Libel : Governor Palin, or Sarahla, I hope you don't mind if I call you Sarahla, do you? As we all know, Schlameals from the left to the right getting their yarmulkes all up in a bunch because you accused the media of blood Libel.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
Blood libel--the claim that Jews Murder Christian babies to use their blood for rituals such as making matzoh--is, of course, a false claim.
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
My matzoh is so to die for it doesn't need condiments anyway, but, moving on. Sure, you're not Jewish, and sure, Congresswoman Ga...
The News About Blood Libel (Not Sarah Palin, the OTHER News)
Note: This article was originally written for NewsRealBlog)
When the calendar approaches the Jewish Holiday of Passover there is usually much discussion and unfortunate new examples of the infamous lie against Jews, the blood Libel which charges that Jews use the blood of Gentile Children to make Matzo (the unleavened bread eaten in as part of the holiday’s observance).
Surprisingly this week, smack in the middle of January, months before Passover, the blood Libel is back in the news pri...
Right-Wing Media Rush To Defend Palin's Use Of "Blood Libel"
Right-Wing Media Defend Palin's Use Of "Blood Libel"
Washington Times: "This Is Simply The Latest Round Of An Ongoing Pogrom Against Conservative Thinkers." In an editorial titled, "Blood libel against Palin, Limbaugh," The Washington Times stated: "Typical of blood libel, the attack against Mrs. Palin is a false charge intended to generate anger made by people with a political agenda. They have made these claims boldly without evidence and without censure or consequence." From the Times:
'Blood Libel' Comment Sparks Controversy
(CANVAS STAFF REPORTS) - Sarah Palin is being criticized for using a term that has anti-Semitic overtones to blast her critics. The former Alaska Governor and vice presidential nominee released a video statement on her Facebook page about the weekend shooting in Arizona, that killed six and left Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 13 others injured. In the video Palin expressed her sympathy for the families of the Victims of the massacre. She then attacked those in the media who blamed her poli...
'Blood Libel' Comment Sparks Controversy
(CANVAS STAFF REPORTS) - Sarah Palin is being criticized for using a term that has anti-Semitic overtones to blast her critics. The former Alaska Governor and vice presidential nominee released a video statement on her Facebook page about the weekend shooting in Arizona, that killed six and left Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 13 others injured. In the video Palin expressed her sympathy for the families of the Victims of the massacre. She then attacked those in the media who blamed her poli...
Blood Label
Anent Sarah Palin's use of the term "blood Libel" to characterize the deliberately false accusation of complicity in Murder and having blood on one's hands -- and especially to apply it to an entire group of people known to be innocent of the crime -- I just stumbled across this fascinating (and short!) post on
Exclusive: Alan Dershowitz Defends Sarah Palin’s Use of Term ‘Blood Libel’
In an exclusive statement, famed attorney and Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz
The Tucson Shootings, Blood Libels, and Those Who Perpetrate Them
By Barry Rubin
The Main Street of Dolhinov, then in Poland, in 1931 on Polish national day. The 1886 Pogrom took place in the area pictured and against Jewish shops on the left behind the onlookers.
Without taking any partisan position, but purely on the issue's historical merits, nothing could have been more appropriate than Sarah Palin's use of the term "blood Libel" to describe what happened to her after the Tucson killings. I know because my direct ancestors were the target of a blood libe...
The News About Blood Libel (Not Sarah Palin, the OTHER One)
When the calendar approaches the Jewish Holiday of Passover there is usually much discussion and unfortunate new examples of the infamous lie against Jews, the blood Libel which charges that Jews use the blood of Gentile Children to make Matzo (the unleavened bread eaten as part of the holiday’s observance).
Surprisingly this week, smack in the middle of January, months before Passover, the blood Libel is back in the news primarily due to The Progressive media’s attack on Sarah Palin for u...
Video: Olbermann Attacks Palin on Blood Libel Reference
Well that didn't take long. It's ironic that this sanctimonious blowhard that himself hurls political Rhetoric bombs on a daily basis lecture anyone about Civil Discourse:
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More Palin Derangement Syndrome over at MSNBC: Schultz Charges Palin Used ‘Blood Libel’ to Appeal to To Appeal To Extremist Christian Conservative Base
Happy Hour Roundup
* The "tale of two speeches" narrative continues with a nice piece by Dan Balz, with this blunt headline: "As Obama urged unity, Palin brought division."
* Nice catch by Jonathan Capehart on what one of Obama's off-script moments last night tells us.
* John Dickerson reports that Obama stayed up all night writing the Speech, and that it embodied the hopes and fears of a husband and father.
* DADT dead-ender watch! T-Paw wants the rubes to believe he would reinstate don't ask don't tell.
* Whi...
Blood Libel For Dummies
Origins: Classic anti-Semitic canard that Jews use Christian blood to make Passover matzo. Since Passover and Easter are close to each other on the calendar, the blood Libel was a big favorite among Christian clergy who repeated it in sermons during Easter mass in order to incite their flock to Pogrom against Jews on their way out of church.
Today: Still crazy after all these years, but has come to have a broader meaning. A false accusation that someone’s Speech, conduct, politics, analogies...
Tucson Tea Party Co-Founder Says Tea Party Is Victim Too
Sarah Palin and the Tea Party have received a lot of criticism in the wake of last weekend's tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona, prompting Palin to defend herself in a video yesterday, using the antiquated claim of "blood Libel." Now, Tucson Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries has gone one step further, calling the Tea Party Victims of the shooting, and arguing that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is partially responsible for having a lack of security. Regarding Palin's Controversial gun-target ma...
