Italy : Source: DailyMail Thousands of dead turtle doves rained down on roofs and cars in an Italian town in the latest in a growing spate of mass animal deaths across the globe.
PHOTOS: Christmas in pictures
Residents in Faenza described the birds falling to the ground like 'little Christmas balls' with strange blue stains on their beaks.
VIDEOS: Christmas in videos
Initial tests on up to 8,000 of the doves indicated that the blue stain could have been caused by poisoning or hypoxia. Read more: ...
Mystery of mass animal death epidemic around the globe deepens after 8,000 turtle doves fall dead in Italy with strange blue sta
The latest is thousands of dead turtle doves raining down on roofs and cars in an Italian town of Faenza, whose residents described the birds falling to the ground like 'little Christmas balls' with strange blue stains on their beaks. The Daily Mail has the story, along with a summary of the events involving fish and birds around the globe ... with images. Are Private Practice doctors Another ObamaCare casualty?...
Mystery of mass animal death epidemic deepens after 8,000 doves fall dead in Italy; Strange blue stain on beaks...
Thousands of dead turtle doves rained down on roofs and cars in an Italian town in the latest in a growing spate of mass animal Deaths across the globe. Residents in Faenza described the birds falling to the ground like 'little Christmas balls' with strange blue stains on their beaks. Initial tests on up to 8,000 of the doves indicated that the blue stain could have been caused by poisoning or hypoxia. A witness told 'We have no idea why this happened all of a sudden. Hypoxia, ...
Latest mass bird deaths: Thousands of turtle doves drop from the sky over Italy
It is raining this morning in the northern Italian town of Faenza, near Ravenna. In and of itself this would hardly be newsworthy. The fact, however, that it is turtle doves—not raindrops—falling from the sky is a cause for concern, especially in light of this report’s representing the latest in a series of bizarre animal Deaths worldwide. More than a thousand of the birds crashed down on the roofs of houses and cars. According to the UK newspaper the Mirror, today alone 300 co...
More than 1,000 turtle doves fall from the sky in Italy in latest mass bird death case
After cavalcades of dead birds and fish from Arkansas and Texas to Sweden and New Zealand, tests are being carried out on the bodies of turtle doves in Italy after hundreds rained down near Ravenna....
Thousands of dead doves rain down in Italy
Tests are being carried out on the bodies of turtle doves after hundreds rained down from the skies on an Italian town in the latest of a global phenomenon.
For the past five days wildlife experts and officers from the forestry commission have picked up more than 1,000 turtle doves as well as other birds including pigeons near the town of Faenza in northern Italy.
Yesterday alone 300 dead birds were r
ecovered, all having a blue tinge to their beaks, which scientists say indicate...
Aflockalypse Now: 8,000 Dead Birds Found In Italy
Now this story does not appear to be going away. After a weeks worth of reports of mass Deaths of birds, crabs and fish, yet another example of this seemingly strange phenomenon has come across the wires today with a report of roughly 8,000 dead turtle doves found dead in Italy, with a strange blue substance on their beaks. Fox News’ Megyn Kelly introduced the segment asking her cohort Trace Gallagher for the who, what and why behind this story. Alas, there are more questions than answers ...
Italian turtle doves found dead
Hundreds of dead turtle doves have been found in the parks and streets of the northern Italian town of Faenza. Italian scientists are investigating what might have caused the Deaths of the 400 birds, whose bodies appeared in the days after New Year. Their mysterious appearance follows separate cases of mass bird Deaths in Sweden and the US state of Arkansas. Experts said a variety of tests were being carried out but emphasised there was no cause for alarm. "We are carrying out the standard ...
Mass bird death epidemic spreads to Kentucky
As of yesterday, the official head count of states that have experienced mass bird Deaths increased to three, with Kentucky joining Arkansas and Louisiana. Newly surfacing reports from the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources reveal that hundreds of grackles, red wing blackbirds, robins, and starlings were discovered in the western part of the state. Mark Marraccini, a spokesman for the department, notes that tests performed on the birds has categorically ruled out disease or poiso...
Birds Dying In Italy: Thousands Of Turtle Doves Fall Dead From Sky
On Wednesday, GeaPress reported hundreds -- possibly thousands -- of dead and dying birds in Italy. Countless turtle doves were found scattered in the streets, in flower beds and hanging tragically from trees "like Christmas balls" in the town of Faenza. Many of the birds that fell dead from the sky were discovered with a mysterious blue stain in their beaks.
In the past week, similar incidents of mass animal Deaths have been reported across the world. Thousands of dead birds fell from the sk...
Italy: Journalist Seeks Protection After Suspected Radical Muslim Opens Fire On His Car
(AKI) — A director of Italian public broadcaster RAI has urged the government to protect to one of its Journalists after a suspected radical Muslim opened fire on his car in southern Italy. Nello Rega was uninjured in the attack as he drove home late on Thursday. Rega wrote a book on Islam’s uneasy relationship Christianity and has received several threats from alleged Muslim Extremists over the past two years. “Last night’s attack should leave people in no doubt. Rega co...
Commence Freaking Out: Animal Death Map!
As we approach the end of time amid a flurry of bloody feathers, fish carcasses, and plentiful crab cakes, Google has, as it always does, given us a means of approaching our imminent demise easily and with style.
A new Google Map created yesterday - “Mass Animal Deaths” - shows areas of the world that have experienced a recent wave of animal deaths, complete with a link to an article explaining each instance, as well as the number of animals found dead in each case. From ...
CHART OF THE DAY: Mass Animal Deaths Around The World. I think that Zirs dissertation advisor wi
CHART OF THE DAY: Mass Animal Deaths Around The World. I think that Z’ir’s dissertation advisor will be most displeased.
UPDATE: Hmm. Remember the Gulf of Mexico mystery deaths? Z’ir, you are a bad boy. Er, you would be, anyway, if notions of gender applied to your species.
400 Turtledoves Die in Italy
(NewsCore) - The global spate of unexplained mass animal deaths continued Friday as some 700 turtledoves mysteriously fell from the sky in the northwestern Italian city of Faenza. The birds, which are often seen throughout the area, left behind a scene evocative of a Hitchcock movie as their carcasses piled up over the last five days, according to Corriere della Sera. The cause of death had yet to be determined, but a researcher at a local zoological institute, Dr. Frasnelli, said people should ...
Gifford resigns, surprising Chafee
PROVIDENCE — State Health Director David R. Gifford announced Friday that he would leave office at the end of February. Michael Trainor, spokesman for Governor Chafee, said Gifford’s late-afternoon announcement came as a surprise. Chafee’s office issued a statement saying that the governor had accepted Gifford’s Resignation “with great regret.” Unlike others in leadership posts, Gifford was not up for reappointment under the new governor. By statute, he holds...
Top Chef's Delicious Italian Meal, on a Budget
Like this Story? Share it: Searching for a new dish? Get cooking with recipes presented on "The Early Show"! (CBS) NEW YORK - Patti Jackson dreamed of being a chef her whole life. She began her illustrious culinary career by making Christmas cookies in her mother's kitchen. She had no way of knowing she'd become one of the most in-demand pastry chefs in New York. Patti's dream came true, and then some! She went from pastry chef to executive chef of I Trulli in Manhattan, where she dishes out f...
UK pays people to slim down, stop smoking
LONDON (AP) — Can people be bribed into better health? The British Government is increasingly convinced they can. For decades, doctors have tried to persuade people to quit Smoking, exercise more and lose weight. But with mixed success on the exhortation front and facing a rising Obesity crisis, British officials are slowly abandoning the health argument and fattening peoples’ wallets instead. The U.K. has tested several programs that pay people to make healthy choices. Although the ...
