Gabrielle Giffords: It’s been four days since Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords suffered a bullet to the head during a shooting outside a Tucson, Arizona Safeway while meeting with her constituents, and she continues to make progress in her recovery.
PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures
Now, the first photos of the Congresswoman since the weekend’s tragic shooting are out, showing her in her Hospital room, husband Astronaut Mark Kelly at her side.
VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos
The photos show Giffords’ hand, wrapped in gauze, as it is being held by Kelly while he...
Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Gabrielle Giffords: " It felt like we were watching a miracle"
That's how the Broward congressman described the moment Wednesday at a Tucson Hospital when Gabrielle Giffords opened her eyes for the first time since the shooting on Saturday.
Wasserman Schultz and New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand briefed reporters late last night on Air Force One as President Obama returned to Washington.
"Other than the birth of my kids, this was the most incredible feeling, to see literally your -- one of your closest friends just struggle to come back to you, to...
Giffords opens her eyes for the first time since the shooting
Tuscon, Arizona (CNN) - When President Barack Obama said Wednesday night that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords had opened her eyes for the first time since being shot on Saturday, an overflow crowd of nearly 30,000 people at a memorial event erupted into cheers that the congresswoman may have heard in her Hospital room. Obama said he learned of the eye-opening from Giffords' husband, Astronaut Mark Kelly. "She knows we're here, and she knows we love her,and she knows that we will be rooting for her thro...
Gillibrand Recounts Giffords 'Miracle' Awakening
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand witnessed the "miracle" awakening of bullet-injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords -- and may have helped it happen -- she and Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz told reporters returning from President Obama's Speech in Tucson. Both Democratic women became friends with the wounded Arizonan before she was elected to the House, and flew on Air Force 1 to see her in her Hospital room before Obama spoke yesterday. And there the already emotional moment turned to a s...
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's Friends Narrate the Moment She Opened Her Eye
WASHINGTON—Just a few hours after attending a memorial service in Tucson, a giddy Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz of Florida came back to the press cabin aboard Air Force One to tell reporters about the moment when their friend, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, opened one eye for the first time since she was shot in the head last Saturday.
Also in the Hospital room at the time, they said, was Mark Kelly, Ms. Giffords’s husband, and House Minority L...
Photos: Rep. Giffords' Husband By Her Side, Holding Her Hand
What is this? These pictures tell the story quite well by themselves. They're from the Tucson Hospital room where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) is being treated for the severe head injuries she received during Saturday's shooting rampage, which left 6 people were killed and 14 people (including Giffords) wounded. Astronaut Mark Kelly, Giffords' husband, is with his wife. The photos were taken Sunday and released by Giffords' staff late Tuesday: Enlarge Office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords/AP Mark...
Gabrielle Giffords Makes Progress (Photos)
The office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) on Tuesday night released new photographs of the congresswoman, who remains in critical condition after Saturday's Mass Shooting in Tucson, Ariz.
The photos were taken Sunday in the congresswoman's room at University Medical Center. They show her husband Mark Kelly holding her hand.
U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' husband Mark Kelly holds her hand in her room at University Medical Center in Tucson, Ariz., Sunday, Jan. 9, 2011.
(Credit: Office...
Gabrielle Giffords' First Hospital Photos Released
Office of Gabrielle Giffords
Last night Gabrielle Giffords' office released photos of the wounded Arizona Congresswoman in her Hospital room at the University Medical Center. The photos were reportedly taken on Sunday, January 9. In each, she holds the hand of her husband, Astronaut Mark Kelly.
Neither photo shows Giffords' face, due to the severity of her head injuries. As we learned yesterday, she's able to breathe on her own, and doctors believe she has a 101 percent chance of surviv...
Photos: Rep. Giffords' Husband By Her Side, Holding Her Hand
What is this? These pictures tell the story quite well by themselves. They're from the Tucson Hospital room where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) is being treated for the severe head injuries she received during Saturday's shooting rampage, which left 6 people were killed and 14 people (including Giffords) wounded (13 from gunshots). Astronaut Mark Kelly, Giffords' husband, is with his wife. The photos were taken Sunday and released by Giffords' staff late Tuesday: Enlarge Office of Rep. Gabriell...
Friends of Giffords describe 'miracle' encounter in hospital room
Three colleagues and close friends of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) were in the room Wednesday night for the moment when Giffords opened her eyes.
Giffords's opening of her eyes on her Hospital bed last night proved to be the emotional pinnacle of President Obama's Speech Wednesday night.
"Gabby opened her eyes, so I can tell you she knows we are here. She knows we love her," the president said last night, to thunderous applause. "And she knows that we are rooting for her through what is ...
Obama strives to comfort mourners and unite a nation
"We can be better," he said, striking a familiar refrain. "What we cannot do," he said, "is use this tragedy as one more occasion to turn on each other." What's required now, he said, is that we "expand our moral imaginations, to listen to each other more carefully, to sharpen our instincts for empathy." Obama, interrupted repeatedly by cheers from the crowd, eulogized those who died and praised the people who rushed to the scene of the shooting --the two men who wrestled suspect Jared Loug...
Gabrielle Giffords first waking moments: Eyewitness accounts from her Tucson hospital room
The Gabrielle Giffords story:
Aboard Air Force One Wednesday night enroute from Tucson back to Washington, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz described their visit to the second floor Hospital room of wounded colleague, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
They were holding her left hand and talking to her when, suddenly, for the first time since Saturday's shooting the wounded woman opened her unbandaged eye. And....
Here are their excited excerpted eyewitness accounts from a ...
Giffords hospital photos released
The office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) released the first images Tuesday night of the congresswoman’s room at University Medical Center in Tucson. One photo shows Giffords's Astronaut husband, Navy Capt. Mark Kelly, holding his wife’s hand.
The pictures were taken Sunday.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Opens Her Eyes As Pelosi, Gillibrand and Wasserman Schultz Joyously Watch
Rep. Gabby Giffords, who took a bullet to the brain in Saturday's Tucson rampage, opened her eyes for the first time Wednesday night at the urging of her husband, Astronaut Mark Kelly, as three close Democratic friends from the House -- Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Kirsten Gillibrand -- looked on in joyous disbelief. "Gabby, open your eyes, open your eyes," Gillibrand quoted Kelly in a phone call to CNN. She seemed to struggle momentarily but then managed t...
Obama to the nation: We can be better than this
Summoning the soul of a nation, President Barack Obama on Wednesday implored Americans to honor those slain and injured in the Arizona shootings by becoming better people, telling a polarized citizenry that it is time to talk with each other “in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds.” Following a Hospital bedside visit with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the target of the Assassination, he said: “She knows we’re here, and she knows we love her.” In an electrifying mo...
Friends: 'Watching a miracle' as Giffords opens eye
The scene inside Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' Hospital room yesterday was like "watching a miracle," one of her closest friends in Congress says. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., recounted for Journalists aboard Air Force One last night the emotional scene as they watched their friend respond to them during their visit. "It felt like we were watching a miracle," said Wasserman Schultz, who helped recruit Giffords to run for Congress in 2006. The announcemen...
Obama to Americans: 'We can be better'
TUCSON, Ariz. — President Barack Obama mourned Victims of the Tucson Shooting Spree Wednesday and urged Americans not to let a political debate over the tragedy be used as "one more occasion to turn on one another." In a Speech at a service for those killed in a weekend massacre that left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords gravely wounded, the president appealed for national unity and soul-searching after the shootings. He urged Americans to "expand our moral imaginations" and "sharpen our ins...
'Gabby Opened Her Eyes,' Pelosi et al Were In The Room, Boehner Stayed in DC, The Obama/Palin Contrast, Budget Cut Politics, Tri
SCOOP: 'GABBY OPENED HER EYES' -- Fast Break has nothing on the president, who broke the news last night that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords opened her eyes for the first time since she was shot in the head Saturday. "Gabby opened her eyes for the first time," POTUS said at the University of Arizona service for the slain and the survivors. HUDDLE SCOOP: PELOSI/DWS/GILLIBRAND WERE THERE -- @jonallendc (Huddle) Tweeted last night that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Sc...
Gabrielle Giffords first photos from her hospital room
Due to the overwhelming sympathetic response from the public following the near-fatal shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson Saturday, her office tonight released two photos from her Hospital room in the University Medical Center.
Due to the severity of her head injuries, neither picture shows the face of the congresswoman, who is breathing on her own now. Doctors issued a promising prognosis for her recovery on Tuesday.
The first new photo shows her left hand being held by her h...
Alleged gunmans family breaks silence
Stumble This! The US lawmaker shot in the head in an attack killing six in Tucson can now breathe unaided, doctors said Tuesday as the gunman's family broke their silence to say they were "so very sorry." Surgeons gave an upbeat outlook for Representative Gabrielle Giffords' condition, as President Barack Obama prepared to travel to Arizona and a harrowing account emerged about the youngest Victim in Saturday's Shooting Spree. "She's holding her own," said Mic...
Grieving Tucson braces for victims' funerals
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - She sang like an angel in the church girls' choir, was a top Student, and was gunned down at nine years old as she went to see government in action on a Tucson street corner.
Christina Green, the youngest Victim of a Shooting Spree last Saturday that claimed six lives and left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords battling for her life, will be the first to be buried on Thursday as Tucson grieves for its dead.
"She showed an appreciation for life uncommon for a girl her age," Pres...
Video: Giffords' Astronaut Brother-in-Law Issues Statement from Space
International Space Station commander Scott Kelly is Gabrielle Giffords’ brother-in-law, and today he made a statement on the shooting in Arizona.
As I look out the window, I see a very beautiful planet that seems very inviting and peaceful. Unfortunately, it is not.
These days, we are constantly reminded of the unspeakable acts of violence and damage we can inflict upon one another, not just with our actions but also with our irresponsible words.
We are better than this. We must do better...
Gabrielle Giffords now breathing on her own, doctors say
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' condition is "the same as yesterday," physicians at the University of Arizona College of Medicine's University Medical Center in Tucson said in a Tuesday news conference, but she is now breathing on her own.
"She is able to generate her own breaths," said Dr. Peter Lemole, the neurosurgeon who operated on her following the shooting on Saturday morning. Nonetheless, Giffords' doctors have left a breathing tube in place in an effort to prevent her from developing pneumon...
The amazing recovery of Gabrielle Giffords
By Michael J.W. Stickings
We've been focusing a great deal on the shooting and on what was behind it, that is, the larger socio-political context, but, lest we forget, the most amazing part of the story is happening at a Hospital in Tuscon:
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is able to breathe on her own, doctors said Tuesday.
Giffords remains on a ventilator to help her recovery, said neurosurgeon G. Michael Lemole Jr.
Giffords n...
Gabrielle Giffords Shooting: Jared Loughner May Have Been Influenced by Occult
© Splash
A macabre 'altar' in the backyard of Tucson shooter Jared Loughner
In messages left on the Internet before the shooting Loughner, 22, revealed himself to be a social outcast with paranoid, nihilistic beliefs and a fixation with grammar.
At a public meeting with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords three years ago he asked: "What is government if it doesn't exist?"
It left the politician baffled.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Centre, a US Civil Rights group, Loughner's lang...
Nancy Pelosi was in room when Gabrielle Giffords opened her eyes
Source: Politico
Nancy Pelosi was in room when Gabrielle Giffords opened her eyes
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, all close friends of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, were in the Hospital room with the Arizona Democrat when she opened her eyes for the first time since she was shot in the head Saturday during a rampage that killed six in Tucson, Ariz.
In a Speech at a University of Arizona service for the Victims of the shootings, President ...
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Can't believe what happened at the safeway near my office...prayers go out to Gabrielle Giffords & all the other victims & their families
Just realized nobody has made a joke about Gabrielle Giffords getting shot outside of a Safeway .
Is watching FTN's coverage of the tragic news of US Representative Gabrielle Giffords shooting & the death of others at the Safeway .
Best wishes to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D, AZ), who was shot in the head outside a Safeway near Tucson. Here's hoping for a strong recovery.
Gabrielle giffords got shot at a safeway by my house... :o I'm not even kidding
Holy crap, my friend used to shop at the same Safeway where Gabrielle Giffords was shot. Glad he wasn't there at the time.
Gabrielle Giffords Shot in the head during speech in safeway parking lot by a murdering hate driven man. See "The Washington Post"
Christina Green was very interested in politics due to her birth date and went to Safeway to meet Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D, AZ).
dammnn gabrielle giffords got shot in the head yesterday at safeway in tucson! 18 others hit, 6 dead
is watching "dateline". it's about the shooting of gabrielle giffords that happened here at the safeway like ten minutes away from my house.
Won't be surprised when right-wing blog-o-sphere blames the fatal shooting of six & Rep. Gabrielle Giffords on Safeway . via Rick Agran
Judge John Roll went to mass, stopped by Safeway , and was gunned-down as he stopped-by to thank Rep. Gabrielle Giffords .
I'm at safeway in tucson. No Gabrielle Giffords
Last Weekend This Guy Went Into SafeWay & Tried To Kill Congress Gabrielle Giffords He Killed 6 & 13 Were Injured, Youngest Dead 9 Yrs.R.I.P