John McCain: McCain on Fox And Friends this morning thehill John McCain said that Tea Party Activists who helped the GOP make large inroads on Democrats are "enraged" about the $1.1 Trillion measure to fund the government that contains nearly $8 billion in Earmarks. "They gave us a second chance last November ...
PHOTOS: John McCain in pictures
And if we Republicans allow this thing to go through, then I'm not sure they're going to give us another chance," McCain said during an interview with Fox News's Sean Hannity.
VIDEOS: John McCain in videos
McCain's comments p...
Omnibus bill appears to be dead
Senate Republicans appear to have defeated the $1.1 Trillion omnibus spending bill containing over 6,000 Earmarks as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced last night that he didn’t have the votes needed to push it through:
Senate Democrats abruptly pulled down an omnibus spending bill after senior Republicans - caught with their hands in the cookie jar — deserted the measure in an effort to square themselves with Tea Party Activists and Conservatives in the party.
Senate M...
Defeat 6 Weeks Too Late Is Still Sweet
Last night, Harry Reid pulled the pork-filled omnibus spending bill , agreeing to a 1-page CR to fund the government through the holidays:
After wrestling with, and finally abandoning, a 1,900-page catch-all spending bill stuffed with more than $8 billion in home-state projects known as Earmarks in Washington and pork in the rest of the country, Senate leaders need to come up with a measure to keep the Federal Government running into early next year.
Nearly $1.3 Trillion in unfinished Budget wo...
Its Time To Put This Lame Duck Congress To Sleep Now
Bill O’Reilly led off his program The Factor last night with a denunciation of the pork-laden omnibus spending bill introduced by Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid at the last minute. O’Reilly called the 1,924-page $1.2 Trillion bill an “outrage” and urged his viewers to press for its defeat. He was right, but also a bit late. In what was obviously a taped segment, O’Reilly was urging a Protest against a bill full of obnoxious Earmarks that Reid had pulled hours ...
Senate Dem leader drops nearly $1.3T spending bill
(12-17) 08:10 PST WASHINGTON (AP) --
After wrestling with — and finally abandoning — a 1,900-page catchall spending bill stuffed with more than $8 billion in home-state projects known as Earmarks in Washington and pork in the rest of the country, Senate leaders turned Friday to devising a measure to keep the Federal Government running into early next year.
Nearly $1.3 Trillion in unfinished Budget work needed to keep the government running was packed into the spending measure, incl...
Obama to sign tax-cut measure
President Obama on Friday is scheduled to sign the bill that extends the George W. Bush-era Tax Cuts, as Congress moves to wind up its lame-duck deliberations, a session marked by the changing nature of politics and power.
The White House announced that Obama will sign the tax measure, which won final approval in the House late Thursday night. In addition to extending the tax cuts for two years, the bill adds 13 months of jobless benefits and cuts the Payroll Tax by 2 percentage points for a ye...
Obama to sign tax-cut measure
President Obama on Friday is scheduled to sign the bill that extends the George W. Bush-era Tax Cuts, as Congress moves to wind up its lame-duck deliberations, a session marked by the changing nature of politics and power.
The White House announced that Obama will sign the tax measure, which won final approval in the House late Thursday night. In addition to extending the tax cuts for two years, the bill adds 13 months of jobless benefits and cuts the Payroll Tax by 2 percentage points for a ye...
Republicans Beat the Omnibus, Give More Power to Obama.
Last night, Republicans walked out of an agreement they had negotiated with Democrats in recent months, killing a spending bill that would have kept government functioning through the new year. Ostensibly, this is due to Republicans' new objections to Earmarks, which mean that top Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Thad Cochran turned their back on a bill they had shaped with millions of dollars for their home states. Dave Weigel observes John McCain and newly elected Sen. Mark Kirk in a bout ...
After Tax Vote, New York Tea Partiers Fume
Less than two months after electing what they would hope will be an army of Deficit hawks, New York's Tea Party Activists are fuming that the current Congress approved another round Budget-busting stimulus in yesterday's deal to extend the Bush-era Tax Cuts.
