Politico : The shooting and Boehner’s handling of the response has served to underscore just how tightly run the GOP House operation has been so far. 2.
PHOTOS: Politico in pictures
Both took the oath “via the teevee machine” while attending a Fundraiser at the Capitol Visitors Center organized by the campaign of one of them, a location with a mission that expressly forbids political events. 4.
VIDEOS: Politico in videos
The constitution reading the GOP leaders were so proud of, done at the behest of their Teabagger base, skipped entire pages ...
Politico Polishes Boehners Knob
Those Politico writers sure have been busy...(photo: Wolfrage on Flickr)
In an otherwise anodyne writeup of how off-course the Arizona catastrophe has sent GOP Speaker Boehner’s plans for introducing himself to America as the leader of the House, Politico “Journalist” Jake Sherman lays out this whopper:
The shooting and Boehner’s handling of the response has served to underscore just how tightly run the GOP House operation has been so far.
Um, no:
1. Two Veteran GOP House m...
NC Congressman Heath Shuler says he will carry a gun at future events
In response to the Arizona shooting rampage, NC Congressman Heath Shuler has confirmed that he will carry a gun himself for protection at state public events. “I, like many of my constituents and staff in Western North Carolina, strongly support the Second Amendment and do exercise our right to legally and safely carry a firearm,” Shuler (Democrat-Waynesville) said in a statement to the Times-News. Shuler was first quoted by The Politico newspaper on Monday as saying he would be arme...
John Boehner Shows Restraint After Shooting
As a footnote to the attempted Assassination of Gabrielle Giffords, it's worth noting that House Speaker John Boehner has denied a spot on the Immigration subcommittee to Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), the hard-right anti-immigrant firebrand. King is none too happy about it, telling National Journal, "John Boehner isn't very aggressive on immigration." King was sure to cause Headaches for his leadership, so this was probably a deft move on many levels. But it would be nice to think it's also an exam...
Disarm the Mundanes!
New York Republican Congressman Peter King, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and long-time Fundraiser for the so-called Irish Republican Army, reportedly plans to introduce Legislation making it a federal crime for Mundanes to carry Firearms within 1000 feet of a federal official. That proscription wouldn’t apply to the armed goons employed to protect such sanctified personages, of course.
GOP Donors Prepare For A Rowdy Sensenbender
When it comes to the art of the rager in Washington, D.C., no one throws down harder than Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.). At least that's what Carole Goeas & Associates would have you believe judging from the title of a planned Fundraiser benefiting the 67-year-old former House Judiciary Committee chairman. An e-mail titled "Martinis & Mayhem with Rep. Sensenbrenner Jan. 25th" went out Tuesday Morning to potential guests for the get-together slated at the Grill 75 Room of the Capitol ...
Citing shootings, Sen. Sanders solicits campaign donations
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) issued a Fundraising plea Tuesday in which he cited the Tucson shooting and accused "right-wing reactionaries" of contributing to a threatening political climate.
"Given the recent tragedy in Arizona, as well as the start of the new Congress, I wanted to take this opportunity to share a few words with political friends in Vermont and throughout the country," he wrote at the opening of the lengthy plea for campaign donations.
Sanders, who is up for Reelection i...
Rubio Puts the Lid on VP Speculation
CNN reports:
Washington (CNN) - There are many reasons to place Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, at the top of any 2012 vice presidential shortlist. He’s young, telegenic, a talented Fundraiser, and appealing to the Conservative Base. And perhaps most importantly, he’s a Hispanic hailing from the nation’s largest Battleground state.
But Rubio, who has yet to take a vote as a U.S. Senator, was eager to shoot down the speculation in a Radio Interview Monday.
“Are you at...
Jennifer Hudson headlines Emanuel fundraiser
Jennifer Hudson headlined a Fundraising concert for Mayoral Candidate Rahm Emanuel tonight at the House of Blues.
