Bob Kerrey: Former Senator Bob Kerrey called into Imus in the Morning and said although Congress should postpone business temporarily as a result of the Arizona shooting, to do so for much longer would not be a good idea.
PHOTOS: Bob Kerrey in pictures
Also despite the investigation not yet revealing the killer’s true motives, Kerrey did not hesitate to offer up some speculation.
VIDEOS: Bob Kerrey in videos
Kerrey suggested: “Tomorrow they were going to vote to Repeal this Health Care bill, and well it’s not going to go anywhere in the Senate, it&...
Chamber Joins Push for Health Care Repeal
The US Chamber of Commerce has decided to come out in public support of repealing the recently passed Health Care law. From Chamber CEO Thomas Donohue’s State of American Business address:
By mid-December, HHS had already granted 222 waivers to the law—a revealing acknowledgement that the law is unworkable. And, with key provisions under challenge in the courts by states and others, it’s time to go back to the drawing board.
Last year, while strongly advocating Health Care reform, th...
Chris Korzen: If the Health Care Repeal Vote Is Symbolic, Why Have Such a Divisive Debate?
At a moment when we need to tone down the discourse in our politics, why have a purely symbolic debate over Health Care Repeal in the U.S. House of Representatives? The debate may take us back to the worst days of the Health Care discussion, when swastikas were commonplace at anti-reform rallies, and some Talk Radio and TV turned into hate radio and TV. Will opponents talk about "Death Panels," or "killing grandma?" Will people carry signs that say "bury ObamaCare with Kennedy" or wear t-shi...
House Resolution Would Condemn Giffords Attack (Full Text)
Members of Congress and staff members observe a moment of silence for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and other Shooting Victims, Monday, Jan. 10, 2011, on the East Steps of the Capitol on Capitol Hill in Washington.
(Credit: AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
The House of Representatives on Wednesday will vote on a resolution declaring that the House "condemns in the strongest possible terms the horrific attack" in Tucson, Arizona that left six dead, a congresswoman in critical condition and 13 ot...
Former Dem Sen. Bob Kerrey Says Giffords Shooter Was Angry Because GOP Was Trying to Repeal ObamaCare
…oh yes he did. Click here to cancel reply....
Bob Kerrey: Tucson Shooter Was Angry About Repeal Of ObamaCare
Former Senator Bob Kerrey demonstrates quite aptly why it's a good thing that he's a former Senator: Tomorrow they were going to vote to Repeal this health...
Bob Kerrey: The health-care bill was one of the reasons Loughner was angry
I know Ed mentioned it earlier but I think it deserves its own post. So random and haphazard is this that I can’t even tell if Kerrey means Loughner was angry about the original health-care bill that passed in March (i.e. the “rabid tea partier” narrative) or the Repeal bill that the House will vote on next week (which Kerrey explicitly mentions here). Presumably it’s the former. There’s not a shred of evidence I know of to support his theory and Kerrey himself se...
Repeal vote postponed, but will Giffords shooting change debate?
House Republican leadership immediately postponed the vote on repealing the Affordable Care Act after Saturday's shootings that killed six and left Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords critically injured. Congressional Quarterly's is hopeful that the Rhetoric in the debate once Congress takes it back up will "settle down."
“There will be a time of introspection,” said Rep. Michael C. Burgess of Texas, a physician and vice chairman of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on ...
He Was Angry About Healthcare
Ex-Sen. Bob Kerrey on Imus: “Tomorrow they were going to vote to Repeal this Health Care bill — and it’s not going to go anywhere in the Senate — it’s one of the reasons that this guy was angry and pretty obvious that he is, at least from me, where I sit that he’s mentally ill and deeply troubled.” Tomorrow is also 1/11/11 and there is just as much evidence that Loughner was angry about that, and perhaps even more reason to think it. How fortunate that B...
Video: Fmr. Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE) Says AZ Shooter Did It Because GOP Is Trying To Repeal ObamaCare!