"My objections are that it's too expensive, not because the continuation of the tax cut, but because of the spending and the Earmarks attached," said Frank Santarpia, the founder of the Staten Island Tea Party of the $857 billion bill, whi...
Ding Dong the 1,924 Page Omnibus Spending Bill Is Dead Harry Reid Pulls Bill
America, tonight you just witnessed the power of the people and the aftermath of the political Tsunami and avalanche of the 2010 Midterm Election. Elections have consequences. Democrats and those Republicans who did not quite get the message, finally did over the last couple days as WE THE PEOPLE made their outraged voices heard and along with Senators Jim DeMint, Mitch McConnell and John McCain … Reid’s bill is toast. As state...
Dont ask, dont tell, dont pass (at least not now)
John R. Guardiano is a writer and analyst in Arlington, Virginia. He writes and blogs for a variety of publications, including FrumForum, the American Spectator and The Daily Caller. Follow him at his personal blog,, and on Twitter: @JohnRGuardiano. Senate Republicans bound together last night to defeat the infamous omnibus pork spending bill, all fat-infested $1.1 Trillion of it. Good for them. Though they’re a distinct minority in the Senate, the 42 Republicans there wiel...
Senate Dem leader drops nearly $1.3T spending bill
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev., pauses during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010. After wrestling with — and finally abandoning — a 1,900-page catchall spending bill stuffed with more than $8 billion in home-state projects known as Earmarks in Washington and pork in the rest of the country, Senate leaders turned Friday to devising a measure to keep the federal government running into early next year. Nearly $1.3 Trillion in unfinished...
NYT editorial: Round Up the Usual Prospects
To no one’s shock, the lame-duck session is offering daily profiles in hypocrisy by lawmakers who made loud campaign vows to “change the culture” of Washington. In the Senate, prominent Republicans who took the anti-earmark pledge as part of the Tea Party crusade against Deficits now must deal with a mammoth $1.2 Trillion Government Spending bill that happens to be routinely packed with their own customized pork. What to do?
“The simple answer is: I’m going to vote against th
Team Obama Food Police
TEA PARTY STOPS THE OMNIBUS! Still work to be done.. On Wisconsin! New GOP Governor Wins Lame Duck Jailbird Session First-ever attack in Stockholm just the beginning? Are you a LOYALIST or a Patriot? Will GOP get the gumption to just say NO to Earmarks and walk out? What are the Republicans THINKING? World Series Champs! 2010 Losers from the Left-Wing Dept....
The omnibus blows an engine
I think it is unanimous, at least on the right, that the withdrawal of the Democrat’s omnibus 1.2 Trillion dollar spending bill - larded with over 6,600 Earmarks - is a “good thing”. Instead we can hope that a continuing resolution keeping funding at current levels (or reduced - that wouldn’t hurt my feelings at all) is passed. Sen. Mitch McConnell was waiving around a one-page bill yesterday that essentially does that.
One page. Imagine.
Not almos
Taxpayers Got a Big Christmas Present Yesterday, but It Wasnt the Tax Bill
There’s a lot of attention being paid to yesterday’s landslide vote in the House to prevent a big Tax Increase next year. If you’re a glass-half-full optimist, you will be celebrating the good news for Taxpayers. If you’re a glass-half empty pessimist, you will be angry because the bill also contains provisions to increase the burden of Government Spending as well as some utterly corrupt tax Loopholes added to the Legislation so politicians could get campaign cash from sp...
Tea Party Era Begins With Refusal To Debate 'Omnibus' Spending Bill
WASHINGTON -- The new, more Republican Congress won't arrive in town until next month, but the Tea Party Era unofficially began on the Hill Thursday night.
Republican leaders in Congress, blindsided by Grassroots fury over the Tax Cut deal they made with President Obama, are now scrambling to show their allegiance to the anti-federal, anti-debt movement.
The GOP brass, led by Senate Party Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), did so tonight by eagerly backing the successful efforts of Tea Party favo...
