Joe Manchin: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) wouldn't run a campaign ad in which he cocked, loaded and fired a rifle at a copy of cap-and-trade Legislation, if the Senate campaign were going on today, the Charleston Gazette reports.
PHOTOS: Joe Manchin in pictures
Manchin's "Dead Aim" ad assured voters of his pro-Second Amendment beliefs, and anti-cap-and-trade stances during a Special Election race.
VIDEOS: Joe Manchin in videos
Manchin appears in the ad, carrying a gun and firing at a bill. Manchin said he'd be more sensitive about airing such an ad in the wake...
Manchin: Gun Imagery in Politics Doesn't Cause Madmen to Kill
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. There's as much evidence that Sarah Palin's map of "targeted" House districts inspired the Arizona shooter as there is that the killer was inspired by Joe Manchin's "shoot the cap-and-trade bill" ad. That is to say: None. Manchin shouldn't need to explain his ad any more than Palin needs to explain her map, but for what it's worth, here's the West Virginia senator's defense: In a statement to RealClearPolitics, Manchin, who served a...
Manchin Defends 'Dead Aim' Ad
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) on Monday fought back against suggestions that a Controversial campaign ad he aired last October may have contributed to an overheated political culture that is being reexamined in light of the Assassination attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) that left her critically wounded and six dead in Tucson, Arizona, on Saturday.
After finding himself unexpectedly trailing his Republican opponent John Raese as the campaign entered its final month, Manchin released a 30-...
Sen. Joe Manchin Defends Dead Aim Campaign Ads Gun Imagery
Sen. Joe Manchin tells ABC News he has no regrets about his use of gun imagery in his widely-viewed “Dead Aim” campaign ad. The West Virginia Democrat’s ad featured a graphic for the National Rifle Association and showed the then-governor shooting a copy of the Cap and Trade bill.
Asked by ABC’s Huma Khan about any reservations of the gun theme in light of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords , Manchin stressed that his ad targeted a piece of Legislation, not a person...
Post-Tucson Tragedy, Sen. Joe Manchin Defends Use of Gun Imagery in Campaign Ad
ABC News' Huma Khan reports: Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., one of a number of 2010 Candidates who used gun imagery in their campaigns, today staunchly defended his ad, explicitly separating himself from others who targeted specific candidates.
“I've spent my whole career bringing people together, avoiding the rancor of partisan politics, and that will continue to be the focus of my work as U.S. Senator going forward,” Manchin said in a statement today.
“The act of a deranged madman who com
Someone Worth Remembering
"Rep. Peter King, a Republican from New York, is planning to introduce Legislation that would make it illegal to bring a gun within 1,000 feet of a government official, according to a person familiar with the congressman's intentions."
This is really, really stupid. And, of course, Bloomberg is allegedly in favor of it.
On the other side of the same ridiculous coin there is Rep. Brady (D-PA) who "plans to introduce Legislation that would make it a federal crime to use language or symbols tha...
Mental illness expert: Yes, ask whether political climate was a trigger for shooter
Dr. Marvin Swartz, a Professor of psychiatry and leading expert in Mental Illness, told Greg Sargent today that yes, the nation's political climate should be considered in the Jared Lee Loughner case.
"It's a reasonable question to ask," Dr. Marvin Swartz, a psychiatry Professor at Duke University who specializes in how environment impacts the behavior of the mentally ill, said in an interview this morning. "The nature of someone's delusions is effected by culture. It's a reasonable line of inq...
Peter King's silly gun ban idea
Yesterday I argued that Congress should respond to the shooting in Arizona by encouraging staff members to exercise their Second Amendment rights, going through a professional training program on self-defense and obtaining their concealed carry permits. But if you want to see the opposite suggestion, it comes from anti-gun New York Republican Congressman Peter King, who intends to introduce Legislation which would ban people from carrying a gun within 1,000 feet of a member of Congress. Politico...
