Immigration Bill: Undocumented UCLA Student Leslie Perez, 22, weeps while watching a televised debate of the DREAM Act in the Senate at the UCLA Downtown Labor Center in Los Angeles, Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010.
PHOTOS: UCLA in pictures
Perez is an undocumented Student at UCLA.
VIDEOS: UCLA in videos
The DREAM Act would give provisional legal status to Illegal Immigrants brought to the country as Children. Emboldened by months of phone calls to lawmakers, Hunger Strikes and sit-ins, a group of College Students and graduates in Los Angeles say they plan to take th...
Students Look to 2012 After Immigration Bill Fails in Senate
Monday, December 20, 2010
By Amy Taxin, Associated Press
Undocumented UCLA Student Leslie Perez, 22, weeps while watching a televised debate of the DREAM Act in the Senate at the UCLA Downtown Labor Center in Los Angeles on Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010. The DREAM Act would give provisional legal status to Illegal Immigrants who were brought to the country as Children. (AP Photo/Jason Redmond)
Los Angeles (AP) - Emboldened by months of phone calls to lawmakers, Hunger Strikes and sit-ins, a group...
Undeterred, Students DREAM Up New Plan for 2012
Young immigrants who fought to get the DREAM Act passed will now focus on the 2012 Elections. After the disappointment of Saturday's blockage of the DREAM Act, College Students in Los Angeles are planning to take their fight to the states as their gear up for the 2012 Elections. It will be an uphill battle. The Senate vote Saturday to toss the proposal that would have granted young undocumented immigrants a route to legal status dealt a harsh blow to Student Activists who will face an even steep...
Students look to 2012 after immigration bill fails
Los Angeles -- Emboldened by months of phone calls to lawmakers, Hunger Strikes and sit-ins, a group of College Students and graduates in Los Angeles say they plan to take their fight for immigrant rights to the states and the 2012 election after Senate Republicans blocked a key piece of Legislation.
But it won't be easy.
The Senate vote Saturday to toss the proposal that would have granted young Illegal Immigrants a route to legal status dealt a harsh blow to Student Activists who will face ...
Students look to 2012 after immigration bill fails
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Emboldened by months of phone calls to lawmakers, Hunger Strikes and sit-ins, a group of College Students and graduates in Los Angeles say they plan to take their fight for immigrant rights to the states and the 2012 election after Senate Republicans blocked a key piece of Legislation. But it won't be easy. The Senate vote Saturday to toss the proposal that would have granted young Illegal Immigrants a route to legal status dealt a harsh blow to Student Activists who will fa...
Republicans Block DREAM Act, Another Old Media Lie
The Old Media is up to its old tricks again, this time making the GOP the fall guy for the failure of the latest Immigration Bill. Nearly every news outlet is reporting that the Republicans have blocked the DREAM Act, many of these reports even say so right in the headline. The truth, however, is not that the GOP blocked it, but that the Democrats didn't get all its own members to vote for it. In fact, if the Democrats could have gotten five more of their own members to vote "yea" the bill woul...
Times Laments 'Painful Setback' to 'Dream Act' Amnesty for Illegals
Reporter Julia Preston’s “news analysis” on Sunday on the Senate the defeat of Legislation granting Amnesty to hundreds of thousands of Illegal Immigrants, known as the DREAM Act by supporters (“Immigration Vote Leaves Obama’s Policy in Disarray”) is a reversal of the emotion displayed in her previous celebratory coverage of even the puniest symbolic gatherings of pro-“Dream Act” Protesters involving as few as four Students.
Preston seemed anguish...
GOP Blocks Citizenship For Illegal Aliens
From an outraged New York Times:
Senate Blocks Bill for Young Illegal Immigrants
December 18, 2010
The Senate on Saturday blocked a bill that would have created a path to Citizenship for certain young illegal immigrants who came to the United States as Children, completed two years of college or Military service and met other requirements, including passing a criminal Background Check.
The vote by 55-41 in favor of the bill, which is known as the DREAM Act, effectiv...
