Senate to Consider Tax-Cut Bill That Would Add $857 Billion to U.S. Debt

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White House
Tax Cut, Senate, Estate Tax, Payroll Tax, Debt

Tax Cut: Senate leaders released an agreement crafted by the White House and Republicans to sustain Bush-era tax rates through 2012, set the Estate Tax at the lowest rate in 80 years, extend jobless aid and cut payroll taxes by 2 percentage points....

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Edward Virtually posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

cut the estate tax ? $&#* that. *TRIPPLE* the estate tax . top 3/10ths of 1% of rich need a kick in the ass.

lemonverbena posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

In the Omnibus Capitulation Act, the estate tax cut alone would add $1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) to the national debt. That's insane.

Mitchell Slatin posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

Palin oppose tax tax deal b/c min.increases 2 estate tax + 2yr tax cut extension not sufficient to justify unemployment benefits for 13 mo.

Jon Walker posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

Obama doctrine. health insurance expansion for poor must be paid for. Estate tax cut doesn't need to be

Gift Ideas posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

Tax Cut Deal A Bonanza For Rich Gift Givers In 2011: 1, 2011, the estate and gift tax exemptions would be reunified, meaning both wou...

Jerry Anderson, CCIM posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

Cut estate taxes, lower payroll taxes, extend tax cuts for all,extend unemployment benefits . And no plan whatsoever to pay for any of it!

ryancmack posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

I am actually opposed to the estate tax , y pay to die? But don't cut it now!...when the only benefit will b 4 the rich! Take off the table!

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