Jesse Jackson: Jesse Jackson follows in Spike Lee’s footsteps - U.S. The Most Violent Nation On Earth Only in a country like America would race baiters and highly overrated film directors make millions of dollars, and still complain about how “violent” their country is.
PHOTOS: Jesse Jackson in pictures
Yesterday it was Spike Lee (on NBC) claiming that America is the most violent country in the history of civilization.
VIDEOS: Jesse Jackson in videos
Today it was jackass race baiter Jesse Jackson echoing Lee’s comments on MSNBC. If these filth...
Hey FCC: Approve the Comcast-NBC Merger, Already
Comcast and NBC-Universal (NBCU) have been waiting to merge for, well, ever. Or at least it seems that way.
Mergers of this sort are supposed to be approved within 180 days of applying to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Justice Department for permission. (As offensive as that may sound - two companies reaching mutually agreeable business terms having to then play Mother May I with the government - that is the way it currently goes.)
Those 180 days expired someti
Delusional: Jesse Jackson Calls America The Most Violent Nation on Earth
If Jesse Jackson really thinks America is the most violent nation on earth, he needs to get out more. “We make the most bombs and we drop them. We’re the most violent purveyor, the most violent nation on Earth”...
Jesse Jackson: America The Most Violent Nation on Earth
Bunker on GOP Rep. Peter King: If Giffords Shooter Were a Muslim The Reaction “Would Have Been a Total Defense of Islam”… Ohio Dan on Want Your Very Own AZ Mass Murder “Together We Thrive” T-Shirt? BigJake on Want Your Very Own AZ Mass Murder “Together We Thrive” T-Shirt? xavier on Want Your Very Own AZ Mass Murder “Together We Thrive” T-Shirt? Well, he is from Chicago so I can understand why he’s mistaken. “We make the most bo...
Spike Lee Calls the United States the 'Most Violent Country In History of Civilization'
"These guns are out of hand"
newsbustersDirector Spike Lee, along with his wife Tonya, came on Wednesday's Today show to promote their new Children's book, but he couldn't leave without blaming the NRA for the Gabrielle Giffords shooting and slamming the United States of America for being "the most violent country in the history of civilization."
Initially both Lees just talked about their new book, Giant Steps to Change the World, but Today co-anchor Meredith Vieira couldn't let the controvers...
Celebrity Moonbat of the Day: Spike Lee Says America Most Violent Country In History of Civilization
LEE: Right. VIEIRA: -and the level of Rhetoric. And not saying that it was responsible for what happened, but that it just adds to negativity, in general. LEE: Here’s my, my take in it. I think that, as film makers, as politicians, as artists, we have to understand that all, whatever we do goes out in the universe. And you should be aware of what you’re doing. And you cannot just say “Well I just did this and, and my - had nothing to do with what happened.” ThatR...
Spike Lee Attacks NRA, Calls USA 'Most Violent Country in History of Civilization'
Director Spike Lee, along with his wife Tonya, came on Wednesday's Today show to promote their new Children's book, but he couldn't leave without blaming the NRA for the Gabrielle Giffords shooting and slamming the United States of America for being "the most violent country in the history of civilization." You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, ex...
Idiot Spike Lee: The United States Is the Most Violent Country in the History of Civilization (Video)
Director Spike Lee, along with his wife Tonya, were on the Today Show this morning to promote their new Children’s book. But, Spike coudln’t help himself. When he was asked about the Tucson shootings Spike told Meredith Viera (who is still pushing the line that Loughner snapped because of the Tea Party, etc.) that, “The United States is the most violent county in the history of civilization. SPIKE LEE: Right. LEE: Right. VIEIRA: -and the level of Rhetoric. And not saying that i...
Spike Lee Declares America to Be the Most Violent Country in History
Never mind the Aztecs with their assembly line Human Sacrifices. Never mind the Nazis making people into lampshades, Mao's China stacking up corpses by the tens of millions, or the nightmarish atrocities that occur in hellholes like Rwanda and Sudan. The most violent society in the history of the world is the United States of America. Take it from Spike Lee, the absurdly pretentious punk who called for Charlton Heston to be shot with a .44 caliber Bulldog. On the Decay show the other day he info...
