Ronald Reagan: (CNN) -- The first date is over.
PHOTOS: Ronald Reagan in pictures
Not much happened.
VIDEOS: Ronald Reagan in videos
President Obama and his new governing partners, the House and Senate Republicans, met at the White House along with the Democratic leaders and discussed the unsolvable issues between them. Even though they made no decisions and both sides went their separate ways, they agreed to start negotiations on extending the Tax Cuts. That in itself is the beginning of a positive process. They actually talked to each other and talked of a plan for action....
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Elephant Dung #6: Rollins tells Palin she's no Reagan
Tracking the GOP Civil War
By Michael J.W. Stickings
(For an explanation of this ongoing series, see here. For previous entries, see here.)
Long-time Republican operative/Strategist Ed Rollins has penned a piece for CNN in which he tells Sarah Palin to cool it -- and, well, politely puts her in her place:
[Q]uit comparing yourself to Ronald Reagan. To paraphrase the late Sen. Lloyd Bentsen's comments to Dan Quayle in t...
Palin has earned the right to run (Politico)
To the dismay of all but hard-core political junkies, the endless campaign is a reality of modern politics. With some midterm races still unresolved, voters’ attention is already turned to 2012. And no potential Presidential Candidate now garners more attention than former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Love her or hate her, admire her or fear her, respect her or ridicule her, it seems no one in the chattering class is without an opinion on Palin. Virtually every part of her life is dissected &...
Palin Pile-On
Sarah Palin is used to getting flack from the Democrats and Liberals; she is counting on it for book sales and TV appearances. But now she's starting to get it from Republicans. First, Joe Scarborough, the former GOP Congressman from Florida and current MSNBC morning show host, told the GOP to, using her own phrase, "man up," and confront the former half-term Governor of Alaska about her plans to destroy the GOP.Palin is not a stupid woman. But like the current president, she still does not kno...
Ed Rollins: Palin is no Ronald Reagan
Ed Rollins, who was the White House political director for Ronald Reagan, hits Sarah Palin for her argument that she's kind of like Reagan because people claimed he was a vapid celebrity and now say the same about her.
Quit comparing yourself to Ronald Reagan. To paraphrase the late Sen. Lloyd Bentsen's comments to Dan Quayle in the 1988 vice presidential debate: I knew Ronald Reagan, and you're no Ronald Reagan.
.... the Reagan comparisons aren't helping. You might as well compare yourself to...
Shaky Rollins
Ed Rollins is mad at Sarah Palin.
The former Reagan White House official has penned an article at in which he tells Palin "to quit comparing yourself to Ronald Reagan."
Methinks Rollins doth Protest too much.
After all, let's not forget he was Mike Huckabee's national campaign chairman in the former Arkansas Governor turned TV Talk Show host's 2008 bid for the White House. Back then Rollins had little hesitation in likening Huckabee to the Gipper as was the case when he was quoted in ...
Mitt Romney: If You See Me On Fox News, Ive Decided To Run For President
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is also a presumptive Candidate for President in the 2012 election, which was a topic of conversation on The Tonight Show last night. Host Jay Leno opened the light, if not somewhat boring interview with questions about a potential White House bid, to which Romney replied, “If you ever see me sign up for a gig on Fox News, it’ll be a clear indication that I’ve decided to run for president,” adding “that’s not in the cards anytime
Republican Consultant Ed Rollins: Sarah Palin, Youre No Ronald Reagan
Veteran Republican campaign consultant and advisor Ed Rollins has had it up to here with Sarah Palin comparing herself to his old boss, Ronald Reagan . In a piece published on today, Rollins expresses his feelings about those comparisons plainly: “I knew Ronald Reagan, and you’re no Ronald Reagan.”
Like other Palin critics, Rollins thinks that Palin is “a media star and a great curiosity” rather than a great politician. He addresses the ex-governor directly ...
