Katie Halper: Top 10 Reasons to Stop the Blood Libel Schmear Campaign against honorary Jew Sarah Palin

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Sarah Palin, Gabrielle Giffords
Libel, Governor

Libel : Governor Palin, or Sarahla, I hope you don't mind if I call you Sarahla, do you? As we all know, Schlameals from the left to the right getting their yarmulkes all up in a bunch because you accused the media of blood Libel.

PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures

Blood libel--the claim that Jews Murder Christian babies to use their blood for rituals such as making matzoh--is, of course, a false claim.

VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos

My matzoh is so to die for it doesn't need condiments anyway, but, moving on. Sure, you're not Jewish, and sure, Congresswoman Ga...

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