Charles Krauthammer: Charles Krauthammer saying that voters are not just angry with President Obama its all Democrats, because of their arrogance in shoving ObamaCare down the throats of the American public.
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
Wild Thing's comment ........
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
I LOVE our side of the isle. We are so fortunate to have men like Charles Krauthammer on our side and so many others. Yes there are a herd of RINO's too augh and I truly am against that. But all in all we have so many outstandning people on our side. Great...
Krauthammer: Voters Not Just Angry at Obama, It's ALL Democrats
In response to the conventional wisdom that says voters are just taking out their anger at President Obama on House and Senate Democrats this mid-term, Charles Krauthammer offers an alternative reason.
Sexomatic Venus Freaks
I thought that the Vanity Fair profile of Palin was awful, filled with poorly sourced speculation about how much she tips and how she treats her staff; Steve M. nails it when he says it’s the kind of crap that is usually written about Democrats like John Kerry. That said , I thought it was quite strange that Palin struck back at the reporter who wrote it by calling him “limp” and “impotent” (there was some unfortunate speculation about Palin’s Sex Life...
Pragmatically Toward Libertarianism
by Conor Friedersdorf
In concurrence with the creed of The Atlantic , I consider myself to be "of no party or clique," and the best insight I can offer into my work is its premise: that a writer's job is to strive for the truth, and to remember that he'll sometimes be wrong. As a result, I am reticent to characterize myself politically on occasions when I'm really being asked, "Whose side are you on?" The answer to that question should never be "the...
Griffith Cuts Boucher's Lead in the 9th
On Thursday, SurveyUSA released its most recent poll of the 5th District race showing state Sen. Robert Hurt increasing his lead over Rep. Tom Perriello. Yesterday, SurveyUSA followed up with a new poll of the 9th District race, which also showed the Republican Candidate gaining ground on an Incumbent Democrat. Since SurveyUSAs last poll of the 9th was conducted six weeks ago, Del. Morgan Griffith has gained three percentage points, but still trails Rep. Rick Boucher by ten points. ...
Marco Rubio: Charlie Crist has `six different positions' on healthcare law
The Press has written extensively about Gov. Charlie Crist's Flip-Flops amid his independent bid for U.S. Senate -- including about Healthcare. One of his opponents, Republican Marco Rubio, says Crist has repeatedly changed his tune about the federal Healthcare law that passed earlier this year.
In a statement posted on Rubio's website Aug. 27, he wrote:
``In light of political opportunist Charlie Crist taking his sixth position on ObamaCare today, U.S. Senate Republican nominee Marco Rubio...
Would Democrats' chances this fall look better if Obama has focused on economy instead of health care?
Political pundits have written a good deal about how President Obama misread his mandate . At GayPatriot, we have focused on how he assumed the American People had elected him to use his judgment in discerning and then addressing what problems faced us, but in the process neglected some of the promises he made in the campaign (especially that “ net Spending Cut “) and the main factor contributing to his September rise in the polls and eventual electoral success.
Recall, that...
Democrats Plan "Brutal Triage" To Retain House
New York Times:
Washington — As Democrats brace for a November wave that threatens their control of the House, party leaders are preparing a brutal triage of their own members in hopes of saving enough seats to keep a slim grip on the majority.
In the next two weeks, Democratic leaders will review new polls and other data that show whether vulnerable Incumbents have a path to victory. If not, the party is poised to redirect money to concentrate on trying to protect up to two dozen...
Ryan Knocks GOP Tax Cut Fantasy: ‘I'm Not One Of These People Who Says That All Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves’
In their quest to extend the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthiest two percent of Americans, many leading Republicans have invented a Fantasy World in which Tax Cuts always pay for themselves through increased Economic Growth. Extending the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich would cost $830 Billion in lost revenue over the next ten years, but nonetheless, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) claimed, “You should never have to offset cost” of Tax Cuts, while Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH) said, “Tax Cuts...
Young Guns II
Back in 2007, THE Weekly Standard heralded the arrival of three rising Republicans in the House who werent then household names. We dubbed them the Young Guns. Eric Cantor of Virginia was the deputy Whip, a backbencher elevated by then-whip Roy Blunt. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin hadnt quite come into his own yet as an influential policy maven. Kevin Mccarthy of California was a freshman with a gift for understanding the ups and downs of electoral politics. The three were agitating for the...
'If You Can't Beat 'Em, Attack Freedom of Speech'
As spotted by James Poulos at Ricochet :
Politico reports on the latest Dem tactic to throw off a heavy whiff of desperation:
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committees attorneys sent Simon & Schuster a letter Thursday, hinting that the publisher may have violated several Campaign Finance laws that prohibit in-kind contributions by corporations by posting on its website a promotional video for a book penned by three top House Republicans.
At issue: the publishing houses...
Leftovers - September 3, 2010
Jan Brewer says she's done with Debates . Paul Ryan : "I'm not one of these people who says that all Tax Cuts pay for themselves." The NRSC needs a geography lesson. PPP gauges public attitudes about John Boehner's tan. The Tea Party turns on Dan Maes.
The Dems Move To Ban "Young Guns" Book Promotion
Reps. Eric Cantor of Virginia, Kevin Mccarthy of California and Paul Ryan of Wisconsin
More proof that the Democrats are totally out of ideas. Well, good ideas, anyway.
With hypocrisy so thick you could cut it with a knife, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission against the promotion of the Young Guns: A New Generation of Conservative Leaders book by Reps. Eric Cantor of Virginia, Kevin Mccarthy of...
Save the Light Bulb
Dear John Boehner, Ted Poe, and Members of the incoming 112th Congress,
If you do only one thing in your time in Washington, and frankly I hope you do only one thing given your propensity to expand government (other than eradicating ObamaCare), it is this: SAVE THE LIGHT BULB .
People may not realize it, but one of the first acts of the Democratic Congress in 2007, was to ban the light bulb effective in 2014.
Now, you may say that this is an exaggeration, and it is a bit, but the...
No Beck-Palin ticket in 2012, talk show host says
Reporting from Washington —
Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin won't be teaming up on a presidential ticket in 2012, the Talk Show host said Sunday, after their combined star power drew thousands to the National Mall this weekend.
"Not a chance," Beck said on " Fox News Sunday," on the network that broadcasts the radio and TV host's popular daily Show. "I have no desire to be president of the United States. Zero desire. I don't think that I would be electable."
He added: "And there are far...
Nation's Economic Woes Jeopardize Dems' Prospects
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Frustrated, discouraged and just plain mad, a lot of People who have lost Jobs - or know someone who has - now want to see the names of Democrats on pink slips. And that's jeopardizing the Party's chances in Ohio and all across the country in November's Elections.
In this big swing-voting state alone, Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland is in a dogfight for re-election. Senate Candidate Lee Fisher may be even worse off. As many as six House Democrats could lose their Jobs this...
Happy Labor Day: Meyer, Krusty & the Unions
Asked once what he wanted for trade unionists, Samuel Gompers, the founder and First president of the American Labor Federation, is said to have replied: More.
His terse answer serves as a one-word Rorschach Test for sorting out the conflicting perspectives about Unions held by the political forces now arrayed in Californias campaign for Governor.
For Billionaire Republican nominee Meg Whitman and her corporate allies in the California Chamber of Commerce, it is the insatiable greed...
"Obama Hates America"
So it won't make much difference whether Obama picks the World Trade Center site, the Pentagon, Arlington Cemetery, or The Moon, to commemorate 9/11. His name, his religious tolerance, his race, and the relentless GOP smear machine have created the perfect storm to tag Obama as the president that hates America. The tweets from Palin, rightwing bloggers, and Talk Show gabbers snidely implying that Obama's is that are probably already typed out and ready to go on 9/11 and beyond.
Earl Ofari...
Eugene Robinson dismisses voters as spoiled brats
Eugene Robinson, under the guise of nonpartisan criticism, says the anger voters feel toward Democrats is nothing more than more than a childish temper tantrum. It's not that they are reacting rationally and predictably to the Democrats' arrogance and elitism. No, according to Eugene Robinson, the only possible reason is the voters' out-of-control emotions.
The American People are angry because President Obama presented himself as a Centrist during the campaign, but upon taking office...
In service of the Nanny State: ObamaCare promoted by Reductio ad Hitlerum Tuskegee [Darleen Click]
Let’s start with the headline: Millions Die Due to Withheld Medical Treatment .
Is this article about Britains notorious NHS with its attendant higher rates of Cancer Deaths due to its refusal to allow early screenings for things like cervical or Prostate Cancer? …er, No.
Imagine we found the cure for Heart Disease or Diabetes, but as a society chose to withhold that treatment from those who need it most. Would it be ethical to withhold effective treatments when the result is...
Obama to turn focus to economy
For Democrats looking to retain their majority in the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate as well this could not have come at a better time as campaign season really gets underway. Unfortunately, it might be a little too late to change voter opinion and give Democrats a better chance come November. Some might argue instead of pushing through big Legislation such as Health Care and Wall Street reforms, the Democrats and President Obama should have done nothing except focus on jobs,...
How Vermont's high student scores undermine Peter Shumlin's campaign for governor
Peter Shumlin has a Vision for Vermont. The first step in his plan is to enact Single-Payer Health Care. His second step is to pour more money into early education even though Vermonts fourth and eighth grade Low-income Students already score highest in the nation. Shumlin is campaigning for Governor pending a Recount of the primary vote in which the top three Democrats (also including Doug Racine and Deb Markowitz) were within a 2% range of each other. Due to the close numbers,...
Finnish PM, Mari Kiviniemi: Why let the Swedes and Norwegians
have all the fun, I want Finland in on the peace racket too!
Being cynical, perhaps, but I'm not too far off the mark, the peace industry (a.k.a. racket) is just too tempting for the nordic region, and with a mecca-crap load humanitarian Racist politicians and bureaucratic hacks on hand to "offer a hand", well, you know how it'll all turn out. The Arabs' conflict with Israel will be high on the "things to get involved with...
Rove rides to the rescue of Nevada's broken GOP
Broke and lacking in organization, the Nevada Republican Party could use some help.
Enter Karl Rove .
A key adviser to President George W. Bush, Rove is the force behind two independent expenditure groups that will attempt to raise the fortunes of Republicans here.
Over the next two months Roves Crossroads GPS and its sister organization, American Crossroads , will pour money into key races and attempt to build a ground game political speak for the grass-roots organizations that put...
Paul up by 15 in new poll that Conway campaign disputes
With just under two months until Kentucky's U.S. Senate election, a new WHAS11/Courier-Journal Bluegrass Poll shows Republican Rand Paul nearly doubling his lead in the last month, now up 15 points over Democrat Jack Conway, 55% to 40%. Since last month, Paul is up 4 points; Conway is down 3.
Kentucky U.S. Senate Race
Likely Voters
Rand Paul (R) 55%
Jack Conway (D) 40%
Undecided 5%
Margin of Error +/- 4.2%
Click here for the poll and check back for a more detailed...
In Irving race for Texas House, Harper-Brown, Haldenwang square off on car scandal, newcomer status
In Irving race for Texas House, Harper-Brown, Haldenwang square off on car Scandal, newcomer status
12:00 AM CDT on Sunday, September 5, 2010
By BRANDON FORMBY / The Dallas Morning News
[email protected]
In Texas politics, Labor Day's arrival signals the beginning of Campaign season. Candidates kick into high gear, knocking on doors and mailing brochures. Yard signs sprout in lawns across town. Mud starts flying across partisan lines.
That's the kind of behavior Irving residents have...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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