County Sheriff: Sheriff Clarence Dupnik Attacks Rush Limbaugh “The kind of Rhetoric that flows from people like Rush Limbaugh, in my judgment, he’s irresponsible; uses partial information, sometimes wrong information.
PHOTOS: Rush Limbaugh in pictures
Attacks people, angers them against government, angers them against elected officials and that kind of behavior, in my opinion, is without consequence and I think he’s irresponsible,” Sheriff Dupnik told ABC News.
VIDEOS: Rush Limbaugh in videos
DUPNIK: "The kind of Rhetoric that flows from people like Rush Limbaugh i...
A Fool With a Badge is Still a Fool
Michael Reagan,
When a would-be assassin shot my Dad, President Ronald Reagan, nobody questioned the fact that the shooter was certifiably nuts.
Authorities recognized that fact and put him in a mental institution as his obvious disturbed mental state demanded.
Now we have another attempted killing of a public official, Arizona’s widely admired Rep. Gabby Giffords, and just about everybody recognizes the fact that the shooter, one Jared Loughner, is crazy as a loon.
Legends of Law Enforcement: Sheriff Clarence L. Dupnik
In this episode of Legends of Law Enforcement, we celebrate the legendary and storied career of Pima County Sheriff Clarence L. Dupnik. Dupnik was the first to identify the infamous Serial Killer ‘Jack the Ripper’ as an ancestor of William F. Buckley. “America’s Sheriff” states that Jimmy Hoffa, possibly buried at the Meadowlands, was “whacked” by Barry Goldwater. Dupnik also believes that Charles Manson was wrongfully imprisoned for the “Redrum...
Legends of Law Enforcement: Sheriff Clarence L. Dupnik
In this episode of Legends of Law Enforcement, we celebrate the legendary and storied career of Pima County Sheriff Clarence L. Dupnik. Dupnik was the first to identify the infamous Serial Killer 'Jack the Ripper' as an ancestor of William F. Buckley. "America's Sheriff" states that Jimmy Hoffa, possibly buried at the Meadowlands, was "whacked" by Barry Goldwater. Dupnik also believes that Charles Manson was wrongfully imprisoned for the "Redrum" murders of Sharon Tate and others. The sheriff as...
What Did Influence Jared Loughner?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
By Terence P. Jeffrey
Hardly an hour had passed after the first sketchy news broke on Saturday that there had been a horrific shooting attack in Tucson, Ariz., at a public event held by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, when the liberal media began reporting the incident in a way that suggested it was somehow linked to modern American politics -- as practiced by Conservatives.
At 1:53 p.m. Tucson time on Saturday, The Associated Press released a story reporting the identi...
Did Sheriff Dupnik drop the ball with Jared Loughner?
Pima County Sheriff Dupnik has been in the news a lot lately. He is one of the most outspoken liberals in Pima County and has seized this tragedy to attack Rush Limbaugh and anyone to the right of his liberal views. Is this a smokescreen to cover his butt? It has been previously reported that death threats by Jared Loughner had been repeatably reported to Sheriff Dupnik's office. Now we learn the Sheriff's department had been dispatched several times to the home where Jared L. Loughner lived wit...
James Taranto: Sheriff Dupnik Is Distracting Public From Looking At His Contacts With Killer Loughner (Video)
James Taranto, the editor of the and author of its popular Best of the Web Today column at The Wall Street Journal. Tonight Taranto questioned Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik’s culpability in the Arizona Supermarket slaughter. “I’d like to make one additional point on Sheriff Dupnik. I think we’re missing the point when we’re talking about his political agenda. This man and this suspect has had previous contact with the sheriff’s office....
What Did Sheriff Dupnik Know and When Did He Know It?
The Arizona shootings have made Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, the man in charge of investigating the tragedy, a liberal hero for his comments targeting what he calls the "irresponsible" political Rhetoric of Conservatives. But he also has critics who say his department was well aware of Jared Loughner's mental instability and may have been slow to respond to death threats the suspect made in the months leading up to Saturday's rampage. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for thos...
Fox News Part Of Right Wing Attack On Sheriff Dupnik?
As I have reported, Fox News wasted no time in presenting Democratic County Sheriff in a negative manner. (here, here, here) His remarks about the kind of vitriol, spread by media, seem to have also sparked quite the outrage in the Right Wing. As "Right Wing Watch" points out, Dupnik is being attacked by Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, David Limbaugh, "Gateway Pundit," the Heritage Foundation, the Media Research Center, and Michelle Malkin who accuses him of being a "pro-illegal alien Amnesty sheriff." W...
Obama Phones Leftist Media-Whore AZ Sheriff Dupnik
To thank him for smearing the right? (ABC News)- President Obama spoke today with Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, families of some of the Victims, Rep. Giffords’ Rabbi and two of the heroes that helped in the Arizona tragedy on Saturday. In a phone call this afternoon with Sheriff Dupnik, according to White House spokesman Nicholas Shapiro, the President “thanked him for his department’s efforts to respond to this incident and coordinate with the FBI and Director Mueller o...
More Bad News For MSM & Dupnik Police Were Sent to Loughners Home Several Times
It’s Rush Limbaugh’s fault. The further we get away from the tragedy the more we are putting together a picture of a very disturbed young man. After four days of blaming Conservatives for the Violent Crime of the young leftwing pothead, the media is finally getting around to reporting the facts to the case. This had nothing to do with Sarah Palin, or Rush Limbaugh, or the Tea Party, or conservatives. The police were sent to the home where Jared L. Loughner lived with his family on mo...
Sheriff Arpaio warns Sheriff Dupnik hell fight back if he starts attacking him
Sheriff Joe Arpaio warns Sheriff Dupnik that he’ll fight back if he starts attacking him. Sheriff Arpaio, of the pink underwear-mandating Tent City fame, came out swinging against renegade and conservative-slandering Sheriff Dupnik of nearby Pima County. In a TV interview, Arpaio said that he does not want to speak poorly of a fellow sheriff, but he promised to fight back hard against Dupnik if he so much as starts to launch personal attacks against him. In the revealing interview, Arpaio ...
Joe Arpaio Defends Sarah Palin, Says Sheriff Dupnik Too Political (VIDEO)
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, not exactly known for his Bipartisanship, thinks that fellow Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County is getting too political in his Rhetoric in the wake of the Mass Shooting over the weekend that killed six people and gravely injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ).
"Sheriffs are elected, like I am, thank God. I'm sure if he was a Police Chief he'd probably be fired tomorrow. I'm not trying to defend him, but he's the one that runs that sheriff's offi...
Rush Limbaugh accuses Democrats of 'wishing for' Tucson shootings
Rush Limbaugh was in rare form this week , while he used his Radio Show to bash Democrats for the tragedy that happened Saturday morning in Tucson, which left 5 people dead and 14 people gravely wounded. Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot point-blank in the head by 22 year old Jared Lee Loughner, who was wrestled to the ground by several people at a public meet-and-greet in front of a Tucson Safeway. Evidently, Limbaugh feels that Democrats are glad about the horrific event, because the...
The Worst Sheriff in America
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
By Michelle Malkin
There are many heroes who showed indomitable courage and grace under fire during this weekend's horrific Tucson massacre. Blowhard Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik was not one of them.
If the White House has any sense, President Obama will stay far away from the demagogic Dupnik and his media entourage when he visits Arizona on Wednesday to memorialize the Victims. Indeed, if the White House is truly committed to unifying the country, it wil...
Arizona shooting: The claim that more guns means less crime is just silly
I walked into a drugstore in Phoenix the night after the Tucson shooting and saw toy guns for sale. They were a garish red plastic, with bright orange tips, and bore the notice that it’s strictly illegal to paint the guns in any way to resemble real ones. Yet here, as Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik declared after the shooting, just about anyone can buy and carry a gun almost anywhere at any time. So why bother with toys? Sheriff Dupnik is the one politician (sheriffs are elected) who...
We Need More Political Rhetoric, Not Less
The Rodeo Clown Posse was led out of Tucson in a cloud of dust with a hay-burning frenzy by Arizona's Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. Close in tow were hyper-boiling politicians and the usual lefty print and TV media cowboys such as Rep. James Clyburn, columnist Paul Krugman, TV antagonista Chris Matthews, and even our own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. These tin-star constables couldn't get on their donkeys fast enough to round up the usual outlaws. The leading perennial villain, of c...
Loughner bought Glock legally at store
Loughner passed a Background Check and bought the gun at a Sportsman's Warehouse Nov. 30, ABC News reported. Experts say the Glock 19 costs $400 to $500, not including ammunition. GALLERY: The aftermath of the Rep. Giffords shooting Six people were killed and 14 injured outside a Tucson Supermarket. U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., believed to be the target of the massacre, was shot in the head and remained in critical condition Tuesday. A spokesman for Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik...
Police Say They Visited Tucson Suspects Home Even Before Rampage
Source: NY TIMES
by Jo Becker, Kirk Johnson and Serge F. Kovaleski.
TUCSON The police were sent to the home where Jared L. Loughner lived with his family on more than one occasion before the attack here on Saturday that left a congresswoman fighting for her life and six others dead, the Pima County Sheriffs Department said on Tuesday.
A spokesman, Jason Ogan, said the details of the calls were being reviewed by legal counsel and would be released as soon as the review was complete. He said he..
ARIZONA REPUBLIC TO SHERIFF DUPNIK: Shut Up And Remember Your Duty. Enough attacks, sheriff. Enou
Arizona REPUBLIC TO SHERIFF DUPNIK: Shut Up And Remember Your Duty. “Enough attacks, sheriff. Enough vitriol. It is well past time for the sheriff of Pima County to get a grip on his emotions and remember his duty. . . . Dupnik needs to recall that he is elected to be a lawman. With each additional comment, the Democratic sheriff of Pima County is revealing his agenda as partisan, and, as such, every bit as recklessly antagonistic as the talk-show hosts and politicians he chooses to decr...
Rush Limbaugh: Democrats Seek "to Profit Out of Murder"
Rush Limbaugh
(Credit: AP)
Rush Limbaugh is not exactly dialing down the Rhetoric in the wake of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others in Tucson on Saturday.
In his first comments on the tragedy, Limbaugh lashed out at the Democratic Party as one that "seeks to profit out of Murder," Roll Call reports, citing Limbaugh's comments as aired on a Tucson station. The Roll Call report also quotes Limbaugh saying that the political left "openly wishes for such disaster in order to prof...
My Take: Is Arizona shooting an individual or shared sin?
Editor's Note : Stephen Prothero, a Boston University religion scholar and author of "God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions that Run the World," is a regular CNN Belief Blog contributor.
By Stephen Prothero , Special to CNN
After the shooting, the vitriol.
First came the thunder from the left, blasting the right for creating a climate of hatred in which taking out your Glock and aiming it at a congresswoman might seem to be the next logical thing to do.
Then came the thunder...
Arizona officials reveal disturbing details about suspect in massacre
Doctor: No change in Rep. Giffords condition Ariz. survivor: 'It was like a bad crime drama' TUCSON — Investigators revealed more disturbing details Tuesday about the events leading up to the Assassination attempt against U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, including a menacing handwritten note in the suspect's home with the words "Die, bitch." Just before Saturday's shooting, a mumbling Jared Loughner ran into the desert near his home after his father asked him why he was removing a black bag ...
Loughners Father Chased Son Hours Before Tucson Shooting
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
By Amanda Lee Myers and Justin Pritchard, Associated Press
This Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011 photo released by the Pima County Sheriff's Office shows shooting suspect Jared Loughner. (AP Photo/Pima County Sheriff's Dept. via The Arizona Republic)
Tucson, Ariz. (AP) - Mysterious black bag in hand, Jared Loughner ran into the desert, his angry father stopping pursuit in his truck.
Hours after Randy Loughner's futile confrontation with his 22-year-old son Saturd...
Sheriff Dupnik Says Critics Of Obama Regime Are Responsible For Shooting, Again, This Monday Morning
Here’s where Dupnik acknowledges that an Obama-led Leftist revolution is occurring in America: “I know people are upset with what’s going on in this country.”
Yes, sheriff, we know “what’s going on”, and “what’s going on” is the problem, not our response to it, which is appropriate.
This kid was a nut. No relation to “what’s going on”. But if “what’s going on” (the Lefist revolution) continues, as a...
OReillys Audaciously Hypocritical Stand On Sheriff Dupniks Politicization Of Arizona Shooting
Fox News is on a witch hunt against Tucson Sheriff Clarence Dupnik for having the gall to speak out against right-wing Rhetoric and suggest that it played a role in the Arizona shooting massacre. The righties on Fox pretend that their pique is over Dupnik’s “politicization” of the massacre. I suspect that in reality they couldn’t be happier. Pointing the finger at Dupnik allows them to avoid looking at that same right-wing Rhetoric and - as what I’m sure can b...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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