Government May Shut Down Amid Standoff on Pork-Filled Spending Bill

Senate : A government shutdown looms as Congress risks missing a key deadline this weekend over the battle in the Senate on a massive 2,000-page catchall spending bill that Republicans have vowed to oppose unless they can strip it of Earmarks.

PHOTOS: Harry Reid in pictures

A government shutdown looms as Congress risks missing a key deadline this weekend over the battle in the Senate on a massive 2,000-page catchall spending bill that Republicans have vowed to oppose unless they can strip it of Earmarks. Senate Majority Lead...

VIDEOS: Harry Reid in videos

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PLepp posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Why is it a sacrilege 4 the senate 2 work on Christmas Eve ? poor workers have 2 work a full shift to make money for the capitalist overseer

OMO posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Senate needs to quit all that cryin about workin up till christmas eve ..lazy someborris..

Jenny Briggs posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Dear U.S. Senate , I've worked every Christmas Eve for the last four years. Suck it up, assholes.

Emma posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Yo, the Senate voted to pass healthcare reform on Christmas Eve last year.

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