British Government: Can people be bribed into better health? The British Government is increasingly convinced they can.
PHOTOS: David Haslam in pictures
For decades, doctors have tried to persuade people to quit Smoking, exercise more and lose weight.
VIDEOS: David Haslam in videos
But with mixed success on the exhortation front and facing a rising Obesity crisis, British officials are slowly abandoning the health argument and fattening peoples' wallets instead. The U.K. has tested several programs that pay people to make healthy choices. Although the trials have been small, of...
UK pays people to slim down, stop smoking
LONDON - Can people be bribed into better health? The British Government is increasingly convinced they can. For decades, doctors have tried to persuade people to quit Smoking, exercise more and lose weight. But with mixed success on the exhortation front and facing a rising Obesity crisis, British officials are slowly abandoning the health argument and fattening peoples' wallets instead. The U.K. has tested several programs that pay people to make healthy choices. Although the trials have...
UK pays people to slim down, stop smoking
LONDON (AP) — Can people be bribed into better health? The British Government is increasingly convinced they can. For decades, doctors have tried to persuade people to quit Smoking, exercise more and lose weight. But with mixed success on the exhortation front and facing a rising Obesity crisis, British officials are slowly abandoning the health argument and fattening peoples’ wallets instead. The U.K. has tested several programs that pay people to make healthy choices. Although the ...
U.K. Pays People to Slim Down, Stop Smoking
Friday, January 07, 2011
By Maria Cheng, Associated Press
London (AP) - Can people be bribed into better health? The British Government is increasingly convinced they can.
For decades, doctors have tried to persuade people to quit Smoking, exercise more and lose weight. But with mixed success on the exhortation front and facing a rising Obesity crisis, British officials are slowly abandoning the health argument and fattening peoples' wallets instead.
The U.K. has tested several programs tha...
Paid To Lose Weight And Stop Smoking
LONDON — Can people be bribed into better health? The British Government is increasingly convinced they can.
For decades, doctors have tried to persuade people to quit Smoking, exercise more and lose weight. But with mixed success on the exhortation front and facing a rising Obesity crisis, British officials are slowly abandoning the health argument and fattening peoples' wallets instead.
The U.K. has tested several programs that pay people to make healthy choices. Although the trials have b...
U.K. Pays People to Slim Down, Stop Smoking
Can people be bribed into better health? The British Government is increasingly convinced they can. For decades, doctors have tried to persuade people to quit Smoking, exercise more and lose weight. But with mixed success on the exhortation front and facing a rising Obesity crisis, British officials are slowly abandoning the health argument and fattening peoples' wallets instead. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our li...
Overnight Open Thread
ONT rarely delves into the base political topics that the lesser contributors of the blog attempt to do during the daylight hours, but tonight well bow to the circumstances and dip our balls in salute to a great stateswoman
A Farewell to Nancy:
A grateful nation thanks you for your public service, Ms. Pelosi.
More glowing tributes and heartwarming moments below the fold...
Worst Domain Names Ever:
So I was hanging out in/strapped to the bed last night watching tv when a commer...
Gifford resigns, surprising Chafee
PROVIDENCE — State Health Director David R. Gifford announced Friday that he would leave office at the end of February. Michael Trainor, spokesman for Governor Chafee, said Gifford’s late-afternoon announcement came as a surprise. Chafee’s office issued a statement saying that the governor had accepted Gifford’s Resignation “with great regret.” Unlike others in leadership posts, Gifford was not up for reappointment under the new governor. By statute, he holds...
UK Paying People to Stop Smoking, Lose Weight
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Health Benefits of Smoking Tobacco
Thanks to Surgeon General's Warning Labels, public Smoking Bans, strict Regulation of advertising, excise taxes, and public service messages, nearly everyone in America is fully aware of the many health risks associated with Cigarette Smoking. Ongoing research has continuously proven that smoking causes lung dysfunction, Cancer, SIDS, Heart Disease, Birth Defects, preterm birth, and other serious Health Problems. Knowing this, the idea that Cigarette smoking may offer health benefits may seem ...
UK warns aviation of possible al-Qaida attack
LONDON - The British Government has warned the aviation industry of a possible al-Qaida attack, security sources and the BBC said on Friday. The BBC said it had obtained a letter from the Department of Transport addressed to the air transport sector which explained the reason for heightened threat. “There are indications that al-Qaida may be considering an attack against a UK airport or aviation sector target,” it quoted the letter as saying. “The economic, political and psycho...
U.K. warns aviation of possible al-Qaida attack
Updated 3 minutes ago 1/7/2011 10:39:24 PM +00:00 The British Government has warned the aviation industry of a possible al-Qaida attack, security sources and the BBC said on Friday. Full story The heightened awareness came from increased "chatter" among suspects under Surveillance by the authorities, a U.K. government security official said, also speaking on condition of anonymity. But he added that no threat was imminent. The report comes amid increased concerns at airports and railway ...
UK warns aviation of possible al Qaeda attack
By Stefano Ambrogi
London | Fri Jan 7, 2011 12:45pm EST
London (Reuters) - The British Government has warned the aviation industry of a possible al Qaeda attack, security sources and the BBC said on Friday.
The BBC said it had obtained a letter from the Department of Transport addressed to the air transport sector which explained the reason for heightened threat.
"There are indications that al Qaeda may be considering an attack against a UK airport or aviation sector target," it quoted the le...
US says too much fluoride in water
ATLANTA (AP) Fluoride in Drinking Water — credited with dramatically cutting cavities and tooth decay — may now be too much of a good thing. Getting too much of it causes spots on some kids' teeth.
A reported increase in the spotting problem is one reason the Federal Government will announce Friday it plans to lower the recommended levels for fluoride in water supplies — the first such change in nearly 50 years.