He introduced the Chicago native, Academy Award winner and new face of Weight Watchers, but Emanuel did not appear on stage with Hudson. She wore a svelte black dress and opened the brief show with her hit single "Spotlight."
Read more in Clout Street.
Reports Downplayed of Loughner's Extremist Ties
Like this Story? Share it: Only On The Web: CBS News digital Journalist Arden Farhi spoke to Tucson-area residents as they reflect on Saturday's shooting and the impact it's had on their community. Chris Wragge speaks with Tucson shooting survivor Eric Fuller about the gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, and his thoughts on Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's recovery. New details about Tuscon gunman Jared Lee Loughner are being revealed as investigators search his home. Ben Tracy reports. Evidence is continuing t...
Online news organizations refuse to disclose diversity numbers, raising questions about staffs
by Richard Prince Published Jan. 11, 2011 5:42 am Updated Jan. 11, 2011 5:43 am The Huffington Post is one of several online organizations that refuse to disclose how many People of Color work there. But pictures tell the story. For at least the last two years, Arianna Huffington’s pioneering, buzz-creating website has posted photos of its staff holiday party, and a casual glance shows few people of color. That might explain the skepticism that greets declarations of commitments to di...
For Giffords, right doctors in right place
Two of the surgeons who were waiting to pick up the pieces from the “mini-mass-casualty” event in Tucson, Ariz., have ties to the Washington area and, some might say, were the right doctors at the right place at the right time to help Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Peter Rhee, head of the trauma department at the University of Arizona Medical Center, said he had all the gear and good people he needed Saturday as Giffords and 10 others were brought to the emergency department.
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Another year of 'drill baby, drill'?
Source: Politico
Rising Crude Oil and Gasoline prices mean that Republicans and Democrats are getting their talking points ready for what some say could be a repeat of the partisan rancor in the summer of 2008.
For Republicans, they hope the silver lining of higher prices will provide greater emphasis for their all of the above strategy toward increasing domestic production of oil, gas, nuclear, coal and Alternative Energy sources.
Its obviously going to spur interest in Congress,
Franks takes defense of Palin to a new level
A number of Republicans have come to the defense of Sarah Palin for her use of revolutionary imagery since the shooting in Tucson on Saturday, but Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) took it an extra step on Tuesday.
“If every person in the world was like Sarah Palin, there probably wouldn’t even be need for government because no one would be in danger of any kind,” Franks said in a phone conversation with Politico. “If every person were like Sarah Palin, this world would be a...
Shooting presents 2012 test
In the wake of Saturday’s attempted Assassination of an Arizona congresswoman, the task of finding — and calibrating — a response commensurate with the solemn occasion is one that is facing not only President Barack Obama but also his would-be 2012 challengers.
It’s a delicate exercise and one that is revealing much about many Republicans in contention for their party’s 2012 nomination.
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Politico 44
Their widely divergent react...
Liberty Links: Morning Reads for Tuesday, January 11th
Below is a collection of several links that we didn’t get around to writing about, but still wanted to post for readers to examine. The stories typically range from news about prominent figures in The Liberty movement, national politics, the Nanny State, Foreign Policy and free markets.
Posting will be light today.
Man angry after gun-point Raid at his home (Toronto Sun)
Poll: Most Americans Feel Rhetoric, Tucson Shooting Unrelated (CBS News)
Missing from Arizona shooting debate: Guns (Politic...
Politico: Talent No Longer a Sure Bet; MOPNS: 50/50 @ Best on 12/6/10
Former Missouri political reporter Dave Canatanes is reporting in Politico today that former Sen. Jim Talent is “no longer a sure bet for Senate race.” We told you back on December 6th that our sources told us that Mr. Talent entering the race was 50/50 at best. “He’s not communicating with party insiders and those who typically help solidify a Candidate this far out. In fact, most of them have said they’ve called him. He’s not calling them,”...
Doc linking Loughner to racists disavowed
An Arizona Law Enforcement agency is backing away from a document it produced in the aftermath of Saturday’s shootings in Tucson – and which was leaked to Fox News – that linked the man accused with carrying out the Crimes to a white nationalist publication.
