smaller states engaged in the election process and to give them a voice in national politics. Elimination of the EC would make the Presidential Election a popularity contest, with the typical winner being whoev...
Gregoire: Lawmakers need to be 'bold'
Associated Press
OLYMPIA. — Gov. Chris Gregoire wants the Legislature to be "bold" as the state faces a moribund economy and tackles a state Budget that is billions in the red.
In her State of the State address Tuesday, the Democratic Governor told a joint session of the House and Senate that lawmakers need to remake how State Government works, not just cut services to balance the budget.
And heeding the symbolic message of voters in November, when new taxes were voted down and an initia...
Congresswoman Wants to Kill the Phrase Job Killing
Despite the complete and thorough debunking of the media’s attempt to link common political discourse with the actions of a deranged lunatic in Tucson, one Congresswoman is taking politically correct Rhetoric to ridiculous lows (h/t Michelle Malkin). Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) took to the Huffington Post to voice her opinion on the Gabrielle Giffords Assassination attempt. She starts harmlessly enough admitting that, “We don’t know what prompted the shooter … to kill i...
Detroit News writer so far in the tank for ObamaCare, she's about to be crushed by hydrostatic pressure
I don't know a lot about Marisa Schultz, but based on her writing she is so far into the tank for ObamaCare that the hydrostatic pressure is about to crush her into the size of a pea. She took it upon herself to release the result of a biased, partisan report from a supposedly non-partisan organization that most never heard of to put out the canard that repealing the Unconstitutional ObamaCare law would hurt Michigan. This was apparently so important that she wrote it twice with 2 different hea...
SC House Republican Caucus Unveils 2011 Agenda
The Repeal amendment noted at the end of the first video caught my ear. This is the first I’ve heard of states colluding to pass a Constitutional Amendment to Repeal an unfunded mandate from the feds. I imagine this is centering around ObamaCare. I’m going to make a particular point to follow up on this because I’d definitely like to hear more about this. I also like what they discussed in the second video regarding education funding. Part of their funding cha...
Rep. Shuler: Repealing Obamacare Would be 'Immoral' and Take Away Health Insurance from Children
Monday, January 10, 2011
By Dan Joseph
Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) (AP photo)
( - Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) will not support Republican efforts to Repeal the Health Care bill that he voted against in 2010 and will not vote to defund many provisions in the bill that are already in effect.
On Capitol Hill last week, asked Shuler: “Rep. Steve King is advocating including language in every appropriations bill to prohibit money from that bill funding implementation of O...
Good morning Panama City, lets get real about budget cuts
The politicians are still talking about Social Security cuts, and we have discussed that idea at some length previously. The reason they want to cut Social Security is because it is a big program in comparison with other federal Budget items. It is also funded by taxes that are separate from other income taxes. They would like to divert those funds to the general revenue funds. That is why the Social Security program has most of the problems that it now has; Congress can’...
It's Hard to Put a Price on Obamacare
The vote on repealing the Health Care bill looks likely to be delayed for a while, which gives us more time to quarrel over what such a Repeal would mean. Not what it will mean, of course--Republicans don't have the votes to get it through the Senate, so this is largely a symbolic move. But there's still plenty of room to argue about what would happen if they managed to retake the Senate and get it done. Democrats are pointing to the CBO score on repeal, which estimates that repealing the law wo...
We Were Americans; Now a Broken Arrow!
We were all known as Americans prior to the onslaught of Political Correctness. But as America has skipped and jogged along side world history the virtues of being an American has been lost. You would be hard pressed to get an intelligent response from a High School or College Student if you asked them how we became Americans. A question of such nature would be considered an anachronism for an earlier time of American Citizens to respond to. Today in the United States the popul...
"I'm Rooting Hard For You," Bush's Letter To Bill Clinton Revealed
ABC News gets a copy of the letter Bush left to Clinton when he entered the White House
“Your success now is our country’s success. I am rooting hard for you,” wrote George H. W. Bush to Bill Clinton on the morning of the latter’s inauguration.
It is traditional for an outgoing president to write an Oval Office letter for his successor. The contents of these missives tend to remain secret, but Bush’s well-wishes to Clinton in 1993 have been revealed b...
3 questions facing New York elected officials
On January 10, 2011 M V Consulting, Inc. contacted the following New York State elected politicians: The reason for contacting all the above was obvious. The shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and 19 other Arizonans, had ramifications that will affect every politician in the nation. The insane actions of Jared Loughner will renew debate over the 2nd Amendment, and Freedom of Speech. This is something that affects New York and the other States almost as directly as it does Arizona. In a letter ...
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper: Beer, Bipartisanship in his Blood
They'll be swilling pints of Hickenlooper's Inaugurale in Denver Tuesday, toasting John Hickenlooper, the former brewpub owner, mayor and now Colorado Governor -- a Democrat billed as a Bipartisan solution in a purple state. Hickenlooper moved from City Hall to the Capitol Tuesday, where he's likely to continue his business-friendly ways with an eye on education and a soft spot for helping Latino youth. He's taking over from fellow Democrat Bill Ritter, a former Denver prosecutor who served a s...
Jerry Brown's budget earns business leaders' raves
They like it, they really like it.
That's the early reaction to Gov. Jerry Brown 's Budget from Bay Area business leaders, Economists and a labor representative I spoke to on Tuesday. The Governor gets an A+ for "honesty" and for generally grabbing the bull by the horns, even on taxes.