UK pays people to slim down, stop smoking
Can people be bribed into better health? The British Government is increasingly convinced they can. For decades, doctors have tried to persuade people to quit Smoking, exercise more and lose weight. But with mixed success on the exhortation front and facing a rising Obesity crisis, British officials are slowly abandoning the health argument and fattening peoples' wallets instead. The U.K. has tested several programs that pay people to make healthy choices. Although the trials have been small, of...
Thieves go on rampage in D.C.
The good news is that murders dropped to a historic low last year in the nation's capital; the 131 people killed matched the number in 1963. Still too many. The bad news is we are becoming the Robbery capital. Stuff is getting swiped all over town. Bicycles are Endangered Species in my old neighborhood of Chevy Chase, D.C., if they are visible and not double-locked. Thieves will grab them from porches, garages, basements. If you're lucky, robbers won't break into your place and go for more than...
Investigating the British Medical Journal Scheme
January 6, 2011 Yesterday the British Medical Journal hardly considered an “independent” body of science and by independent we mean not tied to pharmaceutical financial interests and doctors who promote drugs and in this case Vaccines. Yesterday a man by the name of Brian Deer claimed to have evidence of how Doctor Andrew Wakefield supposedly lied about how 12 parents presented their Children after the kids received the MMR vaccine. The new charges were also echoed by Fio...
Anna Cuevas: U.S. Home Prices Hit New Lows
There is a white elephant in the room that no one seems to be talking about. The push for short sales on the part of the lender and in some cases the government is at epic proportions. I agree that in some cases short sale may be the only option, but in most cases, it is not the only option. How on earth will our values stablize any time soon in this environment of a massive short sale campaign and Foreclosures that should not happen. Doesn't anybody see that if these continue, our property va...
Army forced at least 800K soldiers to take a spirituality test; you fail, you need 'counseling'
And the Pentagon was worried about teh Homosexuals? How about Separation of Church and State? If you fail The Army's "spiritual fitness" exam, you are required to get "counseling." (TruthOut):
An experimental, Army mental-health, fitness initiative designed by the same psychologist whose work heavily influenced the psychological aspects of the Bush Administration's Torture program is under fire by Civil Rights groups and hundreds of active-duty Soldiers. They say it unconstitutionally require...
City Council Takes on Mold and Vermin, Sort Of
Today the City Council passed a bill that will force a few of the city's worst landlords to clean up the mold and exterminate the vermin that play a significant role in the city's childhood asthma epidemic.
Advocates are cheering because this is a step in the right direction. But it's a baby step, to put it mildly.
As we told you a couple of weeks ago, this bill is not going to make a dent in lives of 99 percent of tenants who live in buildings with insufferable conditions - including ...
UK's Surge in Swine Flu Could Stretch Across Europe
Friday, January 07, 2011
By Maria Cheng, Associated Press
London (AP) - European health officials are warning that the Swine Flu outbreak that appears to be spiking in Britain could soon spread to the rest of the continent.
The annual Flu Season struck the U.K. early this year, with cases surging last month and doubling almost every week.
The predominant strain infecting people is swine flu, which was responsible for the 2009 pandemic. Unlike most flu viruses, Swine Flu mostly affects peopl...
No 'aflockalypse'
Some commentators have dubbed it "the aflockalypse" - instances of mass bird Deaths that have perplexed observers over the past week. So why have birds quite literally been falling out the sky? It all started when residents of Beebe, in the US state of Arkansas, woke to find thousands of dead blackbirds strewn across roads on 1 January. Then, in Louisiana, about 500 birds - including starlings, cowbirds and redwing blackbirds - rained down from the skies. Only days later, news outlets...
U.K. Pays People to Slim Down, Stop Smoking
Friday, January 07, 2011
By Maria Cheng, Associated Press
London (AP) - Can people be bribed into better health? The British Government is increasingly convinced they can.
For decades, doctors have tried to persuade people to quit Smoking, exercise more and lose weight. But with mixed success on the exhortation front and facing a rising Obesity crisis, British officials are slowly abandoning the health argument and fattening peoples' wallets instead.
The U.K. has tested several programs tha...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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