Youngest US shooting victim laid to rest
The youngest Victim of the Tucson shootings was laid to rest Thursday, after Barack Obama hailed the 9-year-old girl as an inspiration to US politicians to heal their poisonous divisions. Christina Taylor Green, who was among six people killed by a misfit gunman last Saturday, has become the heart-breaking public face of the attacks which unleashed a wave of soul-searching about America's political culture. Hundreds of people lined the streets as her small coffin was borne into the St. Elizabeth...
Koch, Hikind Defend Palin
Sarah Palin, who has drawn fire from Jewish leaders for her use of the phrase “blood Libel” while defending herself against claims that she contributed
(Read more...)
Olbermann Attacks Palin And Breitbart On Blood Libel Reference
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Palin Dog Whistles the Base With Some Wasilla "Blood Libel"
Old school anti-Semitic. Was in need of a little shoring up? In addition to Verse-Case Scenario, Tony Peyser writes about California politics with PeyserPoem, a daily feature at KPCC's news-driven page on Facebook called The Freeway....
'Blood libel' accusations have long history
(01-13) 04:00 PST New York - --
When Sarah Palin accused Journalists and pundits of "blood Libel" in the wake of the deadly Arizona shootings, she reached deep into one of medieval history's most sordid chapters to make her point.
The term "blood Libel" is not well known, but it is highly charged - a reference to a time when European Christians accused Jews of Kidnapping and murdering Christian Children to obtain their blood. Jews were tortured and executed for crimes they did not commit, emb...
Aide: Uptick in Death Threats Against Palin
An aide to Sarah Palin tells CBS News that there has been an increase in death threats against the former Alaska Governor in the wake of the shootings in Tucson.
The aide did not provide details concerning the volume of threats, how much have they increased or whether they are being referred to the authorities.
A different Palin aide, Rebecca Mansour, told USA Today that the increase in threats since Saturday has been "incredible."
"There has been an incredible increase in death threats agai...
The Lefts Attack On Palins Response to the Tucson Tragedy is All About Appeasement, Not Gun Imagery
In the wake of this weekend’s shooting in Arizona, the opportunists of the Left barely waited for the bodies to cool or for confirmation of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ fate before pouncing on what simply had to be the atrocity’s root cause: Sarah Palin. Even though indications of culprit Jared Loughner’s true mindset started appearing on the very day of the shooting, agenda-driven vultures proceeded to lecture Palin on everything from what she needed to say to the proper level of remo
Self-hating Jew Debbie Wasserman-Schultz blood libels Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin defended herself against blood Libel. Leftist self-hating Jew Debbie Wasserman-Schultz responded by blood-libeling her again. This is what the left means by "coming together."
I am an undercard tonight for Evan Sayet and his Right to Laugh comedy show in Thousand Oaks.
eric aka the Tygrrrr Express
White House on Sarah Palin's comments: No comment
Source: LA Times
The administration aims to stay above the fray when asked about President Obama stressing the need for political civility after the Arizona shootings and Sarah Palin's 'blood Libel' charge.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs pointedly avoided attempts Thursday to engage the Obama Administration in a debate on civil political discourse with potential presidential rival Sarah Palin.
Speaking at his morning briefing, Gibbs ducked several questions about the president's response to ...
New liberal theme: 'Blood libel' secret signal to Christian base
A new theory is now being advanced by some in the media. The phrase "blood Libel" used by Sarah Palin in her video was really some kind of a super-secret code to be used as a signal to Palin's base. Sarah Palin’s use of the charged term “blood libel” may not have been an accidental blunder, but a deliberate “‘dog whistle” appeal to her Evangelical Christian supporters for whom the expression has meaning, commentators and others are saying. An in...
Chris Christie: Obamas speech was excellent, Palin needs to be more unscripted
First he endorses a “path to Citizenship,” then he endorses Mike Castle, now this.
Dude, I think he might be the RINO messiah.
“I think people need to be judged by the way they conduct themselves in the public arena, in a way that is as minimally staged as possible,” he said. “That’s where you really get to know people.”
When it was noted that Ms. Palin has preferred communicating with the public in ways she can control, Mr. Christie said that “rightfully ha
Sarah Palins reload backfires
After what many consider a media black-out, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin emerged from her den of silence and issued a video she may wish could be re-taped. Such is not the case today. What goes on the Internet is there forever. Being that Palin believes Rhetoric has no effect on individual behavior, she will be rudely surprised when scheduled Speaking Engagements are canceled. Even after the winter thaw in Alaska, she should expect an icy reception from an America pushed too far Mr...
Sarah Palin, Mikhail Rybachenko and the origins of 'blood libel'
Sarah Palin probably never heard of Mikhail Rybachenko, but that's more or less who she was referring to when she used the phrase "blood Libel" to describe the easy slander of certain Conservatives for the shootings in Tucson. Rybanchenko was a 14-year-old who was found murdered outside the city of Kishinev, now in Moldova. Word quickly spread that he had been killed by Jews and his blood drained for the preparation of Passover matzo. Indeed, it was said that the boy's main arteries had been pre...
Anyone can use 'blood libel' even Sarah Palin | Alan Dershowitz
As a lifelong Liberal Democrat, I am no political supporter of Sarah Palin. I also oppose her use of rifle sight crosshairs as political symbols. Yet, I have no problem with her use of the term "blood Libel" to characterise what she perceives to be false charges that her Rhetoric and symbols were partly responsible for the deaths and mayhem in Tucson. The term blood libel has taken on a broad metaphorical meaning in public discourse. Although its historical origins are rooted in theologically ba...
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Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
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