Right Wing: Right now, the public isn’t ready to believe an argument that Jared Loughner was motivated by right-wing Rhetoric.
PHOTOS: The Dial in pictures
Fortunately, nobody has said that, because it’s the wrong claim to make.
VIDEOS: The Dial in videos
Nobody has claimed that crosshairs on a map or talk of “Second Amendment remedies” is specifically to blame (some on the right have blamed heavy metal music and a skull in his backyard, and that’s just as silly). The main claim is that the toxic stew of noxious rhetoric, particul...
Gregory Kane: Sheriff Dupnik shoots before aiming
It wasn't long after the Tucson, Ariz., shootings before Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik went into full blowhard mode about who was responsible for the massacre. A hint: it's not suspect Jared Lee Loughner. According to a story on the Web site www.CNN.com, Dupnik "used a nationally televised Press Conference to condemn the tone of political discourse in his state." Oh, this gets better. Here's a direct quote from Dupnik, taken from the www.CNN.com story: "We need to do some soul-searching. ...
Obama to attend Arizona memorial
President Barack Obama has arrived in Arizona to pay tribute to six people killed in a shooting and to honour US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was injured in the attack. The president is due to speak at a memorial service for Victims of the shooting in Tucson later on Wednesday. Suspected gunman Jared Loughner has been charged with several offences and could face the death penalty if guilty. Ms Giffords was shot in the head and remains in a critical condition. Thousands have gathered thr...
RFK Jr. Insists JFK Was Killed by a Right-Winger
Just forgot all that stuff about Lee Harvey Oswald being a self-proclaimed Marxist who defected to the USSR, offered his services to the Castro regime, had originally planned to kill a conservative general who was an outspoken critic of Cuba etc. …Neither Beck, Hannity nor Savage nor the hate merchants at Fox News and Talk Radio can claim to have invented their genre. Toxic right-wing vitriol so dominated the public airwaves from the McCarthy era until 1963 that President Kennedy...
RFK Jr: You know, my uncle was also shot amid a climate of right-wing hate
Be sure to read the last post about Palin before you read Junior’s reminiscences or else you might not appreciate what a quintessential example this is of the left’s magical thinking about culpability. You want voodoo, you got it:
Uncle Jack’s Speech in Dallas was to have been an explosive broadside against the Right Wing. He found Dallas’ streets packed five deep with Kennedy Democrats, but among them were the familiar ornaments of presidential hatred; high-flying conf...
Was the 18th century a 'climate of hate'?
In the aftermath of the Tucson tragedy that killed six and wounded 14 others, the Left has attacked Talk Radio, Fox News, Sarah Palin and anyone else it can smear. Never mind there is not a shred of evidence that the accused gunman, the mentally disturbed Jared Lee Loughner, ever watched Glenn Beck or listened to Rush Limbaugh (Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, a Democrat, irresponsibly suggested Limbaugh incited Loughner). Even if Loughner had watched and listened to conservative media, wha...
Misinformed? MSNBC viewers blame political rhetoric for Tucson shooting (Daily Caller)
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Misinformed? MSNBC viewers blame 'political Rhetoric' for Tucson shooting
Friend: Loughner steered clear of politics, news
Anti-Defamation League overall supportive, yet disappointed in Palin's use of 'blood Libel' term
Despite overwhelming evidence that accused Tucson shooter Jared Loughner was not motivated by either Left Wing or Right Wing p...
Obama to visit Rep. Giffords before speech
Reporting from Tucson and Los Angeles —
President Obama headed to visit critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords on Wednesday after arriving in Tucson to deliver a Speech designed to heal the nation while paying tribute to the 19 Victims of a weekend Shooting Spree.
"The president wanted to begin this solemn trip by stopping first at the Hospital where congresswoman Giffords and others continue to recuperate," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said.
With his wife and a bipartis...
Blame Derrida!
