It's never too early to ask for contributions

John Boehner: Washington (CNN) - Just minutes after being handed the speaker's gavel by outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, new Speaker John Boehner is already asking for financial support.

PHOTOS: John Boehner in pictures

In an email put out by the National Republican Congressional Committee, Boehner points out that "with President Obama in the White House and Democrats running the Senate, we're still outnumbered in Washington."

VIDEOS: John Boehner in videos

The Ohio Republican then asks GOP supporters for help, saying "your support now will ensure the NRCC begin...

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GuerrillaGirlsOnTour posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Year End QUIZ: John Boehner , cried on election night saying "I've spent my whole life chasing A) the American dream ." B) women." C) cars."

Bill Press posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

How far into John Boehner 's speech today does ' American Dream ' get mentioned? And how often?

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