Giffords react: Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. calling for more funds to bolster lawmaker district security
WASHINGTON--Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) will ask new GOP House leaders to increase members operating budgets in order to pay for more security in their districts, a proposal made in the wake of the Saturday Tucson Shooting Spree that left 14 wounded, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Az.), and six dead.
Jackson stressed in an interview with the Sun-Times that after the 9-11 attacks the Capitol, embassies, Military bases and federal buildings were physically fortified--but lawmakers work...
The Jesse Jackson Recursion
Jesse Jackson declares the US is “The Most Violent Nation On Earth.”
So who were these Nazis that he keeps comparing Republicans to?
Dem Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr: Giffords Shooting an Act of Terror Because Loughner is an Anti-Government Activist
His not-so-subtle way of blaming this on the Tea Party. (Politico)- The appropriate response to last weekend’s shooting in Arizona depends in large part on how we define it. If we choose to view the events in Tucson as the act of a lone lunatic, the American People will respond accordingly. If we choose to define it as an act of Terrorism, the American People have quite a different response. The Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln was part of a Conspiracy to kill several prominent n...
Glenn Beck and Jared Loughner: Separated at birth?
This weird segue popped up the other day in the Twilight Zone between Neil Cavuto's Fox News show and the Glenn Beck show immediately following. CAVUTO: I want you to look at him. Look at him closely. Maybe you recognize this guy. But I don't. Maybe you think this guy is all of us. But I don't. I just see a nut. We didn't make him. He made and then unmade himself. The script works for that guy, too! And the more I think about it, the more the daily rants from Glenn Beck start to eerily resembl...
How Obama got conservatives to listen to him
Did Obama's Speech "rebuke" the left? So argued a number of people on the right, who hailed the President's Speech because in their view, Obama called on the left to stop blaming the shooting on incendiary Rhetoric. Conservatives are right to point to Obama's claim that Incivility did not cause the shooting, because it's important. But it's not important for the reason conservatives think it is.
Among those who have claimed Obama's Speech stiff-armed the left are Rich Lowry, Marc Thiessen, and...
Half of the Comedy Team Cloward/Piven Speaks
I was told there would be sex ?
Frances Fox Piven delivers the same Speech that the rest of the thousand-headed Ignoramus has delivered a thousand times before -
“The Tea Party are scared Racists who can’t handle a black man in the White House.”
I couldn’t handle Jimmy Carter in the White House. Does that make me a Peanutist? I didn’t enjoy Bill Clinton’s tenure. Does that make me a Penist?
No. It makes me a conservative, you know, the opposite of ...
Paul Bowers: On Getting Married and Missing Out on the College Experience
A note: My wife and I got married in July of 2010, with two semesters' worth of college to go. I've blogged previously about why we did it, and now I'm writing about how it's working out.
A girl from our school's Student magazine came by our apartment the other day to talk about our marriage. She wanted to know, among other things, whether we felt we'd missed out on the College Experience by getting married as undergrads.
She didn't capitalize College Experience, of course. She was speaking ou...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Today's Right Wing Is As Responsible For Rep. Giffords' Shooting As The Right Wing Of 1963 Was For The S
Actually... I agree!
Every bit as responsible. Or not responsible.
I wouldn't suggest reading that, by the way. Let's just say it's gone Full Loughner, and once again we are brought back to the dark chatter of Dallas '63, which, frankly, I have to admit sounds anti-American and despicable, but which also sounds like it had nothing at all to do with shaping the psyche of Marxist defector-to-Russia Oswald, Harvey Lee.
The conclusion is that you're to blame for Giffords to the same extent Dallas "...