Rep. Peter King To Introduce Bill Banning Guns Within 1000 Feet Of Lawmakers
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) plans to introduce a House Bill that would ban the carrying of Firearms within 1000 feet of members of Congress and other high-ranking federal officials. King is the first Republican to announce any kind of Gun Control Legislation in the wake of the shooting. He joins fellow New York Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a Democrat, who is seeking to restrict sales of high-capacity ammunition clips like the one Loughner allegedly used in his attack. Under federal law, it’s illegal to...
Arizona Weighs Ban on Funeral Protests
Like this Story? Share it: Chris Wragge speaks with Tucson shooting survivor Eric Fuller about the gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, and his thoughts on Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's recovery. (CBS/AP) Phoenix - Arizona legislators are planning to head off any Protests by a Topeka, Kan., church at the Funeral services for the Victims of Saturday's shooting that killed six people. Lawmakers are drafting emergency Legislation for consideration by the full Legislature on Tuesday to prohibit Protests at or ne...
Efforts to Politicize Arizona Tragedy
First of all, our prayers go out to the families and Victims of the horrific tragedy that took place in Tucson over the weekend. We pray that God will bring comfort to them in this time of trial. The political left is trying to pin this tragedy on gun owners and conservative Talk Radio. Never mind the fact that this creep hated The Bible and the U.S. flag, loved the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf and, according to his friends, was a drug abusing lefty. But why let the facts get in the way? A...
The Tea Party and their Brand of Violence
(I'm not sure I agree, promoted because it is well said and there are well formed replies thus making it a worthy discussion. - promoted by MADCO) I don't believe that the Tea Party had anything to do with the Assassination attempt on a Democratic Congressperson. I still hold them responsible, however. First there was Pim Fortuyn. And now, there is Gabrielle Giffords. Assassinations that have fundamentally changed politics in the Netherlands and now the United States. In each case, the politica...
Joe Manchin Says He Doesnt Hunt People With Gun, Just Stacks of Paper
Sen. Joe Manchin saw some Republican Candidates in the midterms using heated Rhetoric about using their guns on people, so he decided he had to do it too. So he went hunting for a wild cap-and-trade bill on some coon trail and shot it in slow motion with his sexy shotgun. Did he field dress it? Did he eat it raw, or did he cook it or make it into jerky? Did he “use the whole animal,” Indian-style? We don’t know, because the commercial is only 30 seconds. But Joe Manchin needs u...
Should everyone cool off the coalfield rhetoric?
Regular readers of Coal Tattoo know that one of the things I’ve tried to do with this blog is encourage folks with various views Coal Industry issues to talk more respectfully with each other — and to tone down the political Rhetoric, whether it’s about a “war on coal” or comparisons between mountaintop removal and Genocide. As the debate continues to heat up, I’ve had more than one long-time Activist comment privately that they’re surprised no one has...
Manchin Would Not Have Run Ad
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) told the West Virginia Gazette that in the wake of the Arizona shootings he probably would not have aired his advertisement last year in which he shot a stack of cap-and-trade Legislation.
Said Manchin: "I can't say that we would, I really can't. Because it's a much more sensitive thing we're dealing with right now."
Manchin: 'I have never targeted an individual'
In the aftermath of the shooting of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, freshman Sen. Joe Manchin on Monday defended his Controversial campaign ad involving a gun.
In a 30-second ad that aired at the height of the campaign in October, Manchin (D-W.Va.) was shown shooting a hole through what is supposed to be a copy of the cap-and-trade Energy Bill.
Manchin said people should not confuse his actions with those of Jared Lee Loughner, the man accused of shooting Giffords (D) on Saturday.
In Wake of Tucson Shooting, Joe Manchin Says He'd Reconsider Gun Ad
(Credit: CBS/AP)
In the wake of Saturday's tragic shooting in Tucson, many have been quick to lay blame on Sarah Palin for using the image of crosshairs during Midterm Elections to "target" lawmakers.
Plenty of other politicians, however, used gun imagery during the 2010 midterms, including West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin (D). The new senator said Monday that, in light of the Tucson shooting, he doubts his future campaigns would use such imagery again.
"I can't say that we would, I really ca...
