Estate Tax: A final House vote on President Obama’s tax proposal could be delayed after Democratic leaders were forced to pull a procedural measure off the House floor Thursday.
PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures
The House was set to vote on the rule governing debate on the broad tax bill, but the measure was withdrawn at the last minute when leaders realized it was likely to be rejected.
VIDEOS: Barack Obama in videos
Liberals opposed to the deal Obama struck with Republicans were upset that the procedure approved by the House Rules Committee on Wednesday did not all...
Contender for Nobel prize is in Chinese prison
Beijing -
When the Police came for Liu Xiaobo on a December night nearly two years ago, they didn't tell the Dissident author why he was being taken away again. The line in the detention order for his "suspected crime" was left blank.
But Liu and the dozen officers who crowded into his dark Beijing apartment knew the reason. He was hours from releasing Charter 08, the China Democracy movement's most comprehensive call yet for peaceful reform. The document would be viewed by the...
Contender for Nobel Peace Prize is a jailed Chinese dissident who called for political reform
— When the Police came for Liu Xiaobo on a December night nearly two years ago, they didn't tell the Dissident author why he was being taken away again. The line in the detention order for his "suspected crime" was left blank.
But Liu and the dozen officers who crowded into his dark Beijing apartment knew the reason. He was hours from releasing Charter 08, the China Democracy movement's most comprehensive call yet for peaceful reform. The document would be viewed by the ruling...
Nobel jury picks literature prize winner
Stockholm — The Swedish Academy has selected the winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in literature and will announce the decision next week after a formal vote, the panel's spokesman said Friday.
Peter Englund, permanent secretary of the 16-member academy, said the decision will be announced on Oct. 7, completing the schedule for this year's Prize announcements, which kick off on Monday with the medicine award.
"The winner has de facto been appointed," Englund told The Associated Press in the...
Winning their hearts and minds
ABC News :
The allegations are reminiscent of the Military’s darkest days in Vietnam.
Again, young GI’s caught up in a difficult war are accused of widespread drug use and the random killing of innocent civilians, apparently for sport or thrills.
But the parents of one of the five Soldiers charged with the premeditated Murder of unarmed Afghans say that before one of the Murders they tried to warn The Army and a U.S. Senator and no one helped.
Now their son, 20-year-old...
Paul Krugman, disaffected liberal
The 57-year-old commentator feels vindicated after predicting that The Economy would skid into the gutter unless the president pushed through a far bigger Stimulus package. And not just in financial forecasting terms: A hero on the left during his years of Bush-bashing, Krugman alienated some of his fans with his early criticism of Barack Obama. "It was maddening," says his wife, Robin Wells, being chastised by "your friends, people you'd been locked in arms with for years." Now much of the left...
My Dad, Me and Paul Krugman
( )
So I calls my pops this evening (well evening for me and afternoon for him) and we get to chatting about politics in general and specifically about Economic Policy. Being originally from the US and being a well read individual … Continue reading → Discuss
Nobel lit prize winner to be announced Oct. 7
Stockholm -
The Swedish Academy says it will announce the winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in literature next Thursday, on Oct. 7.
Friday's statement completes the schedule for this year's Nobel awards, which starts with the medicine Prize on Monday.
The physics award will be announced Tuesday, followed by chemistry on Wednesday and the Nobel Peace Prize two days later. The winners of the economics award will be revealed the following Monday, Oct. 11.
Last year's literature Prize...
Nobel experts predict low-key prize after Obama
As the secretive Nobel Prize committees huddle for their final deliberations to select the 2010 winners, the question looms large: Are the jurors preparing another Obama-style shocker? After the unusual ruckus caused by honoring Barack Obama less than nine months into his presidency, Nobel experts believe the peace Prize committee will opt for a more low-profile choice. "I do not foresee a similar level of risk-taking as last year," says Kristian Berg Harpviken, Director of the...
The Nobel Laureate’s Deportation, however, has been suspended for 48 hours in order to allow Corrigan-Maguire to appeal to the Supreme Court. Corrigan-Maguire has been in a detention facility at Ben-Gurion International Airport since she was stopped by police for contravening a prohibition against entering Israel, imposed after she took part in a mission aimed at violating Israel’s naval Blockade on the Gaza Strip, aboard the Rachel Corrie ship, in early June. The MV Rachel Corrie...
Ig Nobel Prize
Ig Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry
“The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be apportioned as follows: /- - -/ one part to the person who shall have made the most important chemical discovery or improvement ...” (Excerpt from the will of Alfred Nobel) Chemistry was the most important science for Alfred Nobel’s own work. The development of his inventions as well as the industrial processes he employed were based upon chemical knowledge. Chemistry was the second Prize area that...
All You Belletristic Bookies, Who Will Win This Year's Nobel Prize In Literature?
On Thursday, the Swedish Academy will award the Nobel Prize in Literature. The new laureate will get a handsome medal , an invitation to deliver a lecture, and a nice chunk of change. Ahead of the announcement, there is plenty of speculation about who deserves the award. The New Yorker 's Ian Crouch notes that , "for gamblers with a literary bent, it's a most exciting time of the year." Ladbrokes, " one of the world's leading betting and gaming enterprises ," has the odds. Swedish poet Tomas...
Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz calls for second federal stimulus :
Nobel Prize-winning Economist Joseph Stiglitz called for a second round of federal Stimulus spending in a New York Speech to the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. NEW YORK — Nobel Prize-winning Economist Joseph Stiglitz called for another round of federal Stimulus dollars to spur The Economy. He spoke Sept. 30 to the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW) at its Fall Workshop. We will see in the next two years the real cost of there not being a second...
Nobel season kicks off next week
With the Nobel season about to begin, all eyes are fixed on the prestigious Peace Prize, won last year by US President Barack Obama last year in a jaw-dropping surprise.
The Peace Prize is the most watched Nobel award, with honours also handed out annually for exceptional work in literature, medicine, physics, chemistry, and economics. The Nobel season will open on Monday with the Medicine Prize.
Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 after less than a year in office and as the...
Contender for Nobel Peace Prize is a jailed Chinese dissident who called for political reform
Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune
Beijing - When the police came for Liu Xiaobo on a December night nearly two years ago, they didn't tell the Dissident author why he was being taken away again. The line in the detention order for his "suspected crime" was left blank.
But Liu and the dozen officers who crowded into his dark Beijing apartment knew the reason. He was hours from releasing Charter 08, the China Democracy movement's most comprehensive call yet for peaceful reform. The document...
A Nobel Peace Prize laureate in prison
If the court indeed deports Mairead Corrigan-Maguire we'll know that our court system is also tainted to the teeth
Contender for Nobel Peace Prize is a jailed Chinese dissident who called for political reform
Beijing - When the police came for Liu Xiaobo on a December night nearly two years ago, they didn't tell the Dissident author why he was being taken away again. The line in the detention order for his "suspected crime" was left blank. But Liu and the dozen officers who crowded into his dark Beijing apartment knew the reason. He was hours from releasing Charter 08, the China Democracy movement's most comprehensive call yet for peaceful reform. The document would be viewed by the ruling...
Rights activists share Alternative Nobel
Stockholm – Activists from Nepal, Nigeria, Brazil and Israel were named the winners Thursday of this year's Right Livelihood Award, also known as the "alternative Nobel," for work that includes fighting to save the Amazon rain forest and bringing Health Care to Palestinians cut off from services. The recipients will split the euro200,000 ($270,000) cash award founded by Swedish-German philanthropist Jakob von Uexkull in 1980 to recognize work he felt was being ignored by the Nobel Prizes....
Damn, that’s useful research
Research you can use:
BRITISH research which found that swearing helped people cope better with pain was honored at the Ig Nobels, an American parody of the Nobel Prizes.
Scientists from the University of Keele… recruited 64 volunteers for the study, each of whom was given the gruelling task of submerging their hand in a tub of freezing water for as long as possible while repeating a swear word of their choice.
They were then asked to repeat the experiment, this time using neutral...
Whale snot, bat sex win 2010 IgNobel spoof prizes
WASHINGTON - Researchers who used a remote-controlled Helicopter to collect whale snot, documented bats having oral sex and showed that swearing makes you feel better when you stub a toe were among the winners of spoof IgNobel Prizes Thursday.
The Prizes, meant to be both humorous and to encourage scientific research, are given every year by the Journal of Improbable Research as a whimsical counterpart to the Nobel Prizes, which will be awarded starting next week.
IgNobels also went to...
How The Other Half Thinks
Ezra Klein has written in, asking for a post laying out the difference between the more or less Keynesian model Brad DeLong and I work with and the models others have been using and how their predictions differ. Its a good request, although the truth is that the other side in this debate doesn’t necessarily agree on a single model, or even use models at all . Still, I think it is possible to describe the general views of the other guys — and to see how off their predictions...
Nassim Taleb: Don't Listen to Geithner or Krugman
Since Tim Geithner did not predict the economic Crisis, Nassim Taleb has no interest in listening to him talk about it now. The author of The Black Swan , a book about risk and probability theory, told National Journal's Matthew Cooper that he did not listen to Geithner, who preceded him at the Washington Ideas Forum.
Taleb explained his simple metric for judging whose economic opinions are worth his time: "Did someone predict the Crisis before it happened? ... If the answer is no, I don't...
So You Say You Want a Cheaper Dollar?
In a TAP column, I write that if politicians want a cheaper dollar (and they should) there’s a better way than threatening Tariffs :
The problem with the bill in Congress is that the proposed solution misses the mark. Threatening to slap high taxes on Chinese-made goods could cause the Chinese Government to change its approach. By the same token, threatening to shoot a nuclear missile at Beijing could also produce such an effect. Or it might lead to a downward spiral of retaliation and...
Nassim Taleb Ridicules Geithner And Krugman For Failing To See The Crisis
The Atlantic : Taleb explained his simple metric for judging whose economic opinions are worth his time: "Did someone predict the crisis before it happened? ... If the answer is no, I don't want to hear what the person says. If the person saw the crisis coming, then I want to hear what they have to say." Other unlucky economic figures who failed Taleb's test included writers Paul Krugman and Thomas Friedman.
Paul and Heather set us straight
Paul Krugman had a typically restrained response to a profile by one of the dumbest Versailles scribes around. In fact, it was more than just restrained, it took the opportunity to make a very telling point... or two:
OK, Howard Kurtz has a profile up. Not too much damage .
One thing I'd note, however: there's a hint in Kurtz's article of an attitude one sees all the time - namely, that there's something inauthentic about people who complain about current policies and the...
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