Chris Christie: Many Newspapers in New Jersey have outlined the problems that pensions for First Responders like police and Firefighters receive based on Salary, and now Governor Chris Christie is capping that.
Basically, a substantial amount of many municipalities' budgets in the state go to police and Firefighter salaries and their pensions, according to BusinessWeek.
But now when mediators step in with the unions, the maximum Increase will be capped at two percent.
Revenue issues in the state are a large problem, thanks both to emigration and the Cap on local municipal Tax Increases at two percent.
The state also faces a major Deficit of its own in the billions of dollars.
Christie has become a Lightning Rod as a Republican Governor in a blue state, but it seems that his policies at least back up his willingness to try and cut costs and make it feasible.
Christie signs law on arbitration
WAYNE, N.J. - Gov. Christie signed a bill Tuesday that caps increases to police and Firefighter pay awarded through Arbitration, a measure he called the most important of the proposals in his so-called tool kit to help towns control costs. With Democratic Senate President Stephen Sweeney of Gloucester County looking on, Christie hailed the passage of the bill as a testament to Bipartisan cooperation. "We've proven over the last year that Republicans and Democrats can get things done toget...
How Did Republicans End Up Against 9/11 Responders Bill?
With just hours left in the 111th Congress, Republican lawmakers find themselves the target of ire and scorn from the most unlikely of adversaries: the Firefighters and police officers who rushed into the burning towers on September 11 nearly a decade ago and worked at the site for months afterward.
That predicament crystallized Tuesday when Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor during the 9/11 attacks, condemned Republicans as being on the wrong side of “Morality” and “obl...
The GOP Hates Firefighters and Cops
So the GOP has now turned on the First Responders and continues to work to block healthcare for them. Bravo boys, keep up the good work. What a bunch of moral midgets. Any First Responder Scissorheads out there? I’m not trying to poke the beehive with a stick (all right, I am) but the popular conception is that Cops and Firefighters always vote for the GOP. So… do you guys wish you had voted for the other guys? Just curious....
Be a First Responder Mr. President
Mr. Obama is missing a golden opportunity in this debate about benefits for 9/11 First Responders. In usual Fashion the Congress is considering more spending Legislation, pursuing the same old discredited path of throwing Tax Dollars at a situation. Trouble is, we're broke. Republicans who object are correct: we should hold the line on spending, even reduce it. (And they will be cast hard-hearted by Democrats, as usual. Bottom line: it's all politics.) Democrats who...
Firefighters urge Coburn to drop opposition to 9/11 bill
Oklahoma City Firefighters are pressuring their senator to drop his opposition to a bill that would provide health benefits and compensation to Ground Zero First Responders.
The Firefighters association, recalling its own tragic day in 1995 when an Oklahoma City federal building was bombed, urged its senators to support a bill that provides $6.2 billion to workers who got sick at the Ground Zero site in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks.
With both chambers hoping to wrap up the...
Chris Christie's Pepsi problem, cont'd
I thought this was going to take longer to happen, but it looks like Gov. Chris Christie's extremely aggressive style is wearing a bit on his state: The polls, from Quinnipiac and Rutgers-Eagleton, show Christie's Approval Rating in New Jersey slipping a bit, with significant majorities skeptical that he'd make a good president or vice-president. The polling shows that Christie is one of the most polarizing Governors in recent New Jersey history, with more voters holding both a very favorable vi...
Chris Christie commutes sentence of man jailed for owning guns [Darleen Click]
You may recall the case of Brian Aitken, a man sentenced to seven years in Prison for transporting his legally owned guns in his car’s trunk while moving from Colorado to New Jersey. The NJ prosecutor and (now former) judge refused to allow the jury to hear those facts.
Gov Christie has commuted Aitken’s sentence.
TRENTON, N.J. — Gov. Chris Christie has commuted the sentence of a man who was sentenced to seven years in Prison after being found with guns he’d purchased l...
New Jersey's Chris Christie for president? Home-state voters say no.
Poll shows 65 percent of New Jersey voters would not back Gov. Chris Christie for president. Still, his job-approval rating is 'not bad' for a GOP Governor of a blue state....
Today's Chris Christie Lesson in Government
Abuse of the justice system must be corrected:
New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie commuted the sentence of Brian Aitken’s Monday, reducing his sentence from seven years in Prison to time already served. According to Christie’s order, he will be released as soon as it’s “administratively possible.”
As The Daily Caller previously reported, Aitken, 27, was arrested in New Jersey in 2009 after police found unloaded guns in the trunk of his car that had been purc...
Chris Christie Commutes Brian Aitken's Sentence
This is great news:
Brian Aitken, who was convicted of illegally possessing two Handguns that he had legally purchased in Colorado, will be spending Christmas out of Prison.
Gov. Chris Christie commuted Aitken's sentence, from seven years to time served, according to an order the Governor signed today.
Aitken had appealed to Christie for commutation after being sentenced in August. According to the commutation order, Aitken will be released as "soon administratively possible."
I'm waiting to he...
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Commutes Sentence of Man Sent to Jail for Owning Guns Legally
Brian Aitken, 27, seen here in an undated photograph, was sentenced to seven years in Prison for guns his attorney and father claim were owned legally. Some experts told the entrepreneur was a Victim of the country's "patchwork" of Gun Laws. A man given seven years in Prison after being found with two guns he purchased legally in Colorado has had his sentence commuted, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced Monday. The case of Brian Aitken, 27, had become a cause célèbre ...
Chris Christie: The Day of Reckoning Has Arrived
CBS: Then there's New Jersey. It has the highest taxes in the country, a $10 billion Deficit and a depressed economy when first-year Governor Chris Christie took office. But after looking at the books, he decided to walk away from a long-planned and much-needed project with New York and the Federal Government to build a rail tunnel into Manhattan. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize o...
Chris Christie on State Economies Tough Reality
click here to see
Bobby Knight And Chris Christie Have Something In Common
I have never been a fan of Bobby Knight. I have always been a fan of the team Bobby Knight played. But here is a blast from the past that I can agree with (and what he has in common with Chris Christie). Now all we need is for Christie to throw chairs on the NJ House floor after losing a legislative battle....
Chris Christie: The Scourge of Trenton
The administration is confident they have the best man to shape that discussion, and the ubiquity in the right-of-center blogosphere of YouTube videos showing Christie speaking eloquently, and extemporaneously, about his vision suggests they have it right. “I don’t think you can underestimate the political capital the Governor has accumulated in his first six months in office,” says Webber. “The first six months were crucial for him to establish himself as somebody who&rs...;
Real good news: NJ man jailed 7 years for owning legal guns gets sentence commuted by Chris Christie
This truly is good news! An update on a post from 3 weeks ago: NJ Judge jails man 7 years for owning legal guns, lets man free for having sex with animals. From New Jersey Online via memeorandum: Gov. Chris Christie commutes sentence of man convicted of having guns in N.J. illegally
Brian Aitken, who was convicted of illegally possessing two Handguns he had legally purchased in Colorado, will be out of Prison in time for Christmas.
Gov. Chris Christie commuted Aitken's s...
The Chris Christie Magic
I was just reminiscing about the halcyon era of a popular New Jersey Governor whose brash style and Reaganite agenda took the Garden State by storm, proving that true conservative principles can win the day even in deep Blue States. Come on the nostalgia tour with me, won't you? Here's Jennifer Rubin at Commentary:
The good news for Christie fans is that there are a few scraps suggesting that he hasn’t entirely closed the door on a 2012 run. (”Christie’s actions aren’t t...
Leadership: Governor Chris Christie Commutes Brian Aitken's Sentence
by the Left Coast Rebel
We didn't cover the story here but certainly were aware of it, the case of New Jersey resident Brian Aitken (pictured right) convicted to seven years in Prison for the possession of two Handguns that he legally purchased in Colorado.
Allahpundit provides some background:
...he’s a cause celebre among Libertarians and Second Amendment fans — for good reason. In a nutshell: He bought three guns, entirely legally, when he was living in Colorado and brought them...
NJ gov. signs law capping pay through arbitration
WAYNE, N.J. (AP) - Gov. Chris Christie signed a bill Tuesday that caps increases to police and Firefighter pay awarded through Arbitration, a measure he called the most important of the proposals in his so-called toolkit to help towns control costs. With Democratic Senate President Stephen Sweeney looking on, Christie hailed the passage of the bill as a testament to Bipartisan cooperation. "We've proven over the last year that Republicans and Democrats can get things done together," he said. "...
Providence fire chief blocks pension-boosting demotions
PROVIDENCE — After talking less than five minutes with Steven Pare, the man who will be his boss in two weeks, Fire Chief George S. Farrell rescinded the voluntary demotions that he granted two management-level Firefighters. Farrell said Wednesday’s withdrawal was easy to make, not because two City Council Members called for a swift reversal Tuesday and public criticism was immediate, but because, “I’m a guy who follows orders and directions from my supervisor without hes...
NJ Voters: Governor More Scrooge Than Santa
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - They could call him Gov. Scrooge. A new poll from Quinnipiac University finds New Jersey voters think Gov. Chris Christie is more like Scrooge than Santa by a 54 to 28 margin. Republicans saw him as Santa-like, 47 to 36. Democrats and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly found the Republican Governor to resemble Charles Dickens’ bah-humbugging character. Not everyone seems to mind that the Governor is a bit Scrooge-like. In another Quinnipiac Poll released Tuesday,...
Poll shows NJ voters continue strong medical marijuana support
New Jersey residents continued to resoundingly support legal access to Medical Marijuana according to data released by The Quinnipiac University Polling Institute yesterday. The extensive poll largely concerned opinions held about Governor Chris Christie, the Legislature and other politicians. But some issues were also put to 1, 276 registered NJ voters, including medical marijuana. Regardless of age, Ethnicity, gender or political affiliation the people of New Jersey support the rights of serio...
One of my oldest friends hits the big time
One of my oldest and dearest friends has hit the big time with an appointment from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
Labels: Mark Levenson, New Jersey Israel Commission
Congress OK’s $4.2b to aid 9/11 responders
WASHINGTON — After a last-minute Compromise, Congress passed Legislation yesterday to provide up to $4.2 billion in new aid to survivors of the September 2001 Terrorism attack on the World Trade Center and responders who became ill working in its ruins.
The House passed the bill on a 206 to 60 vote yesterday about two hours after the Senate cleared it on a voice vote as lawmakers raced to wrap up their work before Christmas. President Obama has said he is eager to sign the measure, though...
Poll Watch: Quinnipiac New Jersey Political Survey (Chris Christie Edition)
Quinnipiac New Jersey Political Survey (Chris Christie Edition)
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Chris Christie is handling his job as Governor?
Approve 46% {51%} [51%] (44%)
Disapprove 44% {38%} [36%] (43%)
Among Republicans
Approve 74% {79%} [75%] (75%)
Disapprove 21% {12%} [13%] (14%)
Among Independents
Approve 48% {56%} [61%] (50%)
Disapprove 41% {32%} [29%] (40%)
Among Democrats
Approve 22% {22%} [24%] (18%)
Disapprove 65% {68%} [63%] (67%)
Among Men
Self-Proclaimed King of Birthers to Run for President
Maine Lift Had Problems Other Than Wind
Cop Fatalities up in 2010
Wayne Furniture Store Explodes, Trapping Three Inside
Danes Foil Terrorists
Self-Defense Claimed after Body Discovered in Suitcase
Tracking Terror " Even on Vacation
Tea Party Gets Dunked: Murkowski Good to Go
California: More Death Sentences, Still No Executions
Dmitry Medvedev Bucks Putin, Calls For Press Freedom
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