A Tea Party Leader Hates Christians
Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation, has a dream of "no more United Methodist Church." That's right, Phillips, who says he was raised in the Methodist Church until he learned it was "little more than the first Church of Karl Marx," was incensed that the United Methodist Building (known to locals as "the God box") on Capitol Hill had a sign supporting the DREAM Act. (h/t Religion News Service). "After all," Phillips adds, "what can you say about a church that considers Hillary Clinton to...
DREAM Act Students Vow Revolution
Posing as a Civil Rights group, La Raza (The Race) advocates a "Reconquista" of the American southwest. Frustrated Hispanic Students have vowed revolution and retribution against White Americans after the so-called DREAM Act failed to pass a Senate vote this past weekend. “This is war!” Phoenix student Aldemar Cruz is quoted by as shouting after the vote. “Republicans may have stopped the DREAM Act, but they won’t prevent La Reconquista from happeni...
Republicans block youth immigration bill
WASHINGTON – Senate Republicans on Saturday doomed an effort that would have given hundreds of thousands of young Illegal Immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the Military.
Sponsors of the DREAM Act fell five votes short of the 60 they needed to break through largely GOP opposition and win its enactment before Republicans take over the House and narrow Democrats' majority in the Senate next month.
President Barack Obama called the vote "incredibly disap...
DREAM OVER: Senate Blocks Bill for Illegal Immigrants...
The vote by the Senate on Saturday to block a bill to grant legal status to hundreds of thousands of Illegal Immigrant Students was a painful setback to an emerging movement of immigrants and also appeared to leave the Immigration policy of the Obama Administration, which has supported the bill and the movement, in disarray. The bill, known as the DREAM Act, gained 55 votes in favor with 41 against, a tally short of the 60 votes needed to bring it to the floor for debate. Five Democrats broke r...
What now for the DREAM Act?
It may take awhile, but the DREAM Act will be back, and it will pass.
The Senate vote Saturday to toss the proposal that would have granted young Illegal Immigrants a route to legal status dealt a harsh blow to Student Activists who will face an even steeper uphill battle in the next Congress.
Immigrants see rough times ahead in the next two years, with many Republicans vowing to push for tougher Immigration enforcement, but they also say Latino voters are getting fed up with lawmakers at a t...
Republicans Block DREAM Act, Another Old Media Lie
The Old Media is up to its old tricks again, this time making the GOP the fall guy for the failure of the latest Immigration Bill. Nearly every news outlet is reporting that the Republicans have blocked the DREAM Act, many of these reports even say so right in the headline. The truth, however, is not that the GOP blocked it, but that the Democrats didn’t get all its own members to vote for it.
In fact, if the Democrats could have gotten five more of their own members to vote “yea...
The Politics of Voting Down DREAM (The Atlantic Wire)
WASHINGTON, DC – Just hours before the Senate voted on Sunday to Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Democrats lost a major piece of Legislation: the DREAM Act, which failed to overcome the threat of a Republican Filibuster. The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act would have provided a path to legal Citizenship for some Illegal Immigrants who had arrived in the U.S. as minors but went on to graduate from U.S. colleges or serve in the Military. Democrats pushed the bill as a ...
Penlope Cruz Controversy Reveals Duplicity in Immigration Debate
Providing us with another convenient excuse to share an image of the radiant Penélope Cruz, some readers responded with indignation to last week’s post regarding the actress and her unborn child. The source of their angst was a position taken in defense of the term “Anchor Baby.” A conservative Hispanic group, Somos Republicans, took a hard stance against Fox News Latino for using the term in reference to Cruz’s unborn child, equating it to epithets like “wetback...
How Undocumented Youth Nearly Made Their DREAMs Real in 2010
By the time Felipe Matos got to North Carolina, his 1,500-mile march was nearly over. It was April and he, Gaby Pacheco, Carlos Roa and Juan Rodriguez were set to arrive in D.C. on May 1. They’d walked from Miami, on what they called the Trail of Dreams, to raise awareness about their plight as undocumented Students and demand the passage of the DREAM Act. They’d been walking since the first day of the year, and had already passed through north Florida’s backwater towns and bi...