It should be clear, by this point, to any rational person that the Left in this country has simply lost its collective mind. The “reality based community” has been hysterically shrieking for the past five days how Jared Loughner was inspired directly by the words of Sarah Palin (or Glenn Beck), despite the fact they had not a single piece of evidence to substantiate the charge. (“Reality,” for the Left, must be a strange thing devoid of any basis in fact it seems.)
Louie Gohmert hits the trifecta: violent rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and guns
While it would be impossible to top the self-centered offensiveness of today's Sarah Palin video -- where she used the attempted Assassination of Gabrielle Giffords to peddle her message of victimhood -- Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) gave it his best shot, but could only manage a trifecta of stupidity.
First, his thoughts on the public comments by Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik on today's political climate:
I hope the sheriff tones his Rhetoric down.
Well, sure. Sheriff Dupnik needs to tone d...
The Politics of Hate
Violence and politics are two very dangerous things to mix. Unfortunately, this has occurred on 01/08/2011, as Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot outside an event. Six innocent bystanders have lost their lives and the Congresswoman continues to fight for her own. The shooting is attributed to a young, Lone Wolf type, with the terms “mentally ill” and “deranged” being bandied back and forth. However, based on the profile of the individual who was targeted, there is ...
Before RFK Jr. blames right-wing for murder, he should apologize for his own life-endangering rhetoric
You knew this was coming. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a treasure trove of inanity, whether he's shilling for brutal dictators like Hugo Chavez, blaming Reagan for 9/11, or wrongly arguing childhood Vaccines are responsible for Autism even as whooping cough, measles, mumps and other preventable and deadly childhood afflictions come roaring back. (The scientific evidence behind RFK Jr.'s concerns about vaccination was just revealed to be a total Fraud, for what that's worth.) So here he is weighing i...
More On Loughner And Right Wing Hysteria
Several friends have written in about my item arguing that Jared Loughner is not related to right-wing Extremism. The objection, in a nutshell, is, don't you agree that right-wing rage is a serious problem?
I think it is a serious problem. I also think, despite the attempts of numerous Republicans to draw equivalences, that it's a far more serious problem than anything that occurred under George W. Bush. critics have focused on violent language and birtherism on the right. But there's a deeper ...
On 10th anniversary, Wikipedia aims for diversity
Wikipedia, the online trove of assorted facts and trivia, is trying to be more well-rounded. As the encyclopedia nears its 10th birthday on Saturday, its leaders are seeking a more diverse group of editors — specifically, women, people in Developing Countries and people with expertise in assorted disciplines. Wikipedia is about to open an office in India and wants to expand further in Brazil, Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries. Today, 20 percent of the site's pages are written in Eng...
Mark Halperin Claims Conservative Pundits Are Hoping Obama Fails In His Tucson Speech But Where Is the Evidence?
Time magazine's Mark Halperin scolded "media voices on the Right" on MSNBC Wednesday, for hoping President Obama fails in his Wednesday night Speech in Tucson, Arizona. He railed against conservative media pundits for wishing such a thing during a national tragedy. "It should be about the Victims, and...it shouldn't be about the media," said Halperin on "Morning Joe" Wednesday. "There are media voices on the Right who are cheering for the President to f...
No More Mister Nice Blog
Lefties have been looking for ties between Jared Loughner's state of mind and recent expressions of right-wing rage; the right, in response to this, has lashed out, aggressively attacking commentators and others -- including Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik -- who've criticized the right.
And now along comes Limbaugh. The soundbite from Rush Limbaugh's Tuesday Radio Show that's Sheriff Dupnik faces reelection bid August 28, 2012
In response to a query by the L.A. County Libertarian Examiner, Pima County Arizona election officials have confirmed that Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik will next be up for election in 2012. Mary Martinson, of Pima County Elections prompty replied to our question and said "The Sheriff in Pima County is up every 4 years. The Sheriff’s term is 4 years. The next time he (Dupnik) will be up for election is August 28, 2012." Republican Arizona State Senator Jack W. Harp...
