Giffords attack sparks gun control fight

Gun Control: Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-L.I.) pushed to ban high-capacity gun clips on Monday in response to the Arizona shootings, but quickly got pushback from her Staten Island rookie colleague.

PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures

McCarthy, whose husband was killed in the 1993 Long Island Rail Road massacre, noted her experience of "senseless gun violence firsthand" in drafting Legislation that would ban gun clips and magazines with more than 10 bullets.

VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos

Rep. Michael Grimm (R-Staten Island), the newest member of the New York delegation, tol...

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aimen hasaan posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

New post: Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill

Clif Bailey posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Rep. Carolyn Maloney(D-NY), Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) are Anti- Gun BEDWETTERS!!!! Gun control is safe gun handling & hitting your target.

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