Glock pistol sales surge in aftermath of Arizona shootings
After a Glock-wielding gunman killed six people at a Tucson shopping center on Jan. 8, Greg Wolff, the owner of two Arizona gun shops, told his manager to get ready for a stampede of new customers. Wolff was right. Instead of hurting sales, the massacre had the $499 semi-automatic pistols -- popular with police, sport shooters and gangsters -- flying out the doors of his Glockmeister stores in Mesa and Phoenix. “We’re at double our volume over what we usually do,” Wolff said tw...
House GOP Retreat to Proceed as Planned
HOH's One-Minute Recess: Penns No. 1 Congressional Fan 11:58 a.m. Heard on the Hill: Freshman Sleeping on the Job? Rep. Sue Myrick waits to write a sympathy note in condolence books on Jan. 10 in the Cannon Rotunda. The books are for the 20 Victims of a deadly shooting in Arizona. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was targeted and critically wounded in the Jan. 8 attack, and six people were killed. Whether you're looking for a new job or looking to hire the perfect Candidate, turn to &m...;
Candidate Raises Gun, Shoots Opponent Out of Midair in Ad!
Looks like some other folks remember Joe Manchin’s shooting ad.
Sen. Joe Manchin said his infamous “Dead Aim” political ad should not be connected to the tragedy that occurred over the weekend in Tucson, Ariz., but he doubts he would use it again now that the horrific event has occurred…
During a Monday afternoon Conference Call with reporters, he pointed to the fact that he wasn’t targeting a person, but rather a piece of paper in an ad that should be taken sym...
Surprise! Harry Reid Once Used Senate Floor to Heap Praise on AZ Sheriff Dupnik as a Man of Integrity
“Clarence Dupnik is known as a man of action, integrity and innovation,” Reid said. “These skills have been invaluable to his 50 years of service to Arizona, and the nation.” A number of media figures and lawmakers, including conservative talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh, have criticized Dupnik for saying that a high level of political “vitriol” was connected to the incident that ended with Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (Ariz.) being shot in the head at clos...
Jan. 25 Set for Obamas State of the Union Address
“A new Congress provides us a renewed opportunity to find common ground and address the priorities of the American People,” Mr. Boehner (R., Ohio) said in a letter sent today. The address will be Mr. Obama’s second State of the Union Speech and his fourth address to a joint session of the House and Senate. The likely date of this year’s Speech was already well known, but the letter from the speaker confirms it. The State of the Union address is an important opportunity f...
Aren't Both Sides Guilty of Inflamed Rhetoric?
George Packer: "In fact, there is no balance -- none whatsoever. Only one side has made the Rhetoric of armed revolt against an oppressive tyranny the guiding spirit of its Grassroots movement and its midterm campaign. Only one side routinely invokes the Second Amendment as a form of swagger and intimidation, not-so-coyly conflating rights with threats. Only one side's Activists bring guns to democratic political gatherings. Only one side has a popular national TV host who uses his platform to ...
New Zealand columnist digs deeper hole on Texas gun claims
Predictably, Rachel Stewart, the “Riding Shotgun columnist for the Taranaki Daily News, insists any fault for misunderstanding what she meant about losing count of Texas diner patrons “with shooters on their hips in plain view" should be blamed on her readers. We didn’t get that she was referring to accidental disclosures of concealed guns, or guns worn by police officers. And the reason we didn’t get it is because we’re “rabid dogs” and ther...
"On Extreme Right And Left" Ctd
This goes back to my debate with Pejman. David Corn insists that the difference between right and left rhetorical Extremism is that the right has "institutionalized their side's craziness." Juan Cole is blunt. George Packer concedes that George W. Bush was the subject of vile liberal Rhetoric, but notes the unmissable scale of the difference:
Only one side has made the rhetoric of armed revolt against an oppressive tyranny the guiding spirit of its Grassroots movement and its mid...
King seeks ban on guns near federal officials at events
The chairman of the House Homeland Security committee wants to ban people from carrying weapons within 1,000 feet of federal officials at public events.
Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) said he would propose a bill in the coming weeks that would ban the carrying of guns within that range of the president, vice president, members of Congress and Federal Judges.
King made the announcement accompanied by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an outspoken advocate for tighter gun restrictions, and othe...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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