George W.
PHOTOS: George W. Bush in pictures
Bush: This is rich - Nancy Pelosi is blaming George W.
VIDEOS: George W. Bush in videos
Bush for the loss at the polls suffered by so many Democrats last year. “We still would have lost the election because we had 9.5% Unemployment. Let’s take it where that came from. The policies of George W. Bush and the Republican support for his initiatives, Tax Cuts are for the wealth, recklessness by some,” Minority Leader Pelosi told CNN. If you care to see it, video is available at Real Clear Politics. Via Fox Nation...
Pelosi: Democrats Lost House Because of ... BUSH!
via Erica C on FB
It's only fitting that Pelosi is leaving the Speaker's position of the US House the same way she went in - blaming Bush. From Fox Nation:
"We still would have lost the election because we had 9.5% Unemployment. Let's take it where that came from. The policies of George W. Bush and the Republican support for his initiatives, Tax Cuts are for the wealth, recklessness by some," Minority Leader Pelosi told CNN.
Bush didn't bring down The Economy. Nor did ...
Legislative fireworks, not protest drama, expected for this health vote
A week into the new Congress, Democrats and Republicans have sharpened their messages on the Healthcare Reform law as House Republicans prepare to Repeal the overhaul next week.
Democrats, who have been criticized by party members for not defending the law before the Midterm Elections, have assembled an offense portraying the Repeal effort as a time-waster, a promise-breaker and dangerous to Americans.
Republicans argue they were swept into office with a mandate to Repeal the reform law, which...
Whom are you going to believe - Pelosi or your lying eyes?
It's always been ridiculous, just on the face of it, to think that the Federal Government could extend a massive entitlement to millions of people, yet spend less money doing so. But that is what the Pelosi and Obama Democrats would have you believe. The WSJ explains this once again for those who haven't been paying attention for the past year and a half.The Accounting gimmicks are legion, but we'll pick out a few: It uses 10 years of taxes to fund six years of subsidies. Social Security and Med...
Next Weeks House Votes Postponed
“All Legislation currently scheduled to be considered by the House of Representatives next week is being postponed so that we can take whatever actions may be necessary in light of today’s tragedy,” said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a statement. The House was scheduled to vote on a Repeal of ObamaCare this week. “I couldn’t agree more with Speaker [John] Boehner, who earlier said that, ‘an attack on one who serves is an attack on all who serve,’&...
Yeah, I already know the answer: "When the Jets beat the Colts tonight"
When the hell are the Democrats going to start hammering in "Deficit-Exploding Tax Cuts" or "Budget-Busting Tax Cuts" the way the Republicans are hammering "Job-Killing Health Care Bill" (and everything else, despite the fact that however meager it is, and however low-paid, there is actually some job growth going on in the Private Sector, which is more than could be said about the Bush Administration, which left us this mess)? U.S. House Republicans, who swept into power promising to rein in the...
Guest Post: The United States Of Organized Financial Crime - "If the Fraud Stops, The Financial System Collapses"
U.S.O.F.C.: If the Fraud Stops, the Financial System Collapses
U.S.O.F.C.: the United States of Organized Financial Crime. The Status Quo is dependent on a Financial Mafia for its wealth, and it is loathe to surrender it.
What happens if fraud and misrepresentation of risk is expunged from the U.S. financial system? In President Bush's memorable phrase: This sucker's going down.
There is a fascinating disconnect between the "law and order" society ceaselessly depicted on TV and the realities ...
From Falls Creek Camp To Congress
Earlier this year, when I reported on the race to succeed Republican Rep. (now Gov.-elect) Mary Falin as congressman from Oklahoma ’s 4th District, I mentioned just about every Republican in the seven-candidate GOP primary except one: James Lankford, who wound up winning the all-important nomination and is now congressman-elect.
“So you were just like the rest of the political reporters and overlooked me? the 42-year-old Lankford said with a big smile when he dropped by HUMAN EVENT...
What jobs are we talking about, anyway?
So I see this headline at Memeorandum:
Harvard Economist Estimates Health Repeal Would Destroy Up To 400,000 Jobs Per Year Over Decade
Just as House Republicans gear up to repeal the “job killing” Affordable Care Act, the Department of Labor is reporting that the U.S. economy added 103,000 jobs last month, pushing the jobless rate down to a 19-month low of 9.4 percent.
In fact, since President Obama signed health reform into law on March 23, 2010, The Economy has created approximately a to...
Debate Over Health Law Repeal Sparks Deja Vu
It may be a new year, but it's the same Health Care debate on the House floor. Acting on one of its top priorities, the new Republican majority on Friday started the process to Repeal last year's sweeping health overhaul.
As the House settled in to debate the rule that would set the stage for a Repeal vote Wednesday, there were a lot of new faces. But the arguments they made had a familiar ring to them.
"Everybody knows that the Health Care system's broken and that reform is needed," said Republ...
SCREENSHOT: Daily KOS Ginned up Hate Against Arizona Gabrielle Giffords- "My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is no
Here's a screen shot (maybe evidence) now pulled, from the DailyKos dated from January 6, 2011 that may be related to the Arizona shooting, 6 dead, 19 injured. The headline of the page is :
My CongressWOMAN [Gabrielle Giffords] voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!
The page has senice been taken down. Screen shot hat tip Tycho
My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!
ShareNewShareNew 0 0
by BoyBlue
Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:07:17...
Daily Kos Takes Down Post Saying Giffords Is Dead For Voting Against Nancy Pelosi
Earlier today Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos, was on Twitter blaming the Limited Government movement for creating an atmosphere of hate that, in his estimation, inspired the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona today. But on his own site was this post (now taken down) from a diarist saying that Giffords was “dead” for voting against making Nancy Pelosi Minority Leader. To be clear, after looking at the shooter’s MySpace and YouTube profiles, I don’t thin...
