House GOP leaders: 9/11 first responders aid bill a massive new entitlement program

Health Care: Politico: House Republican leadership is advising its members to vote against a Bipartisan bill that would, among other things, bolster medical support to Sept. 11 Victims.

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The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009, sponsored by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), would provide medical monitoring to those exposed to Toxins at Ground Zero, bolster treatment at specialized centers for those afflicted by Toxins on Sept. 11 and reopen a compensation fund to provide for the economic los...

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Gillian posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

WTF for the 9/11 first responder health care bill!!

Daniel posted 18th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Republicans blocking 9/11 first responder health care is the worst thing in the fucking world.Can you be bigger assholes? I mean can they?

Cheryl Murray posted 18th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

I wish I was a billionaire. I would pay for every single one of our 9-11 first responder 's health care . I truly wish I could. Shame on GOP

Rob Saker posted 18th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Disappointed in Sen. Gillibrand not calling out Reid/Obama for failed leadership on 9/11 first responder health care .

Edmond posted 17th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Every Republican Senator has voted AGAINST the 9/11 First Responder health care bill.

Benjamin Garmoe posted 17th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Sigh. Filibustering 9/11 first responder health care in order to pay back those who bought elections. Dictionary definition of bullshit.

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