Sarah Palin: Republican presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty says he has “a long way to go” to match the recognition of potential rival Sarah Palin - whom he dubbed a “force of nature.” “I’ve got a long way to go to get people to even know my name, much less worrying about whether I could beat, you know, the force of nature that is Sarah Palin,” he said in an interview that aired Thursday on ABC’s “Nightline.” Continue Reading Text Size - + reset Pa...
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
Truth and Liberty and Freedom: The Journey Of My American Odyssey As An American In This Great American Land Of Ours. Also. Free
If you’re like me, you are very excited that Tim “Black Hole of Charisma” Pawlenty has a new book coming out that, aw shucks, may or may not be a harbinger of his inevitable failed run for the presidency.
An Evangelical Christian who has been an outspoken voice for the GOP, Pawlenty sat down exclusively with “Nightline’s” Terry Moran to talk about running for president in 2012, his chief potential rival Sarah Palin and President George W. Bush’s legacy...
The Fix: Pawlenty defends Palin
Tim Pawlenty takes aim at critics of Sarah Palin in his new book, which is set to released Tuesday and a copy of which was obtained by the Fix.
And in doing so, the former Minnesota Governor seems to be saying something about his own blue-collar appeal as he weighs a run -- perhaps against the former Alaska Governor and 2008 vice presidential nominee -- for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.
The book, called " Courage to Stand," represents the latest in a series of steps ...
Pawlenty Isn't Worrying about Sarah Palin
(Credit: AP Photo/John Watson-Riley)
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty insists that the kick off of his book tour is not the start of his Presidential Campaign, but his interviews -- and the content of his book -- seem to suggest otherwise.
"There is no doubt in my mind I'd be prepared to be president," Pawlenty said in an interview with ABC's "Nightline" in which he discussed his new book. He says he'll probably make a final decision about running for president around March or April.
If he...
Pawlenty calls Palin a "force of nature"
By Michael J.W. Stickings
Appearing on Nightline this evening, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty made it pretty clear that he's running for president in 2012. He said he hasn't made "a final decision," but that would appear to be a mere formality.
Asked about Sarah Palin, a possible (if unlikely) Republican primary opponent, he praised her (as any GOP hopeful must, given her "influence") and said she's a "force of nature."
So is an Earthquake, of course, and while Republicans generally still adore h...
A T-Paw Party?
Two-term Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty says he won’t decide on a 2012 presidential bid until March or April, but for over a year he’s been giving every indication that he’s running for the Republican nomination. Since announcing in the summer of 2009 that he would not seek a third term, he’s traveled to Iowa seven times and New Hampshire five times and scooped up Staffers from Washington to work on his political action committee. The week of January 10, shortly after le...
John Boehner shows at the start that he is no Gingrich
When Newt Gingrich took the gavel as House Speaker 16 years ago, he promised to transform America. On his first day Wednesday, new House Speaker John Boehner promised the Democratic minority more opportunities to amend Legislation.
This Story
The Take: The Take: John Boehner shows at the start that he is no Gingrich
After wrangling, Constitution is read on House floor, minus passages on Slavery
Shouts about Obama interrupt Constitution reading
Special Report: The first days of the 112th Congr...
Republicans push repeal of health-care law, reject new CBO estimates on deficit impact
New Speaker of the House John A. Boehner and other Republican lawmakers pressed ahead with plans Thursday to Repeal last year's landmark health-care Legislation, rejecting a new Congressional Budget Office estimate that doing so would increase the federal Deficit and brushing off Democratic complaints that Republicans are already breaking their promises.
This Story
After wrangling, Constitution is read on House floor, minus passages on Slavery
The Constitution
Notable passages of Constitution...
After wrangling, Constitution is read on House floor, minus passages on slavery
Finally the time had come to recite the Constitution aloud on the House floor. But first came the bickering over which parts of the nation's founding document to read at all.
This Story
The Take: The Take: John Boehner shows at the start that he is no Gingrich
After wrangling, Constitution is read on House floor, minus passages on Slavery
Shouts about Obama interrupt Constitution reading
Special Report: The first days of the 112th Congress
The 112th Congress convenes
House GOP passes new rule...
Tim Pawlenty calls Palin a remarkable leader and force of nature
Posted by Jennifer Caballero on Jan 7 2011 Filed under News & Opinion, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
Tim Pawlenty is a smart man.