Delusional: RFK Jr. AllegesJFK Was Killed by a Right-Winger
Liberals love to rewrite history. RFK Jr. is being disingenuous. He knows very well Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marxist. (HuffPo)- Uncle Jack’s Speech in Dallas was to have been an explosive broadside against the Right Wing. He found Dallas’ streets packed five deep with Kennedy Democrats, but among them were the familiar ornaments of presidential hatred; high-flying confederate flags and hundreds of posters adorning the walls and streets of Dallas showing Jack’s picture inscribed...
Mark Levin To MSNBC Crew: Im Going To Drag Your Asses Into Federal Court if You Accuse Me of Inciting Mass Murder in Tucson
deez on Dem Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr: Giffords Shooting an “Act of Terror” Because Loughner is an “Anti-Government Activist”… deez on Dem Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr: Giffords Shooting an “Act of Terror” Because Loughner is an “Anti-Government Activist”… Word to the wise. Don’t mess with Mark Levin. (Mediaite)-Radio host Mark Levin is fed up with claims that heated political Rhetoric of the sort found on Talk Radio shows like his are ...
Paranoid Narratives
David Frum zeroes in on the sort of Rhetoric that's worth worrying about:
The problem is not Military metaphors. It's not Glenn Beck joking about poisoning Nancy Pelosi's wine or Paul Krugman hanging Joe Lieberman in effigy at a party. The problem is, rather, the construction of paranoid narratives that might justify violence to a violent-minded person. When scruffy Protesters drew swastikas on photographs of President George W. Bush, that was obnoxious. It was not likely to incite...
One Year After Haiti Earthquake, Corporations Profit While People Suffer
© Internews Network
A Haitian girl sits in a displaced persons camp in December of 2010.
One year after an Earthquake devastated Haiti, much of the promised relief and reconstruction aid has not reached those most in need. In fact, the nation's tragedy has served as an opportunity to further enrich Corporate Interests.
The details of a recent Lawsuit, as reported by Business Week, highlights the ways in which contractors - including some of the same players who profited from Hurricane Ka...
RNC: Round Four results
There was one write in for an ineligible Candidate. You're in Easy Mode. If you prefer, you can use XHTML Mode instead. You're in XHTML Mode. If you prefer, you can use Easy Mode instead. As a new user, you may notice a few temporary content restrictions. Click here for more info. Chuck Todd Chuck Todd became NBC News’ political director in March 2007. He also serves as NBC News' on-air political analyst for "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams," "Today," "Meet the Press and MSNBC, includ...
Birthers Usually Some "Cracker" On The Right, Says NBC Anchor
"So much of this attack on Obama has been ad hominem -- directed at the person, the president. Whether it's somebody, some cracker out there on the right calling him -- some birther type that he's not an American or it is someone a little more sophisticated, but basically saying he's a Socialist," MSNBC's Chris Matthews said. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress fre...
Tunisia's embattled president surrenders power
NBC News, staff and news services UPDATE: TUNIS, Tunisia -- Prime Minister Mohammed Ghanouchi said late Friday in a televised address that President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has surrendered power and left Tunis. Ghanouchi said that he w …...
RNC: Round five results
Eighty-five votes are needed to win. You're in Easy Mode. If you prefer, you can use XHTML Mode instead. You're in XHTML Mode. If you prefer, you can use Easy Mode instead. As a new user, you may notice a few temporary content restrictions. Click here for more info. Chuck Todd Chuck Todd became NBC News’ political director in March 2007. He also serves as NBC News' on-air political analyst for "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams," "Today," "Meet the Press and MSNBC, including "Hardball w...
RNC: Round Three begins
Domenico Montanaro writes: As the third round of voting gets underway, all Candidates remain; none have dropped out. You're in Easy Mode. If you prefer, you can use XHTML Mode instead. You're in XHTML Mode. If you prefer, you can use Easy Mode instead. As a new user, you may notice a few temporary content restrictions. Click here for more info. Chuck Todd Chuck Todd became NBC News’ political director in March 2007. He also serves as NBC News' on-air political analyst for "NBC Nightly News...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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