Concerns were expressed on the proposed elimination of state redevelopment and enterprise zone funding, and a requirement that corporations use a "single sales factor," based on their actual sales in California...
Calif. governor orders 48,000 cellphones confiscated
Sacramento, Calif. — Alarmed at discovering that the state pays for 96,000 cellphones, California Gov. Jerry Brown issued an Executive Order Tuesday seeking to cut in half the number of devices being billed to Taxpayers.
Requiring 48,000 cellphones to be turned in by June 1 will save the state about $20 million a year.
"It is difficult for me to believe that 40 percent of all State Employees must be equipped with taxpayer-funded cellphones," Brown said. "Some state employees, including d...
Rhode Island AG signs 'Secure Communities' agreement
PROVIDENCE — Less than a week after Governor Chafee rescinded his predecessor’s Executive Order cracking down on illegal Immigration, Rhode Island Attorney General Peter F. Kilmartin signed an agreement to implement a federal Secure Communities initiative, aimed at identifying and deporting criminal Illegal Immigrants. The Department of Homeland Security must sign the agreement before it goes into effect. Kilmartin’s spokeswoman, Amy Kempe, said the attorney general “is ...
Health care repeal postponed
The much-touted Republican midterm campaign promise of voting to Repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s signature Health Care law, has been postponed along with all other legislative business for the 112th Congress. The postponement, which will last through the week, comes in wake of Saturday’s Assassination attempt of Congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona, which killed six and injured 14 including, including Giffords. The vote for repe...
And that's when the C.H.U.D.S. came at me...
Ahoy hoy, Wizbangers. What's shaking? I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but I been tap dancing in a minefield since fall. More than anything it's walking out of the office after the sun has set and driving home in the dark. That and just feeling lazy, I reckon.
All malaise aside though, Obama and the Democrats have begun to seriously bore me. I mean, if you compared sitting at the keyboard sniping at their foibles to shooting fish in a barrel then you're vastly underestimating ...
Obama Phones Leftist Media-Whore AZ Sheriff Dupnik
To thank him for smearing the right? (ABC News)- President Obama spoke today with Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, families of some of the Victims, Rep. Giffords’ Rabbi and two of the heroes that helped in the Arizona tragedy on Saturday. In a phone call this afternoon with Sheriff Dupnik, according to White House spokesman Nicholas Shapiro, the President “thanked him for his department’s efforts to respond to this incident and coordinate with the FBI and Director Mueller o...
Chamber of Commerce Appreciates Tone of Administration
The US Chamber of Commerce is quite pleased with the new tone coming out of the White House. I guess they prefer their Democrats compliant, who knew?
The chamber’s president, Thomas J. Donohue, delivering the trade group’s annual State of American Business address on Tuesday Morning, applauded “a new tone coming out of the White House,” which he said had “addressed some of the business community’s immediate concerns.”
Mr. Donohue said the chamber welcomed the appo
What To Say?
Before stepping into this thicket, I'll begin by reviewing the apparent ground rules for discussing political Rhetoric and whether it has anything to do with the tragedy in Tucson. The acts of a mentally unbalanced man bear no connection to the political climate around him. Once you draw any such connection, then you are hurling accusations of incitement. Any critique of American political discourse must paint the excesses at both ends of the political spectrum as equal. And as soon as you try...
Yes, We’re Putting Liberals In The Crosshairs
The Left can take their sanctimonious, politically correct, hypocritical horseflop about militaristic language being applied to politics and they can turn it sideways and shove it straight up their candy asses. Here at Right Wing News, where our slogan is "Kneecapping Barack Obama at every opportunity," not only are we targeting liberal politicians for defeat, we want to beat Liberalism to death with a shovel. Like our President said, when the other side pulls out a knife, our side should pull o...
Beware of those who would trade security for freedom
The most recent example of that is Rep. James Clyburn who thinks it is time the concept of free Speech is rethought in the wake of the Tucson shooting:
The shooting is cause for the country to rethink parameters on free speech, Clyburn said from his office, just blocks from the South Carolina Statehouse. He wants standards put in place to guarantee balanced media coverage with a reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine, in addition to calling on elected officials and media pundits to use ‘be...
Jared Loughner Is a Tragedy, Not a Nut Job or the Embodiment of Evil
I'm haunted by last week's episode of ABC's "Grey's Anatomy," in which a disturbed young man opens fire on dozens of people on a college campus. Several doctors are put to the ultimate test when they realize the man they are trying desperately to save is the shooter. Back in the waiting room, relatives of the many Victims are comforting one another – except for a tearful woman sitting alone in a corner. Dr. Jackson Avery walked out of the operating room rather than help save the perpetrato...
A Letter to Stewart Bell (National Post) by J.R. (Ottawa)
In response to the National Post Article: “Controversial anti-Islamic group plans rally in Toronto” concerning the support Rally the JDL is holding for the EDL. "...In Canadian Universities Jewish Students have been marginalized by pro-Islamist, anti-Israel/anti-Jewish Administrations; Professors, and students. On Canadian streets Islamic Fascists and their leftist supporters called for Jews to be sent to the gas chambers. Present at some of those demos were MPs and Union leaders. Vi...
Separation of Journalism and Politics
A question that I have been asking for quite some time was brought to the fore once again with the pervasive and obnoxious liberal bias in the so-called news reporting of the Assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Why does anyone continue to purchase and read the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time Magazine, and other mainstream publications which have replaced accurate reporting with faux news accounts rising to the level of outright lies? And why does anyone waste tim...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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