Obama's Statement on the DREAM Act
Republicans blocked the DREAM Act Dec. 18 and five Democrats joined them: In an incredibly disappointing vote today, a minority of Senators prevented the Senate from doing what most Americans understand is best for the country. As I said last week, when the House passed the DREAM Act, it is not only the right thing to do for talented Young People who seek to serve a country they know as their own, it is the right thing for the United States of America. Our nation is enriched by their talents a...
How Students Almost Made their DREAM Come True
Julianne Hing writes for Colorlines:
By the time Felipe Matos got to North Carolina, his 1,500-mile march was nearly over. It was April and he, Gaby Pacheco, Carlos Roa and Juan Rodriguez were set to arrive in D.C. on May 1. Theyâd walked from Miami, on what they called the Trail of Dreams, to raise awareness about their plight as undocumented Students and demand the passage of the DREAM Act.
Theyâd been walking since the first day of the year, and had already passed thro
West Virginia's Manchin skips key Senate votes
New Sen. Joe Manchin, the Democrat elected to replace the late Robert C. Byrd, chose to attend a family event over a pair of key votes Saturday that are signature pieces of his party's agenda.
His absence didn't change the outcome of the votes to Repeal the Military's ban on Openly Gay personnel or the failure of a major Immigration Bill. But it raised eyebrows among senators who have seen ailing colleagues wheeled in just to raise a thumb for aye or point it down for nay.
West Virginia's Manchin skips key Senate votes
WASHINGTON—New Sen. Joe Manchin, the Democrat elected to replace the late Robert C. Byrd, chose to attend a family event over a pair of key votes Saturday that are signature pieces of his party's agenda.
His absence didn't change the outcome of the votes to Repeal the Military's ban on Openly Gay personnel or the failure of a major Immigration Bill. But it raised eyebrows among senators who have seen ailing colleagues wheeled in just to raise a thumb for aye or point it down for nay.
Republican liars in the US Senate?
As I pointed our earlier, the GOP was in a position to stop BOTH the DREAM Act AND DADT... if they wanted to. Clearly, the progressive wing of the GOP... primarily but not entirely made up of those like their fellow leftists who never set foot in uniform or, like Scott Brown, never set foot in a combat unit, wanted this horrific outcome. But at the end of the day, the remaining GOP members in the Senate COULD have filibustered. They could have killed it that way. You all remember this, don't ...
UC San Diego grad student scrambling to avoid deportation
Mark Farrales figured his time in America could be up when he answered the door at his Reseda home to find two men standing there in black bulletproof vests emblazoned with three large white letters.
"It read ICE," he said. "My heart just sank."
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were there to arrest him for being in the country illegally.
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Dream Act backers hold vigil after defeat
by Eddi Trevizo - Dec. 19, 2010 10:15 PM Carlos Arguello, 19, fasted for six days while standing vigil outside Sen. John McCain's office in Phoenix in support of the DREAM Act. The measure, which would have granted a path to Citizenship for Young People brought into this country illegally as Children, failed by a five-vote margin in the Senate on Saturday. Despite that, Arguello told a gathering of supporters Sunday: "I feel more powerful than most people my age. Exposure is protection. Once you...
As DREAM Act Fails, Lindsey Graham Tells Undocumented Youth They Wasted Their Time
Saturday, the Senate failed to invoke Cloture on the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act. Forty-one mostly Republican senators voted against a bill which would have provided young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. by their parents a path to legalization by pursuing a College Education or serving in the Military. 55 voted in the affirmative. Immediately before the vote failed, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took the Senate floor to tell the young DREAMers...
A procedural note about H.R. 5281 and the DREAM Act
There is a bit of confusion on the Internet that needs to be cleared up about the Democrats’ plans for the DREAM Act.
A number of readers have pointed to a weekend post at warning that the DREAM Act is “hidden” in another bill, H.R. 5281.
Senate staff explained to me today that DREAM was passed as an amendment to HR 5281 in the House and it was sent over as a “message,” which gave it privileged status so the Senate didn’t have to vote on a motion to pro
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Senate blocks DREAM immigration act with former co-sponsor Orrin Hatch voting against bill . Something wrong when you lose bill co-sponsors.