Newsweek Stubbornly Pretends Loughner a 'Lone Wolf' Right-winger

Lone Wolf: Jared Loughner, the suspect arrested in Saturday's shooting death of a Federal Judge and critical wounding of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona), is no right-winger and certainly not a Military Veteran.

PHOTOS: Lone Wolf in pictures

All the same, Newsweek published an article today suggesting that Loughner's deadly rampage on Saturday was the consequence of conservative politicians dismissing the warnings of a Homeland Security report from 2009 warning about "Lone Wolf" attacks by right-wingers, particular...

VIDEOS: Lone Wolf in videos

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Matthew K posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

AZ Sheriff says Jared Loughner was no " Lone Wolf ," authorities have reason to believe a second person is involved in Tucson shooting.

Kevin T. Curran posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Everybody seems real disappointed that Jared Loughner is turning out to be a lone wolf nut job and not politically motivated!! Not sexy?

Kala Kawa posted 4 days ago (via twitter)

Remember the last ' lone wolf ' shooter in the US? Major Nidal Hassan? He was a terrorist right? Good to know Jared Loughner isn't.

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