Mayoral Candidate: Don't you just love it when the mask drops and these Racists expose themselves for all to see?Mayoral challenger James Meeks came under fire Thursday for suggesting that only African-Americans should be eligible for city contracts set aside for Minorities and women.
PHOTOS: James Meeks in pictures
Meeks made the statement on Wednesday during an interview on WVON Radio.
VIDEOS: James Meeks in videos
It happened during a discussion of why African-American businesses got a 7 percent sliver of Chicago’s $1 billion spending pie through Aug. 31, down from 8 ...
Chicago Democrat: Only Blacks Should be Considered Minorities, Says Women, Asians, Hispanics Shouldnt Be Able to Use That Title
How very Racist of him…
(Chicago Sun Times)- Mayoral challenger James Meeks scrambled Thursday to put out a political fire touched off by his suggestion that only African-Americans should be eligible for city contracts set aside for Minorities and women.
Meeks made the statement on Wednesday during an interview on WVON-AM (1690). It happened during a discussion of why African-American businesses got a 7 percent sliver of Chicago’s $1 billion spending pie through Aug. 31, down from 8...
Meeks says Hispanics, Asians, and White Women aren't Minorities
Chicago Mayoral Candidate the Rev. Sen. James Meeks said only African-Americans should be labeled Minorities and therefore the only ones who should be allowed to be Affirmative Action program participants. He further clarified that he meant Hispanics, Asians, and women should be excluded from such federal programs. Meeks says it isn’t fair that the share of city contracts going to African-American owned businesses has decreased in recent times. He believes only people of...
Meeks claims Emanuel kept black leaders out of the White House - Attempts backtrack on affirmative action blowup
* This week’s WVON mayoral debate appearance by Sen. James Meeks is something of a racially charged goldmine.
For instance, Meeks claimed during the debate that mayoral opponent Rahm Emanuel kept African-American leaders “out of the White House,” and said of Emanuel, “He’s never done anything for African-Americans.”
There’s more, so watch…
I asked the Meeks campaign twice yesterday to explain the White House allegation, but did not hear back.
Chicago Mayor Candidates: Only Black People Should Be Considered Minorities
It happened during a discussion of why African-American businesses got a 7 percent sliver of Chicago’s $1 billion spending pie through Aug. 31, down from 8 percent a year ago. “The word ‘minority’ from our standpoint should mean African-American. I don’t think women, Asians and Hispanics should be able to use that title,” he said. “That’s why our numbers cannot improve — because we use women, Asians and Hispanics who are not People of Color, ...
Meeks: No set asides for white women
* Rev. Sen. James Meeks has a well-known mouth problem. The problem is he continually inserts his foot into his mouth, particularly on the subject of race. From Fox Chicago…
On Wednesday, Chicago Mayoral Candidate James Meeks said that only African-Americans should be able to participate in Affirmative Action programs- and that Hispanics, Asians, and women should be excluded. Later, he tried to clarify his remarks.
Speaking to a Candidates’ forum Wednesday on black-oriented WVON ...
Racial Politics in Chicago, of All Places
Chicago Mayoral Candidate James Meeks is unhappy with the fact that non-African-Americans are participating in the city’s Affirmative Action programs, such as municipal contracting set-asides. “I think that the word ‘minority,’ from our standpoint, should mean African-American,” Meeks said. “I don’t think women, Asians and Hispanics should be able to use that title. That’s why our numbers cannot improve, because we use women, Asians and Hispanics, ...
Emanuel leads in Chicago mayoral poll: newspaper
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Rahm Emanuel, fresh off 11 hours of Testimony defending his eligibility to be Chicago's mayor, led a crowded field of Candidates two months before Election Day in a newspaper poll published on Wednesday.
Emanuel, who quit as White House Chief of Staff to run for the post held by retiring six-term Mayor Richard Daley, led with 32 percent support which was just ahead of the 30 percent who were Undecided in the poll commissioned by the Chicago Tribune.
Election day is February 2...
Republican Callers to C-SPAN Dont Support Steele As RNC Chair Because Hes Black
C-SPAN host Greta Brawner, going to the C-SPAN Republican phone bank, callers rail against blacks in general and Michael Steele in particular. “Diversity is terrible for any country. It’s terrible for any country and will destroy this country.” (via Crooks and Liars)
Maryland CALLER : You’re not going to like what I have to say so you can put your finger on the dump button… I don’t want Steele to be chairman of the Republican National Committee because h...
Racist C-SPAN Callers Say They Don't Support Steele as RNC Chair Because He's Black
On C-SPAN's morning call-in show Washington Journal on Tuesday, they took calls from Republicans only for reaction to Michael Steele's decision to run again for Republican National Committee chair -- and some of the responses were overtly Racist, to put it mildly. I didn't catch the entire segment, but these were two of the worst calls that I did hear, and I heard none that were complimentary to Steele. It doesn't look like their minority outreach program went over too well with these two birds....
Political correctness and people who call things Racist are the greatest threats to free Speech, says Andrew Breitbart in this video from Reason (zoom ahead to 1:35):
This is a nearly pure expression of conservative anti-anti-racism, or the idea that accusations of Racism (against White People) are far more harmful than actual incidents of Bigotry against Minorities (with the collorary that Minorities are guilty of tremendous Racism against White People). Smearing Shirley Sherrod is perfectly ok...
Mayoral candidate Davis releases tax returns
Why Chicago Mayoral Candidates Need 12,500 Signatures
Chicago Reader:
Now that Jay Stone's short-lived mayoral campaign is over--he's been knocked off the ballot--it's time to ask what that was all about.
He had no chance of winning: he was running without money, name recognition, or major supporters. And he'd gathered just 246 of the 12,500 signatures needed to get on the ballot. Stone says that although he really would like to be mayor, he was mainly setting up a court challenge to the signature requirement. Requiring so many signa...
VIDEO: Rahm Says Voters Should Decide His Fate
By Christmas Eve, Rahm Emanuel will know if his name will appear on the February ballot for the Chicago mayor's race. This week, the former White House Chief of Staff, spent roughly 11 hours testifying about almost every aspect of his life to prove he had always intended to return to Chicago and therefore qualifies as a Mayoral Candidate. Illinois law requires Candidates running for office to reside in the city where they are running for one full year prior to the election. The hearing officer p...
Meeks backs off from set-aside remarks
Mayoral Candidate James Meeks today sought to tamp down a campaign Controversy following his assertion on a radio program yesterday that white women, Asians and Latinos should not be included in city minority contractor set-aside programs.
Meeks, a State Senator and prominent minister, tried to shift the focus to what his campaign called systemic Corruption in the program and, in a statement, appeared to retract his comments.
Read more on Clout Street.
Washington Times
The Chicago Way is under way…again. This week, a Chicago Mayoral Candidate and opponent of Rahm Emanuel, a successful businessman named Tom Hanson, was removed from the ballot. Why? Because the City of Chicago lost his Statement of Economic Interest. According to Hanson, who previously ran against Rahm Emanuel for Congress, he even has the Chicago Board of Elections’ receipt of filing. Regardless, a hearing on Monday determined that he cannot be reinstated. (Are you laughi...
Boxes found! OR Photos faked?!
Boxes containing some of the belongings of Chicago Mayoral Candidate Rahm Emanuel and his family were found in a crawl space of their home in the Ravenswood community. The mayoral-race mystery of where Candidate Rahm Emanuel stored boxes of personal items has been solved. Attorneys for Emanuel visited the house he owns in Ravenswood at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, located the much-discussed “crawl space,” looked inside and found the valuable items Emanuel had maintained he had stored there. T...
At Issue in Emanuel Hearing: Boxes in Basement
Chicago — The contents of Rahm Emanuel’s basement took center stage on Wednesday in an election board hearing to determine whether he can run for mayor.
A tenant who is renting Mr. Emanuel’s home here told a hearing officer that she had never seen any of the boxes Mr. Emanuel said he stored in the basement when he left for Washington to work as President Obama’s Chief of Staff.
The tenant, Lori Halpin, testified during the second day of hearings over whether Mr. Emanuel meets the
As mayoral candidate who is also a minister, Meeks walks a fine line
Pacing as he dabbed his sweaty face with a towel, the Rev. James T. Meeks fired up his large crowd with an energetic rant about City Hall's shortcomings — poor garbage pickup, red-light cameras, underperforming public schools.
"It's time for us to stand up. It's time for us to get up. It's time for us to wake up!" he exhorted.
While it sounded like many of the political speeches the State Senator and Candidate for Chicago mayor makes on the Campaign Trail, this was a sermon Meeks delivere...
Quote of the Day
Norse mythology gets multi-cultural remake in upcoming movie titled "Thor," Marvel Studios. It's not enough that Marvel attacks Conservatives values, now mythological Gods must be re-invented with black skin. It seems that Marvel Studios believes that White People should have nothing that is unique to themselves. An upcoming movie, based on the comic book Thor, will give the Aesir an insulting multi-cultural make-over. One of the Gods will be played by Hip Hop DJ Elba.—The "radical and rac...
City contracts still white man's world, Liu charges
Companies owned by women or Minorities are getting just a tiny fraction of city contracts, according to city Controller John Liu.
"The city is not doing enough to level the playing field," Liu said Thursday as he unveiled a new website that tracks the share of city work flowing to women and minorities.
According to Liu, just 2.3% of city contracts are going to women or Minorities - $398 million, compared with $16.6 billion for companies controlled by white men.
The $398 million consists of $12...
Teachers should retain the right to strike
There is currently a school Reform Bill that will soon be voted on in the Illinois General Assembly. There is wording in the bill that would limit the right of teachers to strike. These bills are ostensibly for the entire state, but everyone realizes that they are directed at Chicago. In a Democracy, there is no place for a restriction on the right of the People to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Sound familiar? It should. That’s contained in the First Amendment to the...
Sen. Kirk says Emanuel heading to runoff if poll numbers 'hold'
Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk (R) predicted Rahm Emanuel would come out on top in the Chicago mayoral primary — if he manages to stay on the ballot.
Emanuel and his camp are in the fourth day of a Chicago Board of Elections hearing into the challenges to his ballot eligibility. The primary, set for Feb. 22, is a non-partisan contest where the top two vote getters advance to a runoff in November.
There are almost two-dozen Candidates, including Emanuel, vying to succeed retiring Mayor Richard Dale...
Why the answer is 'Generosity Unbound'
Partfour of a five-part series American Philanthropy is under threat. The current declines in municipal Real Estate alone might suggest to lawmakers to impose new taxes on endowments as a way of balancing depleted public budgets. But what a shortsighted idea! Private foundations are . . . private entities. And foundation endowments are private property held for the public benefit according to the Donor's intent. Tax Deductions for Charitable Donations were wisely established to provide an incen...
Rahm keeps his cool, wins the day and probably the mayors race
Rahm Emanuel sat for nearly 12 hours on Tuesday, fielding absurd questions from characters out of a farce, charitably, or an insane asylum, more accurately. He never lost his temper or uttered a single Profanity. He showed impressive patience with citizen objectors who droned on about wacko Conspiracy theories and asked such questions as, “Have you ever heard the term, ‘Smiling like a butcher’s dog?’ ”
The TV cameras, the print reporters monitoring this hearing — the que
Emanuel tops Chicago mayoral poll
Published: Dec. 15, 2010 at 12:20 PM Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel laughs as he prepares to testify as a witness at a hearing before the Chicago Board of Elections in Chicago on December 14, 2010. Emanuel's candidacy for Mayor of Chicago is being challenged on the basis of a law that requires Chicago residency for one year prior to running for municipal office. UPI/Brian Kersey CHICAGO, Dec. 15 (UPI) -- Rahm Emanuel is far ahead of his rivals in the Chicago mayor's race, a ...
Self-Proclaimed King of Birthers to Run for President
Maine Lift Had Problems Other Than Wind
Cop Fatalities up in 2010
Wayne Furniture Store Explodes, Trapping Three Inside
Danes Foil Terrorists
Self-Defense Claimed after Body Discovered in Suitcase
Tracking Terror " Even on Vacation
Tea Party Gets Dunked: Murkowski Good to Go
California: More Death Sentences, Still No Executions
Dmitry Medvedev Bucks Putin, Calls For Press Freedom
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