Good grief: Hillary Clinton compares Gabrielle Giffords shooting to 9/11 attacks

Hillary Clinton: Every liberal seems to be jumping the shark, one after another, over the shooting over the weekend of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson AZ.

PHOTOS: Hillary Clinton in pictures

Palin's fault.

VIDEOS: Hillary Clinton in videos

Limbaugh's fault. It's because the GOP is trying to Repeal ObamaCare. Etc, etc, yada, yada. Clinton jumped the shark herself: Hillary Clinton compares Gabrielle Giffords shooting to 9/11 attacks In a television broadcast filmed before Students in Abu Dhabi, Mrs Clinton was asked why the 9/11 terror attacks, the work of a handful of ...

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Mai sherif posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Hillary Clinton called for unified efforts to fight extremism all around the world....

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