Reid Drops Omnibus Spending Bill
Politico reports:
Senate Democrats abruptly abandoned an omnibus Budget bill for the coming year, pushing major spending decisions into the next Congress and giving Republicans immense new leverage to confront President Barack Obama priorities.
The decision Thursday night sweeps away months of Bipartisan work by the Senate Appropriations Committee which had crafted the $1.1 Trillion bill to meet spending targets embraced by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R—Ky.) himself prior to the electio...
Senate Dem leader drops nearly $1.3T spending bill
WASHINGTON — After wrestling with — and finally abandoning — a 1,900-page catch-all spending bill stuffed with more than $8 billion in home-state projects known as Earmarks in Washington and pork in the rest of the country, Senate leaders need to come up with a measure to keep the Federal Government running into early next year. Nearly $1.3 Trillion in unfinished Budget work was packed into the spending measure, including $158 billion for Military operations in Iraq and A...
Republicans kill omnibus bill, including their own earmarks
A $1.1 Trillion omnibus bill that included $8 billion in Earmarks from lawmakers who opposed them was pulled from the Senate after Majority Leader Harry Reid acknowledged that he did not have the votes to withstand a Republican Filibuster. All 42 Republicans had threatened to filibuster the bill, despite the fact that two Republican Senators — Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker of Mississippi — requested $561 million and $449 million in earmarks. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell req...
Parties no longer equal on pork
The defeat last night of the OmniPorkulus bill, as the Boss Emeritus calls it, gives us a chance to revisit the long-held — and long-true — belief that both parties are equally addicted to pork-barrel spending. That certainly proved true enough when Republicans held power, as Earmarks skyrocketed and both parties squealed with delight at the trough. However, a new study by a coalition of of Watchdog groups on the FY2011 Budget proposal shows that one party has made great stride...
Sarah Palin GMA Interview
Sarah Palin called it the main stream media after her 2008 loss along with John McCain when they both lost their bid for the Presidential Election. She was critical of the media for stories that were not true, she called it the Liberal Media, the Lame stream media and pooped stories of her background, her short run as Governor of Alaska, and today it is a whole different story. There is a more professional hired team working the background and softened the attacks on the media. All of a sudden s...
Senate Democrats abruptly abandoned an omnibus Budget bill for the coming year, pushing major spending decisions into the next Congress and giving Republicans immense new leverage to confront President Barack Obama priorities. The decision Thursday night sweeps away months of Bipartisan work by the Senate Appropriations Committee which had crafted the $1.1 Trillion bill to meet spending targets embraced by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) himself prior to the Elections. Sen. Robert Bennet...
McConnell: Expect More Change Under Republican Ascendancy
Change is on the way? Look around, McConnell says
The Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, declared victory Friday on two major fronts — taxes and spending — and said voters should take note: “The American People are seeing change here in Washington. They can expect more in the New Year.”
Mr. McConnell in a floor Speech said Republicans had forced Democrats into submission, by winning a two-year extension of the Bush-era Tax Cuts and scuttling a proposed $...
Foxs Brian Kilmeade Comments On Sen. Claire McCaskills Senate Speech: That Voice Goes Right Through Me
At least one of the gang at Fox & Friends wasn’t so friendly to Sen. Claire McCaskill this morning, as co-host Brian Kilmeade made it clear he just can’t stand listening to the voice of the Democrat from Missouri.
McCaskill, who spoke witheringly about Republican criticisms of Earmarks in the Legislation, had part of her remarks played on F&F Friday morning, and the short clip was more than enough to apparently give Kilmeade the fingernails-on-the-chalkboard willies:
GOP Gets Chance to Cut Spending in February After Omnibus Collapses
This was the trade made in the Senate last night; the Dems will get legislative Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, a couple judges, and probably the new START Treaty, and the Republicans will get the chance to massively cut spending early in the 112th Congress.
If I’m a Republican, I take that trade.
This all came about last night, when several Senate Republicans on the Appropriations Committee picked up the football, and informed Harry Reid that they would renege on their suppo...
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