Jon Stewart: Jon Stewart’s transformation from jester to advocate has been debated all year, but many media writers noticed last week’s “Daily Show” coverage of the 9/11 First Responders bill crossed a clear line.
PHOTOS: Jon Stewart in pictures
In case anyone had any remaining doubts, Robert Gibbs called on Stewart for help, Matt Negrin reports at 44. “If there's the ability for that to sort of break through in our political environment, there's a good chance that he can help do that,” Gibbs said in h...
VIDEOS: Jon Stewart in videos
White House Looks to Jon Stewart in 9/11 Health Bill Bid
Because Jon Stewart is just so popular with the GOP(?!), the White House is taking the funnyman seriously when it comes to the proposed First Responders’ health measure. Not doing much to convince certain detractors that “The Daily Show” is in cahoots with the Obama administration, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs voiced his hope, during a press briefing Tuesday, that Jon Stewart would be able to rouse support among members of the Senate for a health measure designed t...
Robert Gibbs Looks To Jon Stewart To Help Get 9/11 First Responders Bill Through
There’s been a lot of talk about comedians being too involved in politics recently and it’s all seemed rather silly. Comedians and satirists have been an essential part of running a government since the first king decided he wanted a guy in a goofy hat to hang out in his throne room. However this story, about Robert Gibbs praising Jon Stewart is sure to get a lot of tongues wagging. And it should. Just not in the way it surely will.
Today in a press briefing, Robert Gibbs praised Ste...
White House Praise for Jon Stewart on 9/11 Responders
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs today was asked about Jon Stewart's advocacy of the 9/11 First Responders Legislation, which has been blocked by congressional Republicans. Gibbs said, "I think if there’s the ability for that to sort of break through in our political environment, I think there’s a good chance that he can help do that. I think he has put the awareness around this legislation -- he’s put that awareness into what you guys cover each day, and I th...
White House extends well-deserved praise to Jon Stewart
White House EXTENDS WELL-DESERVED PRAISE TO Jon Stewart.... It's too soon to say for sure whether Republican obstructionism will kill the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. The Supermajority appears to be coming together, and Senate Democrats are keeping the pressure on -- this new video is worth watching -- but time is running out, and a leading conservative senator and his allies aren't budging.
While we wait and see, it's heartening to see the White House give some credit to a certai...
Schumer: Obama Has 'Done Everything We Asked' On 9/11 Health Bill [Video]
There is at least one New York representative satisfied with President Obama's leadership on the 9/11 Health Care bill.
"As for the president, he's done everything we've asked," Senator Chuck Schumer told Andrea Mitchell this morning in an appearance on Morning Joe. "I have no complaints about the president's role on this. He's had a lot on his plate, but on this issue, he has done what we have asked him to do."
Schumer's comments come one day after Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney called on the ...
White House praises Jon Stewart for plugging bill to help 9/11 responders
Source: The Hill
White House praises Jon Stewart for plugging bill to help 9/11 responders
By Jordan Fabian - 12/21/10 11:45 AM ET
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs praised television host Jon Stewart on Tuesday for talking about Legislation stalled in the Senate that would provide health benefits for 9/11 First Responders.
"I think he has put the awareness around this legislation, and that's good," Gibbs said of the "Daily Show" host. During his press briefing, Gibbs said he hoped Stewa...
White House Looking To Jon Stewart For Help With 9/11 Responders Bill
So, per Politico, here is a thing that is happening in our lives:
Robert Gibbs, President Obama's Press Secretary, told reporters on Tuesday that he hopes ["Daily Show"host Jon Stewart] can persuade enough Republican senators to vote for a 9/11 health bill so it can head to the president's desk.
"If there's the ability for that to sort of break through in our political environment, there's a good chance that he can help do that," Gibbs said in his briefing. "I think he has put the awareness a...
Tom Coburn looks to block passage of health-care benefits for 9/11 First Responders
By Michael J.W. Stickings
Full credit, or almost full credit, to Jon Stewart for raising awareness of the urgent health-care needs of 9/11 First Responders at a time when most in the media, and so many in Washington, couldn't be bothered, and for advocating swift passage of the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.
As Slate's Chris Beam notes, examining Stewart's undesired role as partisan Political Activist, "[t]he bill wasn't as far from passage as it seemed -- Stewart just shined a ligh...
