Republicans : Americans are less supportive of President Barack Obama’s policies than they were a year ago, but a majority of those surveyed in a new poll still hope his policies will be successful.
PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures
In a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday, 61 percent of Americans surveyed said they hope Obama’s policies succeed.
VIDEOS: Barack Obama in videos
A year ago, 71 percent hoped for Obama’s policy success. Continue Reading Text Size - + reset Politico 44 Those surveyed were also less confident that the ...
CNN poll finds surprise!! a divided country
CNN released a new poll last week with some interesting numbers. For example, pollsters asked whether it would be good or bad for the country that Republicans will control the U.S. House of Representatives: 51 percent said it will be good, 42 percent said it will be bad.
That would seem to be pretty good news for the GOP. However, CNN also asked a similar question in 2006, when Democrats took over the House. Four years ago, 67 percent said the Democratic takeover would be good for the country,...
Poll: Support For Obama's Policies Down Since Last Year
As the Democratic Party looks to recover from the midterm shellacking, a new CNN poll found that support for Obama's policies has dipped 10 percentage points over the past year. Yet despite the sharp drop, a majority of Americans still support the President's policies.
In the poll, 61% percent of respondents said they hoped Obama's policies would succeed, while 27% said they hoped his policies would fail. Last year, CNN pegged that split at 71% to 22%.
The poll asked:
In general, do you hope t...
CNN Poll: Fewer People Want Obamas Policies to Succeed
Those surveyed were also less confident that the president’s policies would succeed, with 44 percent saying they would and 47 percent saying they would fail. A year ago, 52 percent of Americans said they thought Obama’s policies would be successful, while 41 percent said they thought his policies would fail. Fifty-one percent of Americans said they think the GOP majority in the House of Representatives will be a good thing for the country, while 42 percent said they think it will be ...
CNN Poll: More Americans Believe Obamas Radical Agenda Will Fail & Trust GOP Congress Over Obama to Handle Issues
Who said Obama was the come back kid and on a rebound?
In the most recent CNN/Opinion Research poll , more Americans believe that Barack Obama’s radical policies will fail. Just one year ago a majority of Americans thought Obama’s policies would succeed. However, that was until they fully realized what his radical policies were all about. Also, Americans have confidence in Republicans over Barack Obama, 40% to 35%, to handle the problems facing the country.
Full CNN poll resu
The Senate's Opening Day
Brian Beutler over at TPM has some reporting on the emerging rules reform package that will be offered in the Senate by Tom Udall and Jeff Merkley on Jan. 5. I find the substance underwhelming, and I'm not someone who wants to eliminate the Filibuster....I don't think that the changes they are proposing, at least from what I've seen so far, will have much if any practical effect. But in this post, I want to focus on what perhaps is the biggest difficulty: They're pushing the Democrats into a po...
We all wish Lepage well in his efforts to sort out Maine.
On Wednesday 5th of January 2011, Paul LePage will become Maine’s Governor after his close November win. LePage and his team have quite sensibly opted to have a low-key inauguration in the light of the dire straights this state finds itself in at the moment. The Morning Sentinel praisedthe move. “LePage’s low-key reception will look small, even compared to Gov. John Baldacci’s second inaugural, which also was scaled back because of concerns about the state Budget....
Gallup poll: Obama ends year with slightly lower approval rating
Despite a strong showing during the lame-duck session of Congress, President Obama closes out his second year in office with a slightly lower Approval Rating than at the end of 2009, according to a Gallup tracking poll released Thursday.
The poll found that the president's Approval Rating was 47%, down slightly from his post-midterm-election peak of 49% but close to his average of 46% during that period. During the week between Christmas 2009 and New Year's Day, Obama's Approval Rating ranged ...
Voters coming around to Limbaugh's point of view on wanting Obama failure
Image by fofurasfelinas via Flickr
President Barack Obama enters the new year with a growing number of Americans pessimistic about his policies and a growing number rooting for him to fail, according to a new National Poll.
Full poll results [pdf]
But a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday also indicates that while a majority of the public says Republican control of the House of Representatives is good for the country, only one in four say the GOP will do a better j...
Obama Names Ambassadors, No. 2 Official at Justice in Recess Appointments
President Obama, using his authority to bypass Congress, has named four ambassadors and the No. 2 person at the Justice Department as recess appointments, allowing them to serve through most of next year without Senate confirmation. The appointments Wednesday included career diplomat Robert S. Ford as the first ambassador to Syria since 2005, and James M. Cole as deputy attorney general. Cole, who took part in a 1997 ethics investigation of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, had been stalled in...
CNN Poll: Opposition to Afghanistan war remains high
Washington (CNN) - More than six in ten Americans oppose the U.S. War in Afghanistan, according to a new National Poll. And a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday also indicates that 56 percent of the public believes that things are going badly for the U.S. in Afghanistan. Sixty-three percent of people questioned in the poll say they oppose the war, with 35 percent saying they support the U.S. mission in Afghanistan. "The war has not always been unpopular - back in March, wh...
CNN Poll: Plurality of Public Thinks Obama's Policies Will Fail; Fewer People Are Even Hoping He Succeeds
Four words: We hope he fails?
Not really "we" because 61% of the public says they want Obama's policies to succeed; but that's down a big 10% since the December before last.
President Barack Obama enters the new year with a growing number of Americans pessimistic about his policies and a growing number rooting for him to fail, according to a new national poll.
But a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday also indicates that while a majority of the public says Republican cont...
Americans Split on Obama and Congressional Republicans, Poll Shows
As the 112th Congress convenes next week, Americans are divided in their assessment of both President Obama and Congressional Republicans, according to a new CNN /Opinion Research Corporation poll.
About half of the public (51 percent) said Republican control of the House of Representatives will be good for the country and 42 percent said it will be bad for the country. At the same time, only 26 percent expect the Republicans to do a better job than the Democrats; 52 percent anticipate more of ...
The top 10 political stories of 2010 (Part 2 of 2)
After an eventful 2009 which featured the inauguration of the first African-American President, 2010 seemed doomed to be a disappointment. In fact, 2010 may have been even more newsworthy than 2009. In addition to what was quite possibly the worst Environmental Disaster in American history, 2010 witnessed a monumental political shift and the passage of landmark Legislation in a number of areas. Below one can find the top 10 stories of 2010, #5 through #1. Stories #1...
Democrats turning Green makes the People see red (3/3)
While America has been reducing its industry over the last thirty years to make a cleaner environment and ‘save the world,’ China and India are growing by leaps and bounds taking those industries and making them their own. Our government puts a Moratorium on American oil companies drilling off of our coasts for the “safety of the environment,” which St. Pete’s Representative, Bill Young-R supports, while other nation’s Oil Rigs flock to the gulf. A...
Top Pelosi ally predicts 'one of the most rancorous periods' in history
One of outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelos's closest allies said Thursday that the next session of Congress will likely be one of the "most rancorous" periods in U.S. history.
Rep. Henry Waxman (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee, said that with Republicans taking control of the House and returning with a larger minority in the Senate, partisan bickering will heat up in the Capitol.
In an interview with California's KPCC Public Radio, Waxman called the past two years of ...
Ken Blackwell: Tie Debt Ceiling Vote to Balanced Budget Amendment
This Spring, Republicans will be faced with a serious decision over whether to vote to raise the Debt ceiling.
Failing to do so could signal foreign countries that the U.S. plans to default on our Debt -- an act that would surely have dire economic repercussions.
On the other hand, Tea Party Activists -- and other Conservatives -- might understandably view such a vote as evidence that Republicans still don't "get it" -- and that the politicians didn't hear them in November.
So what's the rea...
Poll: Fewer Hope for Obama Success
Americans are less supportive of President Barack Obama's policies than they were a year ago, but a majority of those surveyed in a new poll still hope his policies will be successful. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. washington...
From Limbaugh's Lips To America's Ears: Americans Say Obama Will Fail
By RightKlik
Rush Limbaugh's hopes have become America's expectations:
Washington (CNN) - President Barack Obama enters the new year with a growing number of Americans pessimistic about his policies and a growing number rooting for him to fail, according to a new National Poll...
"Twelve months ago a majority of the public said that they thought Obama's policies would succeed; now that number has dropped to 44 percent, with a plurality predicting that his policies will likely fail."
Americans ...
Saving the Senate from itself (Rep. Jim McDermott)
This month's tax deal starkly illustrates the enormous power wielded by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. In fact, his role confirms our government is not operating as a Democracy ruled by the will of the majority, but as a strangled entity tightly in the grasp of the Senate Republican minority and its take-no-prisoners minority leader.
For the last 23 months, this country has been stymied by Senator McConnell and his cohorts through their abuse of the Filibuster in the United States Sen...
Obama approval rating steady at 47 percent
Forty-seven percent of the public approve of President Obama's job performance in a new Gallup Poll, a figure that has remained relatively consistent since the November Midterm Elections.
Obama saw his approval dip by a statistically insignificant two percentage points from its high of 49 percent last week in Gallup's daily, but the president has not suffered a steep decline in approval like other presidents have following losses in the Midterm Elections.
Though Gallup noted the poll could ...
Harry 'Hypocrite' Reid changes the rules
Cover of The Good Fight
The Senate Majority Leader has a plan to deal with Republican electoral success. When you lose the game, you simply change the rules. When you only have 53 votes, you lower the bar to 51.
When Harry Reid was hawking his book "The Good Fight" on C-Span's "Book Notes" in 2008, he described how he had vehemently opposed GOP plans for the "Nuclear Option," changing the rules to break a Democratic Filibuster on President George W. Bush's judicial nominees. Only 51 votes...
No More Mister Nice Blog
It's mildly hysterical to see Republicans who spent the entire post-9/11 Bush era telling us that the President (and Vice-President) needed unprecedented plenary powers in a time of war are now screeching as loudly as possible that when the Chief Executive is a Democrat, they must be overruled by the "will of the people" and the GOP-led House.
The Republicans' weapon of choice? The little known and rarely used Congressional Review Act of 1996 which allow...
Poll: Obama approval rating holds steady
PRINCETON, N.J., Dec. 30 (UPI) -- Nearly the same number of respondents approve of the job President Barack Obama is doing as disapprove, a Gallup Poll released Thursday indicated. Obama's latest job Approval Rating is 47 percent, down slightly from the 49 percent recorded last week, Gallup said. Forty-six percent of Americans asked said they disapprove of Obama's job performance. Obama's Approval Rating has been stable since the Nov. 2 Midterm Elections in which the Democratic party lost its ma...
Ezra Klein: The Constitution is Hard to Understand Because It's Old or Something
It's old man.
Conservatives (thanks in large part to the Tea Party movement) have promoted awareness of the Constitution to the American People, natural rights, limited governmental power. Nora (accept the pudding! oh you will accept the pudding Nora) calls this "lip service". So the MFM must try to marginalize it. Klein must have skimmed over the part about "effective techniques" in the talking points memo, and instead chose the brainy approach, "nobody can understand what it means because it'...
Liberal Pundit Says U.S. Constitution is Confusing because it was Written More than 100 Years Ago Video 12/30/10
Here is video of liberal Ezra Klein actually saying today that the U.S. Constitution “is confusing because it was written more than a hundred years ago.”
Klein made the remarks in response to news that the new GOP-controlled House of Representatives is going to begin the new session of Congress by (gasp!) reading the United States Constitution out loud!
No, Ezra - the Constitution is not “confusing,” and it was actually written more than 200 years ago! It is just ...
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Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
Murkowski Certified as Official Senate Race Winner
Self-Proclaimed King of Birthers to Run for President
Maine Lift Had Problems Other Than Wind
Cop Fatalities up in 2010
Glenn Thrush from Politico says in private Republicans don't think Palin can beat Obama in 2012. White House is licking chops at Palin 2012.