Obama: Economy Moving in Right Direction
(WASHINGTON) President Barack Obama sees a clear and encouraging trend on The Economy, citing fresh reports showing private-sector job growth and lower Unemployment.
He used his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday to discuss the latest economic news and press for Bipartisan action in the newly divided Congress on measures to spur growth. Obama presented the December jobs report in a positive light even though it fell short of what Economists had been looking for and even though t...
Democrats still trying to sale health care monstrosity
Image via Wikipedia
Washington Post:
The debate over repealing the landmark Health Care overhaul offers Democrats something rare in politics: a do-over.
Democrats, who were widely perceived to have blown the political messaging over President Obama's signature law, are revving up for a campaign-style offensive in an attempt to get it right the second time around.
In the run-up to Wednesday's scheduled House vote on Repeal, Democrats are staging Press Conferences and rallies outside the distric...
Journal: Study Linking Vaccine to Autism Fraud
A new report says Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his colleagues altered facts about patients in their study linking Autism to the MMR Vaccine....
Medical Journal: Original study linking vaccine to autism was fraud
LONDON -- The first study to link a childhood Vaccine to Autism was based on doctored information about the Children involved, according to a new report on the widely discredited research....
Autism & Immunizations: More Settled Science Goes Down in Flames
My eldest son, who is now 15, was diagnosed with Autism many years ago, and subsequently my wife and I ran into people who asked about immunizations, etc., because of the Andrew Wakefield “study.” I’m a skeptical person, but the skepticism is learned. When they told us that eating eggs was going to kill us, I kept eating eggs (now they say they’re healthy), and when they said my lawnmower was causing the polar ice caps to melt, I kept mowing my lawn (AGW has been proven t...
Okay, get your vaccines
But we need Cap and Trade. For the Children! Because Air Pollution, it turns out, may be the cause of Autism.
And you thought they’d just give up…
(h/t Rush Limbaugh Show)
Vaccine-Autism Study Was a Fraud
LONDON (AP) - The first study to link a childhood Vaccine to Autism was based on doctored information about the Children involved, according to a new report on the widely discredited research. The conclusions of the 1998 paper by Andrew Wakefield and colleagues was renounced by 10 of its 13 authors and later retracted by the medical journal Lancet, where it was published. Still, the suggestion the MMR shot was connected to Autism spooked parents worldwide and immunization rates for measles, mump...
British Medical Journals Credibility Questioned
BMJ Journals receive revenue from a range of sources to ensure wide and affordable access while maintaining high standards of quality and full editorial independence. These are: Separation is maintained between the editorial team and the advertising and sponsorship sales team. Where sponsorship has been obtained for any content, for example as the result of an unrestricted educational grant, this is clearly indicated. ” BMJ OnExamination receives income from a range of sources, to e...
Wakefield is as much an expert on autism, as Al Gore is to global climate change
- Jennifer of Cubachi
Wakefield's study connecting Autism to Vaccines was finally declared fraudulent by British Medical Journal.
Parents who took Wakefield's study seriously, have seen a rise in whooping cough, measles, and other preventable diseases.
Wakefield has proven himself to be the Al Gore of the medical profession.
Tennessee tops states in child immunization rate
Nashville, Tennessee | Thu Jan 6, 2011 5:09pm EST
Nashville, Tennessee (Reuters) - Tennessee, a state best known for Country Music, is first in the nation in providing early childhood immunizations, according to a national health ranking report.
"No child should suffer from something that is preventable," said Dr. Kelly Moore, medical director for the Tennessee Immunization Program, in an interview on Thursday.
America's Health Rankings put Tennessee first for 2010 for immunizing Children age...
StupidiNews: Bon Is Worried
Straight from the headlines and into my list of things to stew on at night when I can't sleep. (CNN) -- A large number of dead birds were found in the city of Falköping, Sweden, on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, according to the Swedish National Veterinary Institute.That has me worried. That some are trying to dismiss this as firework trauma or similar has me even more worried. (CNN) -- Authorities in Maryland are investigating the deaths of about 2 million fish in Chesapeake Bay.Oka...
Everyone who sees him says “ew!”
— Tears cause Testosterone loss.
— Even the liberal MSNBC.
— The “Vaccines cause Autism” folks are wronger than ever.
— Booing David Kock.
— Bufferbloat.
For the revolving door, Regina Spektor “The Ghost of Corporate Future”.
Another science fraud
Everybody (except the most ignorant and gullible) has known this for years, but it needs to get around before it causes more damage: Vaccine-Autism Study an “Elaborate Fraud”
Video: Jim Webb Defends His Vote to Extend Bush Tax Cuts
It's interesting, just when you think that politicians like Jim Webb don't read the blogs or care, you get an event like Chap Petersen's Business Leaders Breakfast this morning, where you get called out by name by the guy you "drafted" for Senate (and helped raise $4 million online for), because of criticism on your blog. In this case, I had questioned how Webb could reconcile his commitment to "Jacksonian Democracy," as well as his repeated (and passionate) talk in 2006 about how America was br...
Obama Seeks Steep Cuts in Heating Oil Assistance for Poor
Snow Storm Batters Southeast
Congressman Chris Lee Resigns for Sending Flirtatious Email
Domestic Radicalization Poses Greatest Terror Threat to US
Gabrielle Giffords Recovering at 'Lightning Speed'
Capitol Hill All Set to Begin Debate on Abortion Bill
U.S. Asks Egypt To End Emergency, Hails Role of Army
Rick Perry Hopeful Amid Budget Crisis
Government Proposes Spending $53 Billion on Rail Projects
House Rejects Extension for Patriot Act
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