Baghdad Bob Wants Comedian Jon Stewarts Help to Pass Legislation
inge on Do Dems Have GOP Votes Needed to Pass START Treaty? (Politico)- Paging Jon Stewart: The White House needs your help. Robert Gibbs, President Obama’s Press Secretary, told reporters on Tuesday that he hopes the Comedy Central host can persuade enough Republican senators to vote for a 9/11 health bill so it can head to the president’s desk. “If there’s the ability for that to sort of break through in our political environment, there’s a good chance that he can...
Grassley still undecided on 9/11 first responders bill
While it’s important to provide assistance to 9/11 First Responders sickened by the toxic dust from the collapse of the World Trade Center, that assistance should not create another unsustainable entitlement program, U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley said Tuesday in a statement to The Iowa Independent. Legislation, known as the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, has been pending in the Senate for most of the year. It’s passage has been blocked by Republicans during the lame-duck sessio...
Daily Show: Lame-as-F@#k Congress
Here’s a tribute to a few Republican senators who find comfort and advantage in invoking the heroes of 9/11 but refuse to give them Health Care.
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Sen. Tom Coburn should be ashamed of himself.
Sen. Mitch McConnell should too.
Where are these supposed “Christians” when American heroes and other citizens need help?
They’re more worried about Tax Cuts for the mill-billionaire club and the heirs of wealthy estates.
Jon Stewart better advocate for Zadroga than Obama, says Rep., asking Pres to step up for 9/11 bill
As Ground Zero responders demanded the President push harder on the Zadroga health bill, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs seemed to pawn that job off on "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart.
The pivot peeved 9/11 advocates.
Stewart skewered the GOP for days on his show, devoting his Season Finale to the Zadroga bill last week - raising the bill's profile dramatically.
Gibbs Tuesday had praise for the comedian's aggressive, forceful efforts.
"I think he has put the awareness around this Legislation ...
The 44th-and-a-Half President of the United States
The Rally to Restore Sanity to How We Treat 9/11 Responders:
Paging Jon Stewart: The White House needs your help.
Robert Gibbs, President Obama’s press secretary, told reporters on Tuesday that he hopes the Comedy Central host can persuade enough Republican senators to vote for a 9/11 health bill so it can head to the president’s desk.
“If there's the ability for that to sort of break through in our political environment, there's a good chance that he can help...
White House Lauds Jon Stewart for Pushing Passage of 9/11 Health Bill
Jon Stewart is seen onstage at Comedy Central's Night Of Too Many Stars: An Overbooked Concert For Autism Education at the Beacon Theatre on October 2, 2010 in New York City.
(Credit: Getty Images)
During his press briefing Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters that comedian Jon Stewart may well have helped breathe new life into the prospects for passage of a Health Care bill for 9/11 First Responders.
Stewart last week devoted a nine-minute segment of his Comed...
Congress Poised To Expedite 9/11 Responders Bill Over GOP Objections
After months of GOP obstruction, a bill to help 9/11 First Responders cover their mounting Health Care costs is expected to zip through Congress. In addition to being a feather in the cap of New York and New Jersey Democrats -- who have been pushing the bill for months -- it will likely enjoy the distinction of being the last legislative item to pass the unusually productive 111th Congress lame duck session.
Republicans have blocked the bill in both the House and Senate over objections to its ...
Shepard Smith Unloads On Blockers Of 9/11 Responders Bill: 'How Do They Sleep At Night?' (VIDEO)
Shepard Smith excoriated the Senators who are holding up the so-called "Zadroga Bill" to assist 9/11 First Responders who suffer from medical problems as a result of their time at Ground Zero. The bill, which provides $7 billion for the responders, passed the House but is being held up by Republicans in the Senate.
Speaking to Fox News colleague Chris Wallace on Friday, Smith asked, "How do they sleep at night after this vote on Ground Zero First Responders from 9/11? Are they going to get tha...
Shep Smith to Tom Coburn: I cant believe youre blocking this 9/11 health care bill
Via Mediaite, I’m paraphrasing — but only a little. Shep’s emphatically in scold mode here, not only devoting a chunk of airtime to sympathetic video of 9/11 responders complaining about the delay but taking care to put Coburn’s photo onscreen at the end of the clip as a sort of lame shame ritual. Cloture on the bill failed last week, but Schumer and Gillibrand said over the weekend that they expect tomorrow’s second attempt to succeed. Quick passage assured, then...
