Bob Kerrey: In the race to see which Politico makes the biggest ass out of himself over the Shooting Spree in Tucson, Arizona, we can report that so far the frontrunners appear to be Rep. James Clyburn of North Carolina and former Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, both Democrats. In a rambling interview on the radio with Ed Schultz, Clyburn complains about people attempting to “delegitimize the President” and suggested that the reading of the Constitution in Congress last week had something to...
PHOTOS: Bob Kerrey in pictures
VIDEOS: Bob Kerrey in videos
Unbelievable! Democrat Rep James Clyburn blames Tucson shooting on reading of constitution last week
Unbelievable! Democrat Rep James Clyburn blames Tucson shooting on reading of constitution last week
Lets see how Democrats and their usurpers in the media have played this Tucson shooting. First it was Sarah Palin’s fault for the “targets” on 20 Congressional Districts deemed winnable in the 2010 Midterm Elections. Then it was Glenn Beck’s fault (of course). Then the popular excuse still going to today was to blame the Tea Party, and claim that Jared Lee Loughner. Now,...
Democrat Jim Clyburn: Tucson Shooting Was Inspired By Reading Of Constitution In The House
“All this stuff taking place in the Chambers the other day, when the Constitution was being read…all that stuff is uncalled for,” said Rep. Jim Clyburn on the Ed Schultz Show. “”We ought to conduct ourselves in public office in a way we teach our Children to conduct themselves when they go out into the public. I don’t believe that anyone of these members have been teaching their Children inside their homes to act the way that many of them have been acting.R...
Closed for Business: Members, aides undeterred
When we left the Capitol on Friday of last week, we were prepping for the coverage of the bickering that was going to ensue on the House floor this week. The GOP had decided on seven hours of debate on the "Repeal the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act" starting today and ending with a vote to repeal the bill tomorrow. It was going to be, as one Democratic congresswoman repeated multiple times, "political theater." And Journalists were already stocking up on Popcorn and Dr. Pepper to watch the fire...
Democrat: Giffords Shooter Was Angry Because Republicans Are Trying To Repeal Obamacare
“It’s one of the reasons this guy was angry,” says former Senator Bob Kerrey of Jarred Loughren. Right. So that’s why he murdered a Democrat member of Congress who voted for ObamaCare. Anyone else starting to get the feeling that Democrats consider any and all opposition to their agenda is what inspired Loughren? Meanwhile, in the United Arab Emriates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blames the shooting on “Extremists” who “sometimes get on TV.”...
Shot US lawmaker 'breathing on her own': doctor
The Arizona lawmaker shot in the head in an attack that killed six in Tucson remains in critical condition but is now capable of breathing on her own, doctors said Tuesday. "She's holding her own," said Michael Lemole, the head neurosurgeon who operated on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, adding that she was still responding to simple commands, a key sign for her recovery prospects. "She's breathing on her own," added the doctor at University Medical Center, saying they had reduced the sedati...
The Present Madness
On the radio this morning, Bill Bennett and I had a discussion about the Arizona massacre, and the political use of it made by the Left in this country. A few observations. In a way, they have won. “They”? I mean, the Krugmans, the Sullivans, the Olbermanns: “They.” They’ve won because we are on their turf, where they have dragged us, or enticed us. The shooting in Arizona has nothing to do with politics. Nothing to do with Republicans, nothing to do with conservati...
Rep. Clyburn: Reading Of The Constitution on House Floor Contributed To Climate Of AZ Shooting
DanlBoone on Now: NYT’s Paul Krugman Blames Giffords Shooting on Right-Wing Rhetoric. Before: Kurgman Encourages Lefties to Hang Sen. Lieberman in Effigy… big-pete on Free Moshe! Israeli Spy Vulture to be Released by Saudis MONSTER on Dem Rep. James Clyburn Uses Giffords Tragedy to Call For Return to Fairness Doctrine… DanlBoone on Now: NYT’s Paul Krugman Blames Giffords Shooting on Right-Wing Rhetoric. Before: Kurgman Encourages Lefties to Hang Sen. Lieberman in Effigy...
Clyburn: Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine...
COLUMBIA — U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in Congress, said Sunday the deadly shooting in Arizona should get the country thinking about what's acceptable to say publicly and when people should keep their mouths shut. Clyburn said he thinks vitriol in public discourse led to a 22-year-old suspect opening fire Saturday at an event Democratic U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords held for her constituents in Tucson, Ariz. Six people were killed and 14 others were injured, including ...
A New Threat to Free Speech
Rep. James Clyburn asserts, without evidence, that the Tucson shooting proves that this country needs to curtail free Speech in the name of Public Safety: 'Free Speech is as free Speech does,' he said. 'You cannot yell 'fire' in a crowded theater and call it free Speech and some of what I hear, and is being called free speech, is worse than that.' Clyburn used as an example a comment made by Sharron Angle, an unsuccessful U.S. Senatorial Candidate in Nevada, who said the frustrated public may co...
Beware of those who would trade security for freedom
The most recent example of that is Rep. James Clyburn who thinks it is time the concept of free Speech is rethought in the wake of the Tucson shooting:
The shooting is cause for the country to rethink parameters on free speech, Clyburn said from his office, just blocks from the South Carolina Statehouse. He wants standards put in place to guarantee balanced media coverage with a reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine, in addition to calling on elected officials and media pundits to use ‘be...
The award of the Medal of Honor doesn't keep you from becoming a total idiot: democrat Sen. Bob Kerrey
The Repeal of ObamaCare played a role in the assclown shooting people in Arizona. Really. Check it out at around the 2:25 mark. "It's one of the reasons this guy was angry..." To date, there is absolutely nothing to suggest that ObamaCare had anything to do with this guy's determination to shoot a Congresswoman or anyone else. Sen. Kerrey should know better. The leftists should know better. We should ALL know better. Loughner a murderer, liberals are sick - Yes this Loughner kid is a murderer....
Video: Fmr. Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE) Says AZ Shooter Did It Because GOP Is Trying To Repeal ObamaCare!
Good grief. And good riddance to this moron. The moonbattery starts at the 2:24 mark where Kerry specifically pins the shooting on the GOeffort to Repeal ObamaCare:
'Jumping the shark" doesn't quite cut it in the face of such idiocy.
Global Warming Part II: It Really Doesn't Matter What The Facts Are; The Important Thing Is That Our Theory Is Vindicated No Ma
Allah makes a good point that deserves underscoring. Former Senator Bob Kerrey just made the claim that he doesn't know what Loughner's politics are (they're sort of pro-Matrix), and further, that we shouldn't read much into his politics whatever they are.
That said, he's pretty sure it's the right's fault. No one can say what drove Loughner violently mad; but we're pretty confident it's anger caused by the Tea Party at ObamaCare.
Here''s Allah on that:
Theres not a shred of evidence I know of...
Gene Healy: Politicians' solutions to violence only harm citizens
In the wake of Saturday's horrific Murder spree in Tucson that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., gravely wounded, the House GOP leadership announced that normal legislative business would be suspended. It was the right move, showing proper respect for the Victims and avoiding the crass spectacle of partisan votes in the tragedy's aftershock. Moreover, judging by some legislators' reactions to the attack, Congress sorely needs a breathing period, lest it do serious damage by le...
Rush Responds
On his radio program, Rush Limbaugh is unsurprisingly responding to accusations, implicit from some, explicit from others (like the notorious Sheriff Dupnik), that his radio program and the like bear some guilt for the Murders at Tucson. Here are a few notes from his radio program: Rush and his guests talked about the many websites and Facebook groups devoted to wishing death on Sarah Palin. Rush tied the Left’s response to their understanding of human nature: “The Left cannot ...