Sheriff Dupnik aides Loughner defense
Pima County Sheriff Dupnik, responsible for opening the investigation of Jared Loughner, has gone on record presenting legally viable evidence that Loughner was incited to commit mass Murder by hateful, violent Right-wing images and Rhetoric. He bases this claim on the fact that an altar to Satan was found in the defendant’s backyard and everyone knows that the Right-wingers are all Satanists. We know because the Left would never demonize anyone on the Right just for disagreeing with...
What Can We Expect Following Tucson?
It is difficult not to comment on the tragedy in Arizona. In the aftermath we have the same predictable round of finger pointing: left vs. right. Forget about sane discourse or compassion, this event will continue to be part of an ongoing political battle. First, the killer will be understood to be a lone psychotic who acted based on paranoid delusions about government conspiracies. As much as the left would like to connect him to the noxious political Rhetoric emanating from the right, there is...
Attack on Democracy in Arizona
I first met Gary Ritterstein when he was working as Communications Director for Joe Sestak's Senate campaign. Today he's a communications Strategist who we're trying to presuade to share some of his insights here at DWT. His first guest post:
When a self-described Terrorist fired shots into a crowd of folks at a political town hall event, the 20 Victims included a Federal Court judge who was among those killed and a Member of our U.S. House of Representatives who remains among those fighting f...
Right Wing Leftovers
Businessman, right-wing Activist and Tea Party favorite Herman Cain establishes a presidential Exploratory Committee. Mike Huckabee already has problems with the Tea Party. Rep. Peter King (R-NY) and Conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney get together to spew anti-Muslim diatribes. After the Tucson shooting, an Arizona Republican District Chairman opposed by the Tea Party resigned, saying, “I don’t want to take a bullet for anyone.” North Carolina State Rep. Larry Brown wants to end...
Remainders: Misunderstanding
Pawlenty and Christie get chummy.
Tea Party Leaders still hunting around for a Scott Brown challenger.
Chamber president vows the US will raise the Debt ceiling.
Sen. Menendez looks safe for now.
Chafee defends his Talk Radio stance.
Threats to lawmakers are rarely prosecuted.
The first line of War and Peace is actually tricky and in French.
The hunt is still on for the author of "O"
A Seattle alt-weekly doubles down on target imagery.
AP and Fairey will share "Hope" post...
Palin's Pogrom
Breaking my Palin embargo, but not to pile on about her tasteless use of "blood Libel" to criticize the media for criticizing her. I'm pretty sure she's so uninformed she had no idea about the genesis of the phrase and simply used it because others already did and she liked the sound of it. But since I forced myself to read about Palin's latest gibberish, I'll address a couple of other points.
Ms. Palin quoted former President Ronald Reagan as saying that society should not be blamed for the ...
The Madness of the Mainstream Media
If Michael Kelly and Tim Russert were alive today , they would be sickened and appalled to see the shambling madness that has descended upon their profession, most particularly as it manifests in the obsessive and whirling mania regarding Sarah Palin. When it gets to the point that Jonathan Chait has to marvel at his instincts to defend Palin, that’s a measure of their madness. Let’s begin at the beginning: on January 8, a madman in Arizona, listening to nothing but his own head̵...
Obama arrives in Tucson for memorial
US President Barack Obama was Wednesday visiting injured congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Hospital shortly after arriving in Arizona to address a poignant memorial service. "The president wanted to begin this solemn trip by stopping first at the Hospital where congresswoman Giffords and others continue to recover," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. The president would also meet with the families of the Victims of Saturday's shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona, before leading the memori...
Liberals Seek Ban on Metaphors in Wake of Arizona Shooting
After the monstrous shooting in Arizona last week, surely we can all agree that we've got to pass Obama's agenda immediately and stop using metaphors. At least I think that's what the Mainstream Media are trying to tell me. Liberals instantly leapt on the sickening massacre at a Tucson political event over the weekend to accuse tea partiers, Sarah Palin and all Conservatives who talk out loud of being complicit in Murder by inspiring the shooter, Jared Loughner. You must login to comment. The Fo...
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How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations