Bob Kerrey: The Repeal of ObamaCare played a role in the assclown shooting people in Arizona.
PHOTOS: Bob Kerrey in pictures
VIDEOS: Bob Kerrey in videos
Check it out at around the 2:25 mark. "It's one of the reasons this guy was angry..." To date, there is absolutely nothing to suggest that ObamaCare had anything to do with this guy's determination to shoot a Congresswoman or anyone else. Sen. Kerrey should know better. The leftists should know better. We should ALL know better. Loughner a murderer, liberals are sick - Yes this Loughner kid is a murderer....
Lone nuts and convenient definitions of "terrorism"
"Columbine" author Dave Cullen wrote yesterday that most media figures compulsively -- and incorrectly -- assign all killers to one of two binaries: Crazy or political. Right-wing commentators do the same thing, for the most part, though they tend to say killers are either crazy or Terrorists. And while they'll usually freely admit that Tim McVeigh counted as a terrorist, for the most part they reserve that term for Muslims who kill.
There is, for example, Charles Krauthammer's classic column on...
Global Warming Part II: It Really Doesn't Matter What The Facts Are; The Important Thing Is That Our Theory Is Vindicated No Ma
Allah makes a good point that deserves underscoring. Former Senator Bob Kerrey just made the claim that he doesn't know what Loughner's politics are (they're sort of pro-Matrix), and further, that we shouldn't read much into his politics whatever they are.
That said, he's pretty sure it's the right's fault. No one can say what drove Loughner violently mad; but we're pretty confident it's anger caused by the Tea Party at ObamaCare.
Here''s Allah on that:
Theres not a shred of evidence I know of...
Video: Fmr. Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE) Says AZ Shooter Did It Because GOP Is Trying To Repeal ObamaCare!
Good grief. And good riddance to this moron. The moonbattery starts at the 2:24 mark where Kerry specifically pins the shooting on the GOeffort to Repeal ObamaCare:
'Jumping the shark" doesn't quite cut it in the face of such idiocy.
Random Round-Up 01-11
President Obama Job Approval
A secret $6 billion Bailout for Puerto Rico?
Smooth move dumbasses. John Adams tried that 200 years ago with the Alien and Sedition Acts and that was an epic fail. Why isn't that liberals have no new ideas? Dem planning bill that would outlaw threats to lawmakers
Boehner will keep flying commercial
Debt default is no laughing matter
In Budget Crises, an Opening for School Reform School systems can put Students first by making sure any Layoffs account for teacher qu...
Separation of Journalism and Politics
A question that I have been asking for quite some time was brought to the fore once again with the pervasive and obnoxious liberal bias in the so-called news reporting of the Assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Why does anyone continue to purchase and read the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time Magazine, and other mainstream publications which have replaced accurate reporting with faux news accounts rising to the level of outright lies? And why does anyone waste tim...
The left is not about to waste this 'crisis'
Theme: The left's immediate reaction to the Arizona shooting proves, again, that it will not forgo any chance to exploit a tragedy ("crisis"). Minor theme: In the process, mostly through projection of its own perversions, it is setting records for hypocrisy, irrationality and unfairness.
Politico reported that after the shootings, one Veteran Democratic operative said that President Obama should "deftly pin this on the tea partiers. Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma...
The left is not about to waste this 'crisis'
Theme: The left's immediate reaction to the Arizona shooting proves, again, that it will not forgo any chance to exploit a tragedy ("crisis"). Minor theme: In the process, mostly through projection of its own perversions, it is setting records for hypocrisy, irrationality and unfairness.
Politico reported that after the shootings, one Veteran Democratic operative said that President Obama should "deftly pin this on the tea partiers. Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma...
Majority Of Americans Not Buying Into Far Left Spin About Arizona Shootings
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A CBS News' poll shows the majority of Americans have not bough...
Holder calls shootings unspeakably tragic
Holder said the violence at a Tucson, Ariz., event Saturday serves as a reminder that the world has yet to run its course of cruelty. But he says the continuing threats against officials are not as strong as the forces working for tolerance and peace. U.S. District Judge John Roll was killed and U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, an Arizona Democrat, remains in critical condition in Tucson. Doctors are optimistic about her recovery, although she was shot through the head. Holder spoke in the Justice ...
Tucson Shooting Suspect's Family "Hurting Real Bad"
Yesterday, when the man suspected of shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, as well as over a dozen others (leaving six dead), in an apparent Assassination attempt appeared in court, not a single relative of Jared Lee Loughner was spotted in the courtroom. Now details are emerging about the 22-year-old's family, who initially blocked the FBI from entering their home. And a neighbor told the NY Post that Loughner's dad is "pretty much the neighborhood prick."
The neighbor, who also said...
Arizona scrambles to limit Westboro protests
The Funerals of last weekend's Shooting Victims are scheduled to begin Tucson on Thursday. President Obama will be in Tucson tomorrow to speak at a memorial for the Victims tomorrow night. A more immediate concern is the expected arrival of Protesters at the funeral from the Westboro Baptist Church , the far-flung group known for picketing Military funerals. In a Press Release Monday, Westboro promised to show up at the service for Christina Green , the nine-year-old who was murdered in the atta...
Paul Krugmans totalitarian temptation
Washington Examiner:
Jared Loughner, the gunman charged with wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and murdering six others in Tucson on Saturday, held bizarre beliefs about “conscious dreaming” and government mind control imposed through English grammar. No serious person would connect his belief system to a mainstream political ideology. But then there’s New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. He places the blood Libel of blame for the Tucson Murders squarely on the sho...
Beware of those who would trade security for freedom
The most recent example of that is Rep. James Clyburn who thinks it is time the concept of free Speech is rethought in the wake of the Tucson shooting:
The shooting is cause for the country to rethink parameters on free speech, Clyburn said from his office, just blocks from the South Carolina Statehouse. He wants standards put in place to guarantee balanced media coverage with a reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine, in addition to calling on elected officials and media pundits to use ‘be...
Good News: Doctor Says Giffords 100 Percent Certain to Survive
truffelocity on GOP Rep. Allen West: I Have No Plans to Tone Down My “Strong Language” in Wake of Giffords Shooting… gastorgrab on GOP Rep. Allen West: I Have No Plans to Tone Down My “Strong Language” in Wake of Giffords Shooting… gastorgrab on Dem Sen. Sherrod Brown: “Hate Speech” On Radio During ObamaCare Debate Possible Reason Behind Giffords Shooting… Proud Infidel on GOP Rep. Allen West: I Have No Plans to Tone Down My “Strong Lan...
Dem Sen. Sherrod Brown: Hate Speech On Radio During ObamaCare Debate Possible Reason Behind Giffords Shooting
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Profiles of the victims of the Tucson shooting rampage
Christina-Taylor Green
Christina-Taylor Green's short life was pinned between two national tragedies: She was born Sept. 11, 2001, and she died as a gunman apparently targeting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) shot 20 people in Tucson.
Christina, a budding Elementary School politician, was once featured in the book "Faces of Hope," about Children born on the day the World Trade Center collapsed. She was the youngest among the six killed in Saturday's shoo...
Will 2011 Be America's Year of Union Discontent?
In New York, the revelations that Organized Labor exacerbated the snow crisis to push their own agenda constitute a shocking display of union power -- power set only to increase in Obama's America.
Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's aphorism, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste," could be the motto of almost any major trade union in America and Britain over the last thirty years.
This has been exemplified by the stunning admission by members of the New York Sa...
Assange due in court to fight extradition
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will continue his fight against Extradition to Sweden where he is under investigation for alleged Sex Crimes. The 39-year-old Australian is due to appear in court on Tuesday as preparations continue for a full two-day hearing in four weeks. District Judge Nicholas Evans will oversee a case management hearing at Belmarsh Magistrates' Court, sitting at Woolwich Crown Court, in southeast London. Assange was dramatically released on STG240,000 ($A375,351) bail by a H...
Assange due in court over extradition
Julian Assange denies any wrongdoing after being accused of Sex Crimes. Photograph: Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images Julian Assange is due to appear in court today in his fight against Extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning over alleged Sex Crimes. The District Judge Nicholas Evans will oversee a case management hearing at Belmarsh magistrates court, sitting at Woolwich crown court in south-east London, as preparations continue for a two-day Extradition hearing starting on 7 Fe...
Failed blast suspect seeks to skip hearing
DETROIT, Jan. 11 (UPI) -- The man accused of trying to blow up an airplane over Detroit more than a year ago asked his former lawyers to turn over files disputing the government's case. A legal adviser for Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab filed the request Monday with the Federal Court in Detroit, asking that Abdulmutallab's former lawyers turn over their case files, The Detroit News reported. The file includes expert witness information that disputes the government's allegations and shows "the alleged...
'The Abuse of Tucson'
You’re practically not a conservative columnist unless you wrote today about the Left’s attempts to blame Jared Loughner on the Right. My contribution is here. Really? Mitch Daniels must not be allowed to speak at CPAC? Last summer, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels called for a “truce” on Social Issues like Abortion and Gay Marriage. After the . . . Go It’s hard to describe the virtues of Chief Judge John Roll without making him sound too good to be true. . . . Go C...
Arizona legislature working this week on bill to limit Democrat hate group Westboro from disrupting funerals
Three-time Democrat Kansas gubernatorial, (1990, 1994, and 1998), Senate (1992), and Mayoral (Topeka, 1993 and 1997) Candidate Fred Phelps and his Westboro Democrat Hate Group have announced plans to disrupt the Funerals of all the Victims of this Saturday’s Arizona Murder spree, which left six dead and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords seriously injured in a failed Assassination attempt by disturbed Leftist Jared Lee Loughner. Democrat Fred Phelps, a staunch Al Gore supporter, has targeted...
Cuts to schools hurt students most of all
Yet another potential consequence of Governor Cuomo’s plan for New York involves our Public Schools. The Times Herald Record reports that proposed Spending Cuts might force public schools to reevaluate the budgets they recently passed. Many New York public schools already operate on very little money given their mission. As a result, the state will ask teachers to do even more with even less. This will only further hinder the education of New York’s Children. ...
Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen said most Americans know “precious little” about the Military. “To the degree we are out of touch I believe it is a very dangerous force,” Mullen said in a Speech to a conference on military professionalism at the National Defense University in Washington. “American People are extraordinarily supportive of our men and women … there is a sea of good will,” he said. The military must work to build and sustain trust or...
Clyburn: Reading the Constitution provoked murder spree in Tucson, or something
In the race to see which Politico makes the biggest ass out of himself over the Shooting Spree in Tucson, Arizona, we can report that so far the frontrunners appear to be Rep. James Clyburn of North Carolina and former Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, both Democrats. In a rambling interview on the radio with Ed Schultz, Clyburn complains about people attempting to “delegitimize the President” and suggested that the reading of the Constitution in Congress last week had something to...
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
The Unemployment Rate's Not Going Down Anytime Soon
More Threats To Congress Keep Popping Up
Obama To Arizona, Congress In Mourning
Sarah Palin Does Exact Wrong Thing After Giffords Shooting
U.S. Budget Gap Narrows, Deficit Still High