Oregon Rep. Schrader holds Beck, Limbaugh responsible for Arizona tragedy
Oregon Rep. Kurt Schrader, Democrat, is holding Right Wing commentators Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck responsible for the tragic Shooting Spree in Arizona. Saturday, outside of a strip mall in Tucson Arizona, Jared Lee Loughner killed six people, including Federal Judge John Roll, and wounded more than a dozen, including Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords, a Democrat who supported Health Care reform, was Loughner's target. Giffords was...
The left is not about to waste this 'crisis'
Theme: The left's immediate reaction to the Arizona shooting proves, again, that it will not forgo any chance to exploit a tragedy ("crisis"). Minor theme: In the process, mostly through projection of its own perversions, it is setting records for hypocrisy, irrationality and unfairness.
Politico reported that after the shootings, one Veteran Democratic operative said that President Obama should "deftly pin this on the tea partiers. Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma...
The left is not about to waste this 'crisis'
Theme: The left's immediate reaction to the Arizona shooting proves, again, that it will not forgo any chance to exploit a tragedy ("crisis"). Minor theme: In the process, mostly through projection of its own perversions, it is setting records for hypocrisy, irrationality and unfairness.
Politico reported that after the shootings, one Veteran Democratic operative said that President Obama should "deftly pin this on the tea partiers. Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma...
Limbaugh: Left is accusing majority of being accomplices to murder
Rush Limbaugh, still smarting from President Bill Clinton’s suggestions 15 years ago that conservative Talk Radio bore some responsibility for the Oklahoma City bombing, pushed back hard in his Radio Show Monday against liberals who had dropped his name over the weekend in connection with the shootings in Tucson.
“In continuing this template and narrative that the Tea Party and Sarah Palin, that Talk Radio and Fox News, are inspiring violence, they forget that, in the process of so...
The Violent Rhetoric End Game, Revealed.
The “Violent Rhetoric” End Game, Revealed. At last we see the end game of all the weekend “violent rhetoric” talk from the left. Several leading House Democrats blamed the inflammatory rhetoric for contributing to the Tucson massacre, while Republicans denounced criticism of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) following the tragedy. One lawmaker, Rep. Robert Brady (D-Pa.), has said he would introduce a bill to make it a crime to threaten or incite violence against a federa...
Pol suggest Democrat spin on Tuscon shooting not working
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
CBS News:
Nearly six in 10 Americans say the country's heated political Rhetoric is not to blame for the Tucson shooting rampage that left six dead and critically wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to a CBS News poll.
In the wake of the shooting, much focus has been put on the harsh tone of politics in Washington and around the country, particularly after a contentious Midterm Election. Rhetoric and imagery from both Republicans and Democrats hav...
Rush Limbaugh: Its insane to fault Sarah Palin for Ariz. shooting (Daily Caller)
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Poll: Shooting spree not due to rhetoric
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 (UPI) -- Most Americans don't blame the shooting rampage in which Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was wounded on violent political language, a poll released Tuesday indicated. While 57 percent said the Mass Shooting in Tucson, Ariz., was not related to political Rhetoric, 32 percent said the two are linked, CBS News reported. The poll was conducted by the CBS News Polling Unit. GALLERY: The aftermath of the Rep. Giffords shooting There was a partisan divide with 69 percent of Republ...
Giffords condition improves after shooting
TUCSON, Ariz - U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords is breathing on her own and doctors Tuesday were hopeful about her recovery from a head wound suffered in an Arizona Shooting Spree that killed six people. Giffords, a popular 40-year-old Democrat, remained in critical condition at a Tucson Hospital but is “holding her own,” responding to simple commands and breathing without aid of a tube although a bullet passed through her brain, doctors said. “She has no right to look th...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
The Hill:
Poll: Rhetoric, Arizona shooting unrelated
By Jordan Fabian - 01/11/11 08:13 AM ET
Almost 60 percent of the public believes that heated political rhetoric has nothing to do with an Arizona Shooting Spree that gravely wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) and killed a Federal Judge.
Fifty-seven percent of respondents in a new CBS News poll said rhetoric is unrelated to the shooting, while 32 percent said they believe the two are connected.
Many pundits and lawmakers have keyed in on ...
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Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
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Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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