Good grief. And good riddance to this moron. The moonbattery starts at the 2:24 mark where Kerry specifically pins the shooting on the GOeffort to Repeal ObamaCare:
'Jumping the shark" doesn't quite cut it in the face of such idiocy.
Will French Fries Become the New Broccoli for Health Reform Opponents?
Will French Fries Become the New Broccoli for Health Reform Opponents?
The Supreme Court recently declined to hear a case claiming a federal ban on violent Felons owning Body Armor violates the constitution, over the dissents of Justices Scalia and Thomas. Numerous commentators are now combing that dissent for hints on whether the justices will vote to uphold the landmark Affordable Care Act.
Predictions that the three Conservatives who did not join this dissent will also reject the Affordabl...
GOP walks unarmed into health-care repeal battle
By Nicholas Wilbur
Ed. note: Most of our posts the past few days have, understandably, been on the Arizona shooting. We'll have more on that terrible story, but now let's turn back to Congress and the House Republicans' effort to Repeal the Affordable Care Act. This is the first of two excellent posts by Nicholas on that very topic. The second will appear tomorrow. -- MJWS
It would take more than a Golden Parachute from Goldman Sachs, more than a harem of Argentinian mistresses, mor...
Why Did The GOP Think It Had To Delay The Health Reform Repeal Vote?
As Republicans prepared to take over the House, they announced one of their first bills would be the Repeal of health reform because "that's what the American People want."
If that's true, and repealing health reform is simply a sound policy decision called upon by the public, then why would Republicans have to indefinitely delay a vote that was scheduled for Wednesday in response to Saturday's attempted Assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords?
Yes, a memorial service is scheduled for Wednes...
The Chamber Shifts Right to Back Health Care Repeal
Tue Jan. 11, 2011 10:16 AM PST Just months after refusing to help Republicans overturn the Democrats' Health Care reform law, the US Chamber of Commerce has changed course and decided to push for Repeal, Chamber CEO and President Tom Donohue indicated Tuesday Morning. Donohue pointed to claims that the bill will raise premiums and kick people off their Insurance plans as justification for the Big Business lobby's shift: Workers who have been banking on employer-based coverage when they retire a...
Chamber of Commerce backs repeal of Obama health care law
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is backing Republican plans to try and Repeal President Obama's Health Care bill.
"We see the upcoming House vote as an opportunity for everyone to take a fresh look at Health Care reform," chamber president Thomas J. Donohue said in his annual State of American Business address. "And to replace unworkable approaches with more effective measures that will lower costs, expand access, and improve quality."
The Republican-run U.S. House postponed a Wednesday vote on re...
U.S. Chamber of Commerce backs health repeal
Source: Politico
U.S. Chamber of Commerce backs health Repeal
By CHRIS FRATES | 1/11/11 1:20 PM EST
U.S Chamber of Commerce president Tom Donohue said Tuesday that the powerful business lobby supports the House Republican Legislation to repeal President Obamas Health Care reform law.
Last year, while strongly advocating Health Care reform, the Chamber was a leader in the fight against this particular bill and thus we support Legislation in the House to repeal it, Donohue said during
It's Hard to Put a Price on Obamacare
The vote on repealing the Health Care bill looks likely to be delayed for a while, which gives us more time to quarrel over what such a Repeal would mean. Not what it will mean, of course--Republicans don't have the votes to get it through the Senate, so this is largely a symbolic move. But there's still plenty of room to argue about what would happen if they managed to retake the Senate and get it done. Democrats are pointing to the CBO score on repeal, which estimates that repealing the law wo...
Fresh from baby Congress training, Tipton vows to keep it civil
Scott Tipton is a co-sponsor of House Legislation to Repeal the Health Care law.
But the freshman Congressman from Cortez is the first to say the entire law isn’t bad.
He says he has a “heart for the Uninsured” and for those denied Health Care because of Pre-existing Conditions.