After Fox News began citing the document in its broadcasts, initially describing it as a memo from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the story was picked up by other media, which suggested that the federal governm...
Congress Looks at Upping Security
Politico reports:
Lawmakers are already engaged in vigorous debate over their security, with several pushing for dramatic measures and more money and others saying the actions of a single deranged gunman shouldn’t shut them off from the public.
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) told Politico in an e-mail that he plans to propose a reversal of the 5 percent cut Republicans made in members’ office budgets, and he wants a 10 percent increase to cover more security measures in the wake of the sh...
Loughner/Supremacist Link Thoroughly Debunked
I noted yesterday the unavoidable non-existence of any link between Jared Loughner and either mainstream-right or far-right groups. Today, Ken Vogel at Politico thoroughly debunks the juciest of those claims — that Loughner was aligned with the white supremacist group American Renaissance: An Arizona Law Enforcement agency is backing away from a document it produced in the aftermath of Saturday’s shootings in Tucson – and which was leaked to Fox News – that linked the man...
Gun sales soar 60 percent in Ariz.
Gun sales soared in Arizona and several other states on Monday after the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to FBI figures provided to Politico.
Gun sales skyrocketed 60 percent in Arizona on Monday Jan. 10, compared to the corresponding Monday last year. Giffords was shot on Saturday, Jan 8 and six others were killed.
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Nationwide, sales were 5 percent higher on Monday than they were a year ago.
Gun sales spiked after the 2007 sho...
Obama to deliver State of the Union address on Jan. 25
WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner has formally invited President Obama to deliver his State of the Union address to Congress on Jan. 25.
"As many great challenges lie ahead for our nation, we welcome an opportunity to hear your proposals," the Ohio Republican wrote in a letter released Tuesday afternoon.
The Speech will officially be Obama's second State of the Union address, and his fourth to a joint session of Congress. But it will be his first speaking to a Republican-majority House, ...
Virginia 10th Amendment Revolution gears up for January 17 Lobby Day
January 17, 2011 is Lobby Day and you're invited to attend as all eyes are on Richmond, Virginia. Free limousine shuttle service from the Capital Circle to Cary Street in Historic Shocke Slip. At 8:30 a.m., attendees will meet up and go lobbying at the Tailgate Party at 9th & Franklin Streets. This is opposite Bell Tower. There will Be Free coffee and doughnuts. At the Tailgate Party, you can pick up session information, get restaurant listings offering Patriot Lunch discount, and pick up Fr...
112th Congress Begins with the Constitution
On January 6, 2011 House Republicans stood before their colleagues, constituents, and the American people to participate in the reading of the U.S. Constitution . Led by the Speaker and Majority Leader, select lawmakers took turns reciting the document. The historical event was coordinated by Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and was the first time in Congress’s 221-year history that the Constitution has been read aloud on the House Floor. “One of the resounding themes I have heard from my c...
The Constitution in One Sentence: Understanding the Tenth Amendment
After the House of Representatives’ reading last week, the Constitution is suddenly the talk of the town. Congressmen and women on both sides of the aisle are eager to display the latest “must-have accessory” - their pocket Constitutions. This renewed interest goes beyond simply reading the document; people actually want to understand and apply it. One section that deserves such detailed attention is the Tenth Amendment.
The words of the Tenth Amendment are unambi
The Stone-Throwing AFL-CIO Boss Who Lives in a Glass House
Intellectual Dishonesty. Other than, perhaps, sheer hypocrisy , there just doesn’t seem to be any other term that describes the Left’s behavior in the aftermath of Saturday’s massacre in Tucson.
On Monday, AFL-CIO boss Richard Trumka weighed in, stating in a post on the AFL-CIO blog:
We must find ways to passionately debate and even disagree with each other without using words that can give unstable individuals an incitement to engage in violent acts.
We do not know wh...
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations