Van Jones: What did the White House know about Van Jones’ Trutherism and when did they know it? Charles Krauthammer asks this question and calls the revelation about the Green Jobs Czar “devastating,” much more so than an epithet directed at Republicans that most of us have used at a wide range of people.
PHOTOS: Van Jones in pictures
Does Barack Obama believe that it’s acceptable to have paranoid conspiracists in high-level appointments, or was the White House simply too incompetent to properly research...
VIDEOS: Van Jones in videos
Two Afghans killed as Koran protests simmer
Kabul (Reuters) – Two people were killed on Sunday in a third straight day of violent Afghan Protests sparked by a U.S. pastor's threat to burn copies of the Koran.
Hundreds of Afghans kept up the angry demonstrations, some apparently unaware that pastor Terry Jones had dropped his plans. Two Protesters were shot and killed in the eastern province of Logar, a district official said, taking the death toll since last Friday to three.
The furor over Jones's plan -- a grave insult to...
Two Afghans killed during Qur'an-burning protests
Kabul, Sept 12 - Afghans protested violently for the third day on Sunday despite a U.S. pastor giving up plans to burn copies of the Qur'an, with three other cases of desecration of the Muslim holy book likely to stoke their anger further.
Two Protesters were shot and killed in eastern Logar province, a district official said, taking to three the death toll in Protests staged since Friday.
The furor over pastor Terry Jones’s plans to burn copies of the Qur'an, a grave insult to Muslims who...
Fears rise over growing anti-Muslim feeling in U.S.
By Mark Egan
Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:53pm EDT
(Reuters) - Amid threats of Koran burning and a heated dispute over a planned Muslim Cultural Center in New York, Muslim Leaders and rights Activists warn of growing anti-Muslim feeling in America partly provoked for political reasons.
"Many People now treat Muslims as 'the other' -- as something to vilify and to discriminate against," said Daniel Mach of the American Civil Liberties Union.
And, he said, some People have...
Mel Goodman: The self-inflicted wounds of 9/11
Mel Goodman is a great American patriot. A former CIA and State Department analyst, he was one of just three former CIA analysts who testified against the nomination of Robert Gates to head the CIA in 1991, because of Gates' record of politicizing Intelligence--a problem that has grown immerusably worse since his warnings went unheeded. Yesterday, Truthout published his most recent article, The self-inflicted wounds of 9/11 , which is well reading in its entirety. He also...
Two Issues: The War Within Islam + Israel and Islamism (Guest Voice)
Two Issues: The War Within Islam + Israel and Islamism
by Barry Rubin
Two readers asked me questions well worth answering. The first asked whether Islam itself isn’t the enemy; the second, how these distinctions appear from an Israeli standpoint; .
Regarding the first question, I would stress that “Islam” as a religion functioning in the world is not at War with anyone as such. There are those who want to steer Islam toward an active War against how the majority of Muslims...
Officials: Airstrike kills 4 militants in Pakistan
IR ALI, Pakistan — A suspected U.S. Missile Strike early Sunday killed at least four associates of a warlord who is fighting Western Troops in Afghanistan, intelligence officials said.
Powerful Militant leader Hafiz Gul Bahadur struck a truce with the Pakistani Military and agreed to stay on the sidelines last year as it waged an offensive in the South Waziristan Tribal Area against the Pakistani Taliban, a group dedicated to attacking the Pakistani state, among other targets.
At least six killed in US drone strike
MIRAMSHAH: A US Missile Strike Sunday killed six Militants in Pakistan's northwestern tribal belt near the Afghan border, officials said.
The Pakistani Taliban said Tuesday they would continue to target Pakistani security forces with Suicide Attacks in revenge for the US Drone Strikes.
We are targeting Pakistani security forces because the government has allowed America to launch Drone Attacks on us, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Azam Tariq told AFP by telephone.
The latest...
Nick Turse, Afghanistan on Life Support
Figures... Former Commie-TRUTHER Green Czar Van Jones Was Behind the "Turn 9-11 into Community Service Day" Movement
Today, in his weekly address Barack Obama marked 9-11 as a day of Community Service and soup kitchens .
SISU discovered who was behind this effort-
…Commie Truther Van Jones.
On Aug. 4, 2009, the White House offered a glimpse into its plans to desecrate 9/11 for political advantage. Commie-TRUTHER Van Jones appeared in a 33-minute video posted on the official blog of the White House and spoke about the left’s plans to remake the tragedy into a day of Community...
Blog: Van Jones: Truther nut
Jones has denied (hat tip: Grant) that he believes or ever believed the statement he signed: "In recent days some in the news media have reported on past statements I made before I joined the administration - some of which were made years ago. If I have offended anyone with statements I made in the past, I apologize. As for the petition that was circulated today, I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever. "My work at the Council...
Missile attack kills 5 in N. Waziristan
MIRANSHAH: In the Tehsil Datta Khel of North Waziristan, five Terrorists have been killed in missile attack, SAMAA reported Sunday. According to the sources, 40 kilometers away from the Pak Afghan border, near the Miran Shah headquarter of North Waziristan,a region known as a hotbed of Taliban and al Qaeda Militants; two missiles have been fired on the house of Muhammad Khalid. Up till the last recent information, five Terrorists have been killed in the attack. SAMAA User Comments
UPDATED: I hate to say it: Nicholas Kristof makes a very good point
Rarely do I ever concede a point to a liberal. However, in this case; it is fair to do so.
This morning Nicholas Kristof writes in the New York Times , about the Mosque Controversy:
For a glimpse of how venomous and debased the discourse about Islam has become, consider a blog post in The New Republic this month. Written by Martin Peretz, the magazines editor in chief, it asserted: Frankly, Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims.
Mr. Peretz added: I wonder whether I...
A New Afghan Evil: Drug Addiction
As source of 92% of the world's Heroin, Afghanistan's opium farmers are easily blamed for the ready availability of the Drug on the streets of Europe and Asia (most Heroin in the U.S. still comes from opium crops in Latin America). But Afghans have historically seen themselves as producers of opium, not consumers, citing a Koranic Loophole that prohibits intoxicants but fails to proscribe their production.
But in growing numbers, Afghans are succumbing to the dangers of their nation's largest...
The Self-Inflicted Wounds of 9/11
Reprinted from with the express permission of of Larry’s longtime friend Mel Goodman, whose biography is at the end of this post, along with a note from Larry about Mel’s views.
(Image: Lance Page /
t r u t h o u t
; Adapted: Kim Erlandsen , The U.S. Army )
The attacks on Washington and New York City nine years ago extracted a terrible price in terms of blood and treasure. Unfortunately, the adverse US reaction to...
Why So Friendly With the Saudis?
There's no telling when our friendship with the Saudi regime will pop up and bite us in the ass, but it's bound to do so from time to time. The latest episode? The first secretary of the Saudi consulate in Los Angeles has applied for asylum because he believes he will be killed if he returns home.
The diplomat, Ali Ahmad Asseri, the first secretary of the Saudi consulate in Los Angeles, has informed U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials that Saudi officials have refused to renew...
US Predators kill 6 'militants' in al Qaeda haven in North Waziristan
Six "Militants," a term used by Pakistani officials to describe al Qaeda and Taliban operatives, were reported to have been killed. Among those were said to be two "guests," or foreign members of al Qaeda. No senior Taliban or al Qaeda commanders have been reported killed in the strike. The US has hit targets in northwestern Pakistan at an unprecedented rate over the past two weeks. Today's strike is the ninth since Sept. 1, setting up September to be the most active month since the US began...
Pakistani officials say airstrike kills at least 4 militants in northwestern Pakistan
MIR ALI, Pakistan
— A suspected U.S. Missile Strike early Sunday killed at least four associates of a warlord who is fighting Western Troops in Afghanistan, intelligence officials said.
Powerful Militant leader Hafiz Gul Bahadur struck a truce with the Pakistani Military and agreed to stay on the sidelines last year as it waged an offensive in the South Waziristan Tribal Area against the Pakistani Taliban, a group dedicated to attacking the Pakistani state, among other targets.
British troops in Afghanistan face heroin smuggling probe
British Military Police are investigating claims that the country's servicemen may have trafficked Heroin out of Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence in London said Sunday.
An inquiry has been launched into what officials termed "unsubstantiated" allegations that service personnel had bought the drug and used Military Aircraft to transport it out of the war-torn country.
British Troops at airports in Camp Bastion and Kandahar are under investigation and security has been tightened with...
Fellow Americans' suspicions frustrate US Muslims
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New York (AP) Nine years of denouncing Terrorism, of praying side-by-side with Jews and Christians, of insisting “I’m American, too.” None of it could stop a season of hate against Muslims that made for an especially fraught Sept. 11. Now, Muslims are asking why their efforts to be accepted in the United States have been so easily thwarted.
“We have nothing to apologize for, we have nothing to fear, we have nothing to be ashamed of, we have nothing...
Scott Brown: Greatest terror threat is Iran
HELMSFORD - The world’s Terrorists are patient and working on a long-term strategy that includes the troubling recruitment of U.S. Citizens to help their Extremist causes, Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown said Saturday.
Speaking on the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Brown noted there had been three terror attempts thwarted or botched on U.S. soil in the past year, including one in Detroit and two in New York. And he said he had been briefed on others that had been foiled but not...
Civilian casualties possible in Afghan strike: NATO
Kabul (Reuters) – NATO-led forces acknowledged on Sunday there could have been Civilian Casualties in an air strike this month that wounded an Afghan election Candidate and was strongly condemned by Afghanistan's president.
Civilian Casualties caused by foreign forces hunting Militants have long been a major cause of tension between Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his Western allies.
On September 2, Karzai condemned an air strike in northern Takhar province which he said killed 10...
10 Arguments to Shut Down the 9/11 Truther Crackpots
First published here on October 4, 2009. Coming up in multiple discussions of late has been the subject of “Conspiracy Theory.” Former Green Jobs Czar Van Jones was primarily pushed out of his post because he signed a statement sympathetic to those who preach that the government was somehow involved in orchestrating 9/11 . More recently in the debate over Glenn Beck, the Talk Show star’s opponents (both on the left and the wimpy right ) have tried to suggest that the...
Obama's Chat with the Rabbis
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States of Conflict: An Update
It has been a tough summer on America’s battlefields and those of its key allies, what with political wrangling in Baghdad, violence in Afghanistan and floods in Pakistan. President Obama received a fair dose of criticism for his Aug. 31 Oval Office Speech marking the end of combat operations in Iraq, but under the circumstances it was practically im- possible to convey a truly uplifting message. The president did have good news to report from Iraq — a major reduction in the American...
Never forget
Excellent and comprehensive 9/11 photo essay here , ending with this:
Since the Wahabi sect consolidated power in Arabiain 1932, they have promoted their totalitarian absolutist version of Islam on a progressively widening scale. Osama bin Laden is the product of Saudi Wahabi schooling. Saudi King Abdullah or the Shia clerics of Iran are little different from bin Ladin in terms of their most cherished religious goal: an entire world which bows to Mecca and obeys Sharia law under penalty of...
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