Glenn Beck Whines: Only 14 Legislators Sign His Pledge Scam So Far

Glenn Beck: It’s been an interesting week for Fox “News” watchers—and by that I mean those like the News Hounds who try and make sense of the never-ending stream of mendacity and spin.

PHOTOS: Glenn Beck in pictures

Ever since the Tucson Massacre the station has been heavily invested in a campaign of misdirection, in order to pretend that words have no consequences or, in the alternative, if words do have consequences Sheriff Dupnik’s head should be on the chopping block for having the temerity to speak the ...

VIDEOS: Glenn Beck in videos

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thepatriotaddiction posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Glenn Beck won't say that the only media the AZ. Shooter was into was the liberal, progressive Zeitgeist, and a 9/11 truther movies.

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