“But is there a better way of doing it than establishing a bigger Bureaucracy?” he said Tuesday from his office during a relatively quiet day on the Hill since the House has canceled most ...
Chamber Will Support Repeal Effort After Saying It Would Stay Out
When the Affordable Care Act passed last March, the powerful Chamber of Commerce initially ruled out any future efforts in support of Repeal. "If people want to try and repeal, let them," Thomas Donahue, the Chamber's president, told the Wall Street Journal. "We're not going to spend any capital on that." During the Midterm Elections, however, the Chamber ran more than 25,000 ads, almost all of them against Democrats and most of those demonizing the Candidates' support for Health Care reform. No...
Democrat: Giffords Shooter Was Angry Because Republicans Are Trying To Repeal Obamacare
“It’s one of the reasons this guy was angry,” says former Senator Bob Kerrey of Jarred Loughren. Right. So that’s why he murdered a Democrat member of Congress who voted for ObamaCare. Anyone else starting to get the feeling that Democrats consider any and all opposition to their agenda is what inspired Loughren? Meanwhile, in the United Arab Emriates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blames the shooting on “Extremists” who “sometimes get on TV.”...
THE LATEST Democrats Now Say Tucson Shooter Was Angry Because GOP Is Going to Repeal Obamacare (Video)
Do you believe these clowns? Is this what we’re going to have to listen to for the next year? That the crazy leftwing pothead killer shot up a Safeway because of Sarah Palin, or the Tea Party… or ObamaCare? Former leftwing Senator Bob Kerrey told Imus this morning that the reason the shooter was angry was because Republicans are going to Repeal Obamacare. Of course, there is not one iota of truth in that statement....
Obama Should Focus on Mental Health Care.
I wasn't a fan of David Frum 's "reefer madness" post on the Loughner shooting, but this is a good recommendation for what President Obama should say in his comments in Arizona tomorrow:
Go all in on Mental Health. Liberals will want the president to address Gun Control. Unsmart. Stokes your opposition, leads to a political contest you cannot win, and even if you do win, what really do you accomplish? A ban on extended magazines? Next time the killer will bring two guns.
But more resources for ...
Poor Hedge-Fund Managers See Rising Cost of Health Care
Photo: istockphoto
Well, it's official. The health-care Reform Bill really is harming small businesses — for instance, multibillion dollar Hedge Funds. White Plains-based Insurance broker the SKCG Group conducted a survey of hedge funds with an average of $2 billion under management ($250 million to $20 billion) and found that premiums for employees in this underprivileged sector increased between 6 percent and 18 percent in 2010, while at the same time, services that had once been...
Rep. Shuler: Repealing Obamacare Would be 'Immoral' and Take Away Health Insurance from Children
Monday, January 10, 2011
By Dan Joseph
Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) (AP photo)
( - Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) will not support Republican efforts to Repeal the Health Care bill that he voted against in 2010 and will not vote to defund many provisions in the bill that are already in effect.
On Capitol Hill last week, asked Shuler: “Rep. Steve King is advocating including language in every appropriations bill to prohibit money from that bill funding implementation of O...
Gregoire: Lawmakers need to be 'bold'
Associated Press
OLYMPIA. — Gov. Chris Gregoire wants the Legislature to be "bold" as the state faces a moribund economy and tackles a state Budget that is billions in the red.
In her State of the State address Tuesday, the Democratic Governor told a joint session of the House and Senate that lawmakers need to remake how State Government works, not just cut services to balance the budget.
And heeding the symbolic message of voters in November, when new taxes were voted down and an initia...
Wintry Thoughts on Political Heat
I’ve been snowbound since Sunday evening, stuck at home with kids who resent the fact that there are no snow days in homeschool, a wife who wonders why I don’t have a job in south Florida (but only on cold winter days), and two animals (a neurotic dog who keeps asking to go out and then to come in, and a kitten that is constantly hunting my various appendages). It’s enough to make a man snap.
Well, not quite. I’ve been keeping busy, preparing for classes that were s...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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