Jon Kyl Still Making Sorry Excuses for Not Supporting First Responders Bill
It looks like Shep Smith isn't the only person on Fox News that was shamed by Jon Stewart into getting a bit tougher on these Republicans for filibustering the First Responders bill. Chris Wallace brought up Stewart's interview with First Responders to Jon Kyl, and in response we just got more sorry excuses as to why he still would not support the bill. Last week, an incensed Jon Stewart invited 9/11 First Responders to The Daily Show to offer their thoughts on this callous behavior. “Disg...
September 11, 2001 - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 09/20/01 - Video Clip
There were no openings for a man in a Fetal Position under his desk, so Jon Stewart had to go back to work. Digg This! The first show since the tragedy of September 11, 2001. Headlines - Respect My Port Authoritah! Gary Hart Pt. 1 Aaron Brown Pt. 1...
Mike Huckabee Pt. 1 - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 12/09/08 - Video Clip
Daily Show: Mike Huckabee Pt. 1 Mike Huckabee says the reason we have so much government is because people don't behave well with each other. Digg This! December 9, 2008: Daily Show: Mike Huckabee Pt. 1 - Video Mike Huckabee Pt. 1 Mike Huckabee Pt. 1 Mike Huckabee Pt. 2 Mike Huckabee Pt. 2 Newt Gingrich Pt. 2 Exclusive - Mike Huckabee Extended Interview Pt. 1 Barack Obama Pt. 3 Exclusive - Arthur Brooks Extended Interview Pt. 2...
Democrats laud Jon Stewart for pushing 9/11 responders bill (The Ticket)
Could Jon Stewart be looking at a new career as a Lobbyist?
Probably not, but the Comedy Central host is winning kudos from Washington Democrats for pushing a Sept. 11 First Responders bill on the "Daily Show."
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters Tuesday that he hopes Stewart can help Democrats win passage of the bill, which would offer Health Care compensation to responders and their families:
I think if there's the ability for that to sort of break through in our politica...
No Joke: Stewart's Barbs Got 9/11 Health Bill Moving
UPDATE: Despite growing support for the bill, there is no indication Tuesday night that Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla, is willing to allow the 9/11 First Responder's bill through the Senate. Read about his argument HERE . ORIGINAL POST: The White House said today that comedian Jon Stewart has “put the awareness” around the 9/11 Health Care responders Legislation, hoping that will lead to additional Republican votes for the bill. “If there's the ability for that to sort of bre...
Robert Gibbs Answers Your Questions with FIRE!
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs — who we saw earlier today making a personal appeal to Jon Stewart — is cuddly and would probably make a great snuggle partner in front of, say, a roaring fireplace. You could have Swiss Miss in mugs and wear matching Slankets as the snow fell outside and settled gently on the frozen ground. Perhaps a deer would pause outside your window, her breath crystallized in the air, and look in as you spooned with Gibbs and giggled over Jake Tapper...
White House praises Jon Stewart for plugging bill to help 9/11 responders
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs praised television host Jon Stewart on Monday for talking about Legislation stalled in the Senate that would provide health benefits for 9/11 First Responders.
"I think he has put the awareness around this legislation, and that's good," Gibbs said of the "Daily Show" host. During his press briefing, Gibbs said he hoped Stewart could convince two GOP senators to vote to break a Filibuster of the bill.
The House passed the Legislation earlier this year ...
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Watching Jon Stewart . Buzz kill. 9-11 first responder episode. It's a fucking shame.
Jon Stewart on 9/11 first responder bill was brilliant
Watching Jon Stewart 's First Responder episode on the HuffPost. It really is heartbreaking and really disgusting that their aid was blocked
AC360 covering 9/11 first responder health bill. Maybe in response to Jon Stewart 's criticism of the lack of coverage?
Jon Stewart is right, Republicans blocking the 9/11 first responder health bill is a disgrace and the media not covering it is a disgrace.
I am kinda in love with Jon Stewart after last night's First Responder 's episode.
Last night Jon Stewart brought much needed attn to 911 first responder 's health bill that's being held up by Republican Senators.
Excellent job last night by Jon Stewart - showing us how the REPUBLICANS blocked 9-11 First Responder Health Care - SHAME ON THEM.
When Jon Stewart is pissed, he is PISSED. And the senators who filibustered the first responder bill deserve all of it
Jon Stewart was interesting tonight. I can't believe that the Senate didn't pass the 9/11 first responder bill.
Powerful stuff from Jon Stewart tonight railing at Congress for failing to pass 9/11 First Responder Bill, unlike every other "news" network
I love the raging anger Jon Stewart has for the 9/11 first responder bill. He hits the nail on the head.