Media outlets speculate about Martinez as 2012 national candidate
Even before her swearing in as New Mexico’s Governor, Susana Martinez is being touted as a national political figure in the Republican Party by various news outlets. The Albuquerque Journal and Santa Fe New Mexican both recently looked at the national chatter which has named Martinez as a potential 2012 vice Presidential Candidate for Republicans, among other positions. In his column for the New Mexican, Veteran political reporter Steve Terrell wrote, “If Martinez isn’t activel...
Not my ideal candidate, but
So, this morning I was scanning blogs that linked to mine the previous day and, at the always worthwhile POWIP , I came across an old-but-interesting post by Enoch Root on the elitist accusations of, well, a lack of intelligence on the part of Sarah Palin. (And it’s been rearing it’s head again , lately.) But it wasn’t the post itself that got me thinking, and thus inspired this post, but an exchange in the comments between two of my Twitter-friends, Dan and Darcy , in which b...
Mitt Romney yuks it up with Jay Leno
A nation saturated with Palin Reality TV got to take in late-night laughs with Mitt Romney last night, as the perfectly coiffed Massachusetts politician took a seat on Jay Leno’s couch.
And the big news that Leno drew out of Mitt . . . well, there wasn’t any, unless you’re interested to know the former Governor isn’t crazy about being body-scanned by the TSA, either.
A good-humored Romney, who has been overshadowed by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s megawatt media...
Ed Rollins To Sarah Palin: I Knew Ronald Reagan, And Youre No Ronald Reagan
Ed Rollins, who served as Ronald Reagan's political adviser and was the mastermind of Reagan's 1984 re-election campaign, has a message for Sarah Palin: Quit...
GOPs Ed Rollins Unloads on Sarah Palin: I Knew Ronald Reagan; Youre No Ronald Reagan Video 12/1/10
The sharp elbows are beginning in earnest for the 2012 GOP Nomination.
Here is video of GOP Political Consultant Ed Rollins on CNN where he unloaded of Gov. Sarah Palin for her frequent references to Ronald Reagan, claiming she is wrongly presuming she is as qualified to run for President as Reagan was in 1980.
Rollins was quoted in a column as saying about Palin, “I knew Ronald Reagan - You’re no Ronald Reagan.” Rollins said there are many other potential GOP Candidate...
Iowa Dispatch: An Unscripted Moment on Palin's book tour
Spirit Lake, Iowa (CNN) - It was an unscripted moment on Sarah Palin's tour to promote her new book, "America by Heart." As hundreds of Palin's fans filed inside a cordoned off area of a northern Iowa Walmart today, this CNN crew popped the question asked of countless potential White House contenders: "Are you any closer to an announcement on running for President?" The Country Music that Palin's handlers had blaring at the signing station presumably to drown out such questions suddenly st...
I Second That Emotion
Ed Rollins tells us that Sarah Palin is no Ronald Reagan. I particularly agree with this:
Ms. Palin, serious stuff needs to be accomplished in Washington.
If you want to be a player, go to school and learn the issues. Put smart people around you and listen to them. If you want to be taken seriously, be serious. You've already got your own forum. If you want to be a serious Presidential Candidate, get to work. If you want to be an imitator of Ronald Reagan, go learn something about him and ...
Some back and forth on Sarah Palin and the Jews
Benyamin Korn's op-ed response to my recent blog on polls suggesting former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is lagging with more educated voters is something rare in political discourse these days – which is to say, civil. He made his points, he didn't hurl invectives, he wasn't nasty. But he was also wrong on a few counts, it seems to me. “Pundits made similar assumptions about Ronald Reagan when he was a Candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 1980. Reagan also had consider...
John Brennan on Mail Bomb Plot; Sarah Palin and Chris Van Hollen Preview Elections
WALLACE: All right. 2012. PALIN: Yeah. WALLACE: The race for the -- I think it's fair to say the race for the GOP presidential nomination starts November 3rd, the day after this election is over. How and when -- how and when -- will you decide whether to run? PALIN: I would decide after discussing it with my family, and just checking out the lay of the land and seeing who else is interested in doing it, because I don't need to run for office. I know that I don't need a title. In fact, I love the...
Sarah Palin's Alaska & "Country Dumb"
Just finished watching the TV show Sarah Palin's Alaska. Stunned at the political brilliance of the concept.
Ray Charles used to use a phrase "country dumb". Which actually meant a country boy (like Ray) smart enough to play to city prejudices when convenient, so they'd underestimate him and end up handing him ground-breaking contracts. He was. They did.
Sarah Palin is "country dumb"...
I still don't think she'd be a good idea as a GOP Presidential Candidate. Beginning with the fact that you'...
Ed Rollins: Palin is no Ronald Reagan
Ed Rollins, who was the White House political director for Ronald Reagan, hits Sarah Palin for her argument that she's kind of like Reagan because people claimed he was a vapid celebrity and now say the same about her.
Quit comparing yourself to Ronald Reagan. To paraphrase the late Sen. Lloyd Bentsen's comments to Dan Quayle in the 1988 vice presidential debate: I knew Ronald Reagan, and you're no Ronald Reagan.
.... the Reagan comparisons aren't helping. You might as well compare yourself to...
Republican Old Guard Ed Rollins To Sarah Palin: Youre No Ronald Reagan
In a piece published on today, Rollins wrote the following to Sarah Palin: “I knew Ronald Reagan, and you’re no Ronald Reagan.”
Republican Strategist Ed Rollins: Sarah Palin, Youre No Ronald Reagan
From John King's USA on CNN tonight, King asks Ed Rollins about his comments he wrote on saying Palin needed to prove herself on the issues
The Republican Party Can't Win Without The Support of Palin Supporters
I posted yesterday about Ed Rollins being the latest of the "I knew Reagan" types to use a variation on Lloyd Bentsen's "You're no Jack Kennedy" line against Sarah Palin.
Rollins was Mike Huckabee's Campaign Manager in the 2008 cycle, and guess who Rollins thought was the next Ronald Reagan:
"Governor Huckabee has probably inspired me as much as Ronald Reagan. He had an ability to connect with people and he was a great communicator. I've looked for a long time for another Candidate to do that.
Jeb Bush Sides With His Mother On Sarah Palin Slight
Sarah Palin's power in the GOP might hold a lot of sway right now, but it couldn't make former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush back the former Alaska Governor over his mother, Barbara, in a quibble between the two.
Bush was asked by Newsmax in a recent interview about how he felt about Barbara Bush's comment expressing her hope that Sarah Palin "stays in Alaska" instead of running for president.
"If it's between my mom and Gov. Palin, I've got to go with my mom, just in general, because she's my mother,...
When Mitt Romney pulled a Palin
When Jay Leno asked him about Sarah Palin on Wednesday night, Mitt Romney used the following words to describe the half-term Alaska Governor: "remarkable," "energetic," "qualified" and "capable."
Whether Romney believes that any of these words actually apply to Palin is impossible to know. He rattled them off with a smile and with no hesitation or hint of sarcasm and seemed entirely sincere. But few in politics are as good at faking sincerity as Romney. He was, don’t forget, just as convin...
Romney calls Palin 'powerful force' within GOP; 'attractive, too'
In a late night appearance on the Jay Leno Show Wednesday, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney had some words of praise for potential 2012 rival Sarah Palin before taking a couple of veiled shots at the former Alaska Governor.
Romney, who joked that "if you ever see me sign up for a gig on Fox News," it's a sure sign he's running in 2012, called Palin a "remarkable, energetic, powerful figure in my party … attractive too."
He then took a shot at Palin's decision to resign from the govern...
Mike Huckabee Blasts Elitism In Laura Ingraham Interview (AUDIO)
Former Arkansas Governor and potential 2012 GOP contender Mike Huckabee spoke out bitterly Wednesday against what he perceives as elitism in the process of selecting a party's presidential nominee.
"I've never been one that was on their radar screen because I grew up in a small Southern town, a very tiny little town. I didn't go to the right schools, I went to small Christian university, but I would take my education and put it up against anybody's. Every time I've had an opponent from Harvard...
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