About 2 out of 5 adolescents have tooth streaking or spotti...
Study finds what bodybuilders have known for 60 years: Protein key in dieting
How much money must be spent on these studies before researchers start talking to the bodybuilding community that has known these facts for the better part of a century now? From the AP via The Detroit News: Study: Protein key in dieting
More turkey, less white bread and mashed potatoes. Just in time for holiday feasting, a large study found that diets higher in protein and lower in Carbohydrates can help overweight adults who have managed to drop some weight keep it off...
Paging General RIpper
Yahoo :
AP EXCLUSIVE: US says too much Fluoride in water
Atlanta - Fluoride in Drinking Water — credited with dramatically cutting cavities and tooth decay — may now be too much of a good thing. Getting too much of it causes spots on some kids' teeth.
A reported increase in the spotting problem is one reason the Federal Government will announce Friday it plans to lower the recommended levels for Fluoride in water supplies — the first such change in nearly 50 years.
Added diet incentive: Years melt away with the pounds
Losing weight may be the new Fountain of Youth: It makes you look and feel younger.
So say several dieters who have been featured in the USA Today Weight-Loss Challenge and Obesity experts who study Weight Loss.
Tom Slater, 42, of Olmsted Falls, Ohio, who now weighs 162 pounds, down from a high of 288, says his face looked "swollen" when he was heavier, "almost like I had been stung by 1,000 bees.
"When you have so much excess weight, your face shows it most," Slater says.
He started to look you...
Carole Carson: The Skinny on Fitness Trends in 2011: Strategies for Tackling Obesity
What's your reason for getting fit and dropping a few pounds? Like Ashton Kutcher, are you worried about a "massive world-crushing event" where only the fittest survive? Or are your concerns more immediate, such as an oversized number on the scale and a thinning wallet?
Nearly 75 percent of Americans will be overweight or obese by 2019. That's the projection of Economists in a report, "Obesity and the Economics of Prevention: Fit Not Fat," issued by the Paris-based 33-member Organisation of E...
British government warned by Met Office that supercold was coming, winter forecast kept secret from public
© Gareth Fuller/PA
Ashford International station in Kent on December 1st 2010
The Met Office knew that Britain was facing an early and exceptionally cold winter but failed to warn the public, hampering preparations for some of the Coldest weather on record.
In October the forecaster privately warned the Government - with whom it has a contract - that Britain was likely to face an extremely cold winter.
It kept the prediction secret, however, after facing severe criticism over the accura...
British government launches another weapon of mass distraction, raises terror threat level to "severe"
© Steve Parsons/PA
A sniffer dog searches bags at Heathrow Airport where the terror threat level is now severe, "reports say."
Extra police deployed as threat of Terrorism at major transport hubs is raised to second-highest level for UK
The Terrorist Threat level at major transport hubs in the UK has been raised to severe, it was reported today.
Extra police have been deployed on the rail network and at Heathrow airport, according to the unconfirmed reports, but there was no suggestion ...
UK's surge in flu could stretch across Europe
LONDON - European health officials are warning that the Swine Flu outbreak that appears to be spiking in Britain could soon spread to the rest of the continent. The annual Flu Season struck the U.K. early this year, with cases surging last month and doubling almost every week. The predominant strain infecting people is swine flu, which was responsible for the 2009 pandemic. Unlike most flu viruses, Swine Flu mostly affects people under 65 and many of its Victims are previously healthy youn...
UK's Surge in Swine Flu Could Stretch Across Europe
Friday, January 07, 2011
By Maria Cheng, Associated Press
London (AP) - European health officials are warning that the Swine Flu outbreak that appears to be spiking in Britain could soon spread to the rest of the continent.
The annual Flu Season struck the U.K. early this year, with cases surging last month and doubling almost every week.
The predominant strain infecting people is swine flu, which was responsible for the 2009 pandemic. Unlike most flu viruses, Swine Flu mostly affects peopl...
Smoking's in play at bowling alleys
CLAYTON • The St. Louis County Department of Revenue appears to have rolled a gutter ball when it exempted some bowling alleys from a Smoking Ban that took effect on Jan. 2. The alleys had claimed that they met one of the county's eligibility standards for an exemption in that they were "drinking establishments" with food sales that accounted for less than 25 percent of their income. However, the county classifies bowling alleys — along with sports pavilions, gymnasiums, health spas,...
Cutting food safety is playing with fire (Rep. Rosa DeLauro)
In the last week of 2010, as families gathered together for the holidays and home-cooked meals, the Food and Drug Administration warned us of a Salmonella outbreak in Alfalfa sprouts that had already sickened nearly 100 people in at least fifteen states.
These dangerous outbreaks in contaminated food can happen at any time, and it requires constant vigilance to keep Americans safe. That is why, in the first week of 2011, the president signed into law the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act - t...
Diversity spotlight: Giving back to the community is Julius Kolawole's way
Julius Kolawole, a retired electrical engineer now working as an adjunct Professor at Bristol Community College, finds satisfaction through his volunteer efforts with African immigrants. Julius Kolawole, president of the African Alliance of Rhode Island, considers himself first “a father, family man and someone who gives back to the community.” Kolawole retired last year after working as an electrical engineer for 30 years, the last 21 at National Grid. But you won’t find him s...
Teeth spots prompt look at U.S. fluoride levels
A boy drinks from a fountain at Lone Mountain Park. Federal health officials said Friday that many Americans are getting too much Fluoride. The government plans to lower the recommended limit for the mineral in water supplies. Fluoride has been added to local Drinking Water since 2000. » Buy this photo Lake Mead user fees rising Jan. 15 Atlanta -- Fluoride in Drinking Water -- credited with dramatically cutting cavities and tooth decay -- might be too much of a good thing. Getting too much ...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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