Instead of bashing Palin or discounting her, he complimented her as a fellow Governor and leader in an interview with “Nightline.”
He had some surprisingly good things to say about the former Alaskan governor.
House clears way for health-care repeal vote
House Republicans began Friday the long effort to Repeal President Obama's health-care law by approving a resolution that cleared the way for next week's vote. They also devoted time toward cleaning up an embarrassing situation involving two lawmakers who missed Wednesday's swearing-in of the 112th Congress.
This Story
House clears way for health-care Repeal vote
Your Take: Have you noticed a change in the Job Market?
CBO says Health Care Repeal would deepen Deficit
Unemployment drops to 9.4 ...
Cantor: GOP healthcare reform repeal key to getting economy back on track
House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) on Saturday touted Republican efforts to Repeal Healthcare Reform as a key component in their effort to get The Economy back on track.
In the weekly GOP address, Cantor argued that the healthcare law was actually discouraging employers from hiring new employees, and could even be driving further Unemployment as the nation tries to dig out from the economic Recession.
“At a time when we need to do everything in our power to encourage Job Creation...
What jobs are we talking about, anyway?
So I see this headline at Memeorandum:
Harvard Economist Estimates Health Repeal Would Destroy Up To 400,000 Jobs Per Year Over Decade
Just as House Republicans gear up to repeal the “job killing” Affordable Care Act, the Department of Labor is reporting that the U.S. economy added 103,000 jobs last month, pushing the jobless rate down to a 19-month low of 9.4 percent.
In fact, since President Obama signed health reform into law on March 23, 2010, The Economy has created approximately a to...
Pawlenty: Name ID bigger worry than Palin
Tim Pawlenty prioritizes in an interview with Nightline:
“I’ve got a long way to go to get people to even know my name, much less worrying about whether I could beat, you know, the force of nature that is Sarah Palin."
This isn't the only time Pawlenty has talked about his name ID and Palin's celebrity in the same breath.
In an interview with Newsweek, circa December 2009.
"We live in a society in which being familiar, being well known, gives you a platform. She certainly has that....
CBO says health care repeal would deepen deficit
Rescinding the federal law to overhaul the health-care system, the first objective of House Republicans who ascended to power this week, would ratchet up the federal Deficit by about $230 billion over the next decade and leave 32 million more Americans Uninsured, according to congressional Budget analysts.
This Story
CBO says Health Care Repeal would deepen deficit
House takes symbolic step to Repeal health law
The great health-care debate
44: Boehner: Budget office "entitled to their opinion...
PPP Poll Nevada 2012: Obama ties Romney, Leads Others By Double Digits
I don't see how Obama could again win a Swing State like Nevada after his disastrous record in the White House, then again, I never thought Dingy Harry could be reelected. Obama carried Nevada 55% to 42% over McCain in 2008. George W. Bush carried the state twice in 2000 and 2004, but so did Clinton in '92 and '96 (narrowly)
publicpolicypolling Barack Obama would easily take Nevada if he had to stand for Reelection today...unless the Republicans nominated Mitt Romney. Obama has early double di...
Majority leader says Tea Party will die out as economy improves
The Tea Party will disappear as The Economy improves, the Senate Majority Leader said Friday.
In an interview with MSNBC Friday set to air this Sunday Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), who narrowly defeated Tea Partier Sharon Angle to win Reelection in November, said that the Tea Party movement will die out as The Economy improves.
"The Tea Party was born because of the economy," Reid said. "The economy is probably the worst it's ever been except for maybe the Great Depression. The Tea Party will d...
The Trouble With Truce-calling
Mainstream conservative columnist Michael Barone has provided an interesting analysis that, simply by default, Social Issues have taken a backseat to the pressing economic woes of the country brought on by Barack Obama and the Democrats' wild two-year Spending Spree. Barone Recounts Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels' Controversial suggestion that the next president, "would have to call a truce on the so-called social issues," contending that Daniels misses the point. Barone concludes no s...
Obama claims job growth as adminisration success
The Private Sector added 103,000 new jobs in December and the Unemployment rate fell from 9.8 percent to 9.4 percent. “Now, we know that these numbers can bounce around from month to month. But the trend is clear,” said the president, whose 2012 re-election prospects may well hinge on the condition of The Economy. “We saw 12 straight months of Private Sector job growth — the first time that’s been true since 2006,” he said. The economy added 1.3 million jobs l...
Abbreviated Pundit Round-up
Saturday punditry and Snow Removal.
Mark Blumenthal:
Thus, we have a consistent pattern: Gallup's survey alone shows a modest but statistically significant improvement in Obama's Approval Rating, and all four pollsters show nominal gains in the president's favor. As such, the change is likely real. The more important questions are whether this modest difference is meaningful and whether it is likely to persist.
Bob Herbert:
The politicians and the media behave as if the poor don’t exis...
House takes symbolic step to repeal health law
WASHINGTON -- House Republicans cleared a hurdle Friday in their first attempt to scrap President Barack Obama's landmark Health Care overhaul, yet it was little more than a symbolic swipe at the law.
This Story
CBO says Health Care Repeal would deepen Deficit
House takes symbolic step to Repeal health law
The great health-care debate
44: Boehner: Budget office "entitled to their opinion" on Health Care repeal's deficit impact
Kein: Repealing health-care reform would cost $230 billion over 10...
Obama urges end to "symbolic battles" in Congress
Obama issued his appeal in his weekly radio address after Republicans took power in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, setting up potentially fierce fights with the president and his Democrats on spending, Debt and healthcare.
"Our fundamental mission must be to accelerate hiring and growth," Obama said.
He touted as an example of Bipartisan cooperation a massive Compromise Tax Cut package approved by Congress last month that he said had contributed to "more optimistic economic forecast...
Obama: Economic Trend Is Clear
Not a Subscriber? To continue reading, sign up for a free trial. Speaker John Boehner (right) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor arrive on Jan. 6 for their first joint news conference in the Capitol since Republicans took control of the House. They addressed issues such as the National Debt and their plan to Repeal the Health Care overhaul law that was passed last year. Whether you're looking for a new job or looking to hire the perfect Candidate, turn to — the job board fr...
Weiner, Crowley lead fight to keep Obamacare
WASHINGTON - New York Democrats are positioning themselves as the key defenders of Health Care reform in the GOP's House effort to Repeal the law next week.
Like other Democrats, they've already begun touting the many benefits Republicans want to take back, from Tax Cuts for small businesses to prescription help for seniors.
But being New Yorkers, they've kicked it up a notch - even the normally mild-mannered Bronx Rep. Eliot Engel.
"This Repeal would act as a virtual death sentence for too ma...
Obama urges end to 'symbolic battles' in Congress
President Barack Obama urged newly empowered Republicans today not to wage "symbolic battles" against him but to instead work together to help spur job growth and Economic Recovery. Obama issued his appeal in his weekly radio address after Republicans took power in the US House of Representatives on Wednesday, setting up potentially fierce fights with the president and his Democrats on spending, Debt and healthcare. "Our fundamental mission must be to accelerate hiring and growt...
Cantor: Replace Health Care Law to Help Economy
In the Republicans first weekly address to the nation since taking control of the House, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) emphasized their intention to Repeal and replace President Barack Obamas signature Health Care overhaul. Not a Subscriber? To continue reading, sign up for a free trial. Speaker John Boehner (right) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor arrive on Jan. 6 for their first joint news conference in the Capitol since Republicans took control of the House. They addre...
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Former Congressman Tom Delay Sentenced To Three Years
Talk Radio, Blamed For Shooting, Blames Others
Second Congressional Shooting Staved Off With Arrest
Jerry Brown: California Budget Is Austerity Measure
Second Southern Snowstorm Levels Homeowners
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Deficit Reduction Could Force Pentagon To Limit Budget
Anti-Healthcare Repeal Vote Gets Democratic Support
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Arizona Male Who Shot Congresswoman Had Radical Links
6 Future GOP Presidential Flunkees: Haley Barbour, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Tim Pawlenty and Sarah Palin .
ABC: "Gov. Tim Pawlenty : ' Sarah Palin is a Force of Nature'"
Tim Pawlenty : Sarah Palin 'Is A Force Of Nature': Recently replaced Minnesota Governor and potential Republican presidential candidat...
Tim Pawlenty : Sarah Palin 'Is A Force Of Nature': Recently replaced Minnesota